New Tuya Smart Plug: NAS-WR01B or _TZ3000_w0qqde0g

Has anyone already ordered these? I will grab a few to test.

They do look more compact than the previous Tuya zigbee plugs, and hopefully they do both realtime reporting and correctly measure lower loads <4W too (which my BW-SHP15 does not, it will stay at 0W). Also still wondering if they are polling device instead of reporting…

[Update] After having used them a bit:


  • Cheap
  • Very compact!
  • Accurate reading >3W


  • Needs polling, so updates only every 60s or so
  • Load <4W is not registered (displays 0W)!
  • They do not seem to save PowerOn state, always Off after power failure.

[Update 12/21] A new FW update 1.0.10 (using Tuya Hub + App) fixes most important drawbacks: On/Off state is saved OK now, and the plugs now Report updates instead of having to be polled! Appversion in deconz is now 74. So they are pretty much the best value smart plugs around now.

[Update 01/22] received this plug type wit hnew manufacturer name: _TZ3000_gjnozsaz. Also supports the new Tuya FW update (Appversion 74)

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Please stick to the correct categories.

Moved from device requests to advice.

I received the first batch of 5 plugs, and the good news is they work out of the box on 2.13.1, but unfortunately the have exactly the same issue as the BW-SHP15: power <3W is not detected (reports 0W). :frowning:

The good news is they seem pretty accurate (>3W), are pretty cheap and extremely compact! My guess is it uses the same internals as the SHP15’s.

Model: _TZ3000_w0qqde0g
Label: NAS-WR01B (NEO)

[Update] It looks like reporting is not (yet) fully functional for this model yet. Reporting always gets reset to 1-300-1 every time the plug is turned off and on, regardless of what I configured before with “Write config”. It also seems it only updates every few minutes instead of every few s in vnc. When I press “Read”, everything gets updated immediately.

How can I check if it should be fully supported or not (since it does not seem to be updating in the api)?

Device info:


It would really help if there was a button to easily submit a new device including all required info… :slight_smile:

IDK, all seem fine for me, but if you want to change the reporting value, it’s on the second tab of the DDF editor “binding”.
Can you show the panel “items” if you select for exemple the state/power ?

ATM this DDF is not enabled , it’s on “draft” you need to select at least “beonze” and can try in the menu “hot reload”

But the code use a generic way for TS0011F, strange it work for some of them and not all.

Any idea why the values always reset to 1-300-1 after I have changed the values (e.g. to 3-15-1 + Write Config) and then turn the plug off and on?

And why that even with 1-300-1 the “Active Power” value does not change by itself even though it fluctuates constantly (when I press “Read” it always changes a bit):

I have DDF in “Draft”, so it’s ignored for now?

BTW: I added a second plug and it has exactly the same issues.


Any idea why the values always reset to 1-300-1 after I have changed the values (e.g. to 3-15-1 + Write Config) and then turn the plug off and on?

It seem it s the defaut deconz setting, so it s probably deconz that rewrite them, try to use the DDF to bypass the deconz legacy working mode.

And why that even with 1-300-1 the “Active Power” value does not change by itself even though it fluctuates constantly (when I press “Read” it always changes a bit):

Always 0, Not updated, even when you press the “read” button ?
The current is still 0 too ?
Try to make again the bind (as the reporting is already set) Cluster 0x0B04 > the gateway (using IEE, not group)

I meant it does not update the current value automatically as I would expect (normally it updates every few seconds). But these plugs just stay at 35W for example, until I press “Read”. When I manually press “Read” it does update to the current value just fine (for example to 36 or 34 W).

BTW: This still works for the BW-SHP15 plugs, they update every few seconds as expected.

And I don’t found more information on google.
If you set a reporting, press “write config” and just after “read config”, the values are same ?
Perhaps it s values not supported by the device ?

Something is wrong but I don’t know what. is there any way just to send a report with all information that is needed? Or maybe a small donation to get you one of these plugs te test with? :slight_smile:

Or maybe I should try to revert to the latest stable to test? Will the _TZ3000_w0qqde0g work on 2.12.6?

I think you will have the issue on all deconz version, and on more older, the power measurement not working at all for “TS0011F”

You have tried the “read config” just after the “write config” ?

Yes, it is saved and I can read it back, but reverts to defaults afte ron/off. And more importantly with it set to 3-15-1 for example, it still does not update (values don’t change in the cluster until I press “read”). BTW: Similar BW-SHP15 plugs (_TZ3000_mraovvmm) do report OK.

Maybe this Homey device “Interview” helps in any way?

"ids": {
    "modelId": "TS011F",
    "manufacturerName": "_TZ3000_w0qqde0g"
  "endpoints": {
    "endpointDescriptors": [
        "endpointId": 1,
        "applicationProfileId": 260,
        "applicationDeviceId": 266,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 1,
        "inputClusters": [
        "outputClusters": [
        "endpointId": 242,
        "applicationProfileId": 41440,
        "applicationDeviceId": 97,
        "applicationDeviceVersion": 0,
        "_reserved1": 0,
        "inputClusters": [],
        "outputClusters": [
    "endpoints": {
      "1": {
        "clusters": {
          "identify": {
            "attributes": []
          "groups": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "nameSupport",
                "value": {
                  "type": "Buffer",
                  "data": [
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
          "scenes": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 1,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 2,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 3,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 4,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
          "onOff": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "onOff",
                "value": false,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 16385,
                "name": "onTime",
                "value": 0,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 16386,
                "name": "offWaitTime",
                "value": 0,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 32769,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 32770,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 20480,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 32768,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
          "metering": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "currentSummationDelivered",
                "value": 0,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 512,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 768,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 771,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 774,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
          "electricalMeasurement": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 1285,
                "name": "rmsVoltage",
                "value": 234,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "direction": "reported",
                  "attributeDataType": 33,
                  "minInterval": 3,
                  "maxInterval": 15,
                  "minChange": 1,
                  "status": "SUCCESS"
                "acl": [
                "id": 1288,
                "name": "rmsCurrent",
                "value": 0,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "direction": "reported",
                  "attributeDataType": 33,
                  "minInterval": 3,
                  "maxInterval": 15,
                  "minChange": 1,
                  "status": "SUCCESS"
                "acl": [
                "id": 1291,
                "name": "activePower",
                "value": 0,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "direction": "reported",
                  "attributeDataType": 41,
                  "minInterval": 3,
                  "maxInterval": 15,
                  "minChange": 1,
                  "status": "SUCCESS"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1,
                "reportingConfiguration": {
                  "status": "NOT_FOUND",
                  "direction": "reported"
          "basic": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "zclVersion",
                "value": 3
                "acl": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "appVersion",
                "value": 68
                "acl": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "stackVersion",
                "value": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 3,
                "name": "hwVersion",
                "value": 1
                "acl": [
                "id": 4,
                "name": "manufacturerName",
                "value": "_TZ3000_w0qqde0g"
                "acl": [
                "id": 5,
                "name": "modelId",
                "value": "TS011F"
                "acl": [
                "id": 6,
                "name": "dateCode",
                "value": ""
                "acl": [
                "id": 7,
                "name": "powerSource",
                "value": "mains"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65502
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 2
                "acl": [
                "id": 65534,
                "name": "attributeReportingStatus",
                "value": "PENDING"
                "acl": [
                "id": 65506
                "acl": [
                "id": 65507
        "bindings": {
          "ota": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 0
                "acl": [
                "id": 1
                "acl": [
                "id": 2
                "acl": [
                "id": 3
                "acl": [
                "id": 4
                "acl": [
                "id": 5
                "acl": [
                "id": 6
                "acl": [
                "id": 7
                "acl": [
                "id": 8
                "acl": [
                "id": 9
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1
          "time": {
            "attributes": [
                "acl": [
                "id": 65533,
                "name": "clusterRevision",
                "value": 1
      "242": {
        "clusters": {},
        "bindings": {}

3/15/1, and it s working on Homey ?

With the _TZ3000_mraovvmm that works and it updates consumption every 3s, but not with these new _TZ3000_w0qqde0g plugs. They do not even automatically update in vnc! Only when I press “Read”. When playing with reporting settings/DDF, it sometimes updates once, but never keeps updating reliably.

BTW: I was editing ddf yesterday, removing and adding bindings/settings, and deCONZ crashed (restarting the Docker container).

My experience with this device can be seen here:

@Smanar Please check this post, looks like a similar issue where the plug does not report by itself?

By curiosity can you show the cluster list of a not working plug ?

@Smanar It’s exactly as the screenshots further up this thread. So it seems the plug does not actually save or use the reporting settings that are written from deconz somehow. I also do not see any “ZCL attribute reports” from these new plugs as I do with the SHP15’s (they report every 3s).
I am starting to wonder if they might be polling only, not reporting (even though "write config"does not produce an error)? If so: how can we change the polling frequency to for example 15s (maybe using DDF)? BTW: In the Tuya app they update every 3s.

Looks like this plug & FW version maybe only supports polling (search for _TZ3000_w0qqde0g)?

[Update] After keeping an eye on the api, it only updates every 1-5m, even with this config:

Is that the result of fixed polling?

Info L1 logs:
[Plug = Device 0xa4c138c783b59014]
20:09:39:949 Bind response success for 0xa4c138c783b59014 ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0B04
20:09:40:068 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 106 0xA4C138C783B59014 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0B04 attr: 0x050B status: 0x00
20:09:40:069 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 106 0xA4C138C783B59014 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0B04 attr: 0x0505 status: 0x00
20:09:40:069 ZCL configure reporting rsp seq: 106 0xA4C138C783B59014 for ep: 0x01 cluster: 0x0B04 attr: 0x0508 status: 0x00

Debug log:

I need the one with the node title and all clusters displayed.

After keeping an eye on the api, it only updates every 1-5m, even with this config:

But it update or not ?

If I remember, deconz try first the reporting, but if it fail, it make pooling itself automaticaly.

You mean this one?

Like I said I can change and write reporting config, but it always changes back to these values:

I only see an update every few minutes (in the api also), but you are saying that might be polling and not the device reporting? And if it needs to be polled: how can the frequency be selected? I would like them to be polled at least once every 15s because once every 2 minutes is way too low. How can we tell for sure if the plug should support reporting or not?