ConBee 2 disconnects 1-3 Times a day

So, I got some quick feedback. To make it simple: the 66e07 Firmware had some not really legal settings in it (according to ETSI) so we must change them to Zigbee standard. If there are further issues with interferences after this version, there must be other reasons for that, like USB devices, SSD´s, Wifi…

If oyu are using Z2m, we can’t rule out Z2M influence. So if it works fine with deCONZ this could be something in Z2m.

agreed. Any specific way I should troubleshoot? Should this even go here, or z2m way instead?

We only support deCONZ here :sweat_smile:

On my end, i changed nothing. It‘s all the same since i‘m using conbee 2 with deconz. Native Ubuntu, latest version!

if it doesnt fail by tomorrow, I’ll flash the latest then try switching to the hass deconz integration for @ReviloEgros sake. Hopefully we can find and help squash the bug.

unfortunately it does not crash on deconz. I guess I will have to reach out on z2m boards… or go with the sonoff zigbee 3.0 which I’ve recently deployed and seems to have none such issues and all benefits.

A post was split to a new topic: Conbee Disconnecting