Issue with Ikea Fyrtur Roller Blind and Conbee II

Hello everyone,

I’ve been using an Ikea Fyrtur roller blind in conjunction with the Conbee II for approximately a year now, and up until recently, everything was working fine. However, I’ve encountered a peculiar issue that I’d like some assistance with.

For the past year, the roller blind was recognized as a light in the system, and while it was a bit odd, I was able to control it using the dimmer controls – raising and lowering it accordingly. But about a week ago, this functionality suddenly stopped working. I tried re-establishing the connection between the roller blind and the Conbee II, but unfortunately, this didn’t resolve the problem.

To troubleshoot further, I decided to start fresh. I obtained a new SD image and performed a clean installation of the latest stable version (2.22.2). However, even with this fresh installation, the roller blind remains unresponsive and unmanageable.

I’m quite puzzled by this sudden change in behavior. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue with their Fyrtur roller blinds or any other devices? I’d greatly appreciate any advice, suggestions, or insights on how to get the roller blind back to its normal functionality.

Here are a few details about my setup:

  • Ikea Fyrtur roller blind
  • RPi 3B
  • Conbee II Zigbee USB gateway
  • Previous functionality: Recognized as a light, controlled as a dimmer (from Phoscon and also Openhab3)
  • Current issue: Roller blind not responding to controls after a year of proper functioning
  • Attempted solutions: Reconnecting, new SD image, clean installation of Stable 2.22.2

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. If you need any additional information about my setup or the steps I’ve taken, please let me know. I’m eager to get this sorted out and have my roller blind working as it should again.

Best regards,

did you tried to re-pair it and also taking out the battery, waiting for few minutes and putting it back resolves many issues with my ikea roller shade.

Reconnecting I´ve tried. Few minutes ago I charged the battery and inserted it again. But it still don´t works in the app.

If I go to Devices → Blinds I can use the blind.

But I want to make it work with Openhab as a third party app. I added the blind from the UI in Things and linked it to a new automatically build item. That´s what is happening, when I try to lift the blind:

Sending command DOWN to channel deconz:windowcovering:xxx:xxx:position failed: 400 - [{"error":{"address":"/lights/10/state","description":"parameter, on, not available","type":6}}]

Any suggestions?


"/lights/10/state","description":"parameter, on, not available

State/on and state/bri are deprecated, deconz use now state/open and state/lift, and it’s not something new.

For the past year, the roller blind was recognized as a light in the system, and while it was a bit odd,

This support as light is now finished.

So you can update your “automation system” for it make new request. Or can use special DDF where you have re-aded thoses command.

Hi @Cpt.JackSparrow,

I have the exact same issue with Openhab3 and Fyrtur. Could you fix it with the DDF file?


I think it’s better to ask to Openhab plugin developper to use new command.
You can have the issue on other hardware too.

Basically you’re right. I found out this issue has already been fixed in Openhab4 ([deconz] Fix roller shutter status by dza1 · Pull Request #14827 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub). I’m not sure if there will be any changes for Openhab3 anymore. So the next project will be migrating to the latest version of Openhab, but since there are some breaking changes, I don’t like to rush into any more problems. A quick fix for the meantime would be nice.

I think this one is good DDF for Ikea Fyrtur roller blind by SwoopX · Pull Request #6110 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub
You still have the removed part inside

      "name": "state/bri",
      "parse": {
        "at": "0x0008",
        "cl": "0x0102",
        "ep": 1,
        "eval": "Item.val = (254 * Attr.val) / 100;",
        "fn": "zcl"
      "read": {
        "fn": "none"
      "deprecated": "2020-04-08"
      "name": "state/on",
      "parse": {
        "at": "0x0008",
        "cl": "0x0102",
        "ep": 1,
        "eval": "if (Attr.val == 100) { Item.val = true; } else { Item.val = false; }",
        "fn": "zcl"
      "read": {
        "fn": "none"
      "deprecated": "2020-04-08"
1 Like

Thanks @Smanar .
This DDF works for me :grinning:

Can someone explain, how to import a ddf?

  1. Make a backup of the orignal DDF. It should be somewhere here: “deCONZ\devices\ikea\fyrtur_block-out_roller_blind.json”
  2. Replace the following lines with the ones posted by Smanar:
                    "name": "state/lift"
                    "name": "state/open",
                    "parse": {
                        "fn": "zcl",
                        "ep": 1,
                        "cl": "0x0102",
                        "at": "0x0008",
                        "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val === 0"
                    "read": {
                        "fn": "none"
  1. Restart Deconz

Am I in the right directory?

EDIT: found it. /usr/share/…
EDIT II: smanars ddf did the job! \o/

In case anyone else has a problem making these changes work in the suggested fyrtur_block-out_roller_blind.json. I had the same problem, but the suggested fix didn’t work for me, because there’s now a new json file used by newer phoscon versions.

Using the Phoscon API debugging tool in the webinterface, I found a file called “blinds.json” (located at /usr/share/deCONZ/devices/ikea/blind.json

I edited this file and inserted the part suggested by a previous comment in this post (see detailed instructions below) and restarted the deconz daemon (without restart it won’t accept the new DDF). Now I was able to control the blind with my OpenHAB 3.1 setup.

NOTE: Don’t just copy the new DDF file, because the blind.json now contains several blind definitions. Basically what you do is remov state/lift block and then add state/bri, state/lift and state/on blocks from this DDF definition

If you prefer a patch, here you go:

---	2024-02-10 11:45:05.751349972 +0100
+++ blind.json	2024-02-10 11:47:55.876897378 +0100
@@ -74,16 +74,44 @@
           "name": "state/alert"
+          "name": "state/bri",
+          "parse": {
+            "at": "0x0008",
+            "cl": "0x0102",
+            "ep": 1,
+            "eval": "Item.val = (254 * Attr.val) / 100;",
+            "fn": "zcl"
+          },
+          "read": {
+            "fn": "none"
+          },
+          "deprecated": "2020-04-08"
+        },
+        {
           "name": "state/lift"
-          "name": "state/open",
+          "name": "state/on",
           "parse": {
-            "fn": "zcl:attr",
-            "ep": 1,
+            "at": "0x0008",
             "cl": "0x0102",
+            "ep": 1,
+            "eval": "if (Attr.val == 100) { Item.val = true; } else { Item.val = false; }",
+            "fn": "zcl"
+          },
+          "read": {
+            "fn": "none"
+          },
+          "deprecated": "2020-04-08"
+        },
+        {
+          "name": "state/open",
+          "parse": {
             "at": "0x0008",
-            "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val < 100"
+            "cl": "0x0102",
+            "ep": 1,
+            "eval": "if (Attr.val == 100) { Item.val = false; } else { Item.val = true; }",
+            "fn": "zcl"
           "read": {
             "fn": "none"

Just for google reference: Before that I kept getting this error in the openhab logfile at /var/log/openhab/openhab.log :

2024-02-10 11:49:29.539 [WARN ] [ernal.handler.DeconzBaseThingHandler] - Sending command DOWN to channel deconz:windowcovering:00312F081234:123456fffe51d0e501:position failed: 400 - [{"error":{"address":"/lights/22/state","description":"parameter, on, not available","type":6}}]

But the problem is state/on and state/bri will soon desapear.
The OpenHAB plugin don’t manage state/lift and state/open ?


I absolutely second Smanar on this one here. While it is great to see that information is shared around here, it would probably more beneficial for all the OpenHAB users out there to have the API usage changed and rely on future-proof resource items and not those which are marked as deprecated.

The required change should be quite easy for the OpenHAB devs :+1:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Can’t pair Fyrtur