I’m using the Aqara vibration sensor (DJT11LM) on my windows to detect possible glass breaking. The sensors will then trigger my alarmsystem. To connect my Zigbee devices, I use the Raspbee II with the newest firmware/version.
After I discovered that some of my sensors generate false/positives, I adjusted the sensitivity using the REST-API with following command:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"sensitivity": 1}' http://myIP/api/myAPIKey/sensors/3/config
When I check the sensitivity right after I’ve done the change using
curl -X GET http://myIP/api/myAPIKey/sensors/3
I get a sensitivity of 1 back. However, after a few days some of the sensors simply reset their sensitivity back to the default value (2 = very sensitiv). After a restart of my Raspbee II Gateway or my whole Raspberry Pi, every sensor gets resetted to the default value.
I read about the need to keep the Aqara vibration sensors awake by pressing the pair button before, while and after you change the sensitivity. I did that as well but it doesn’t seem to change anything.
I also noticed that whenever I use the deConz GUI via RealVNC Viewer, all my devices are missing in Home Assistant. They’re still available in Phoscon but they’re missing (greyed out) in Home Assistant.
Has anyone an idea on how to fix this problem?
Thanks for the help in advance!