Stop working after 3years

I was using Deconz / Phoscon for about 3years with aqara sensors till this december it stopped working and i cant bring it back to work. some sensors i can learn new but they just update once then stop. in phoscon most of the devices are black but dont update… any help or advice?


When did you changed the batteries last time? They last about 2-3 years but reporting to 100% or close to 100% till they suddenly or slowly die with pairing and disconnecting issues.
If you press the pairing button and the pairing LED is faint that means battery is low.

will to start change some… but i dit actualy some time ago some…

also iobroker cant connect anymore… also wired

Yep exactly this.

Also, Can you share a screenshot of deCONZ?

Thats phoscon, i need deCONZ.

as i use debian on a server i dont can use deCONZ

In that case: How many sensors vs routers do you have?

i have one conbe 2 Stick and about 10-15 aktiv sensors

the connection with iobroker is working… but it looks the sensor dont give updates / or phoscon dont receive any… i also add an other device (not aqara) it gives 1 time datas and then no more… also if i relearn a device… one time and this is it

Can you share some logs? You can find out how to here> How to get logs?

Also, did you swap out the batteries?

ok… i let it run for a few min… but is so long i couldnt post all

here we go: LOG

Thats why we ask for Pastebin :wink:

voila… can you see something?

jemand eine idee… am anfang kommen da doch ein paar “failed” - anfangen kann ich damit so nichts… versteht das jemand?