Aqara vibration sensor resets sensitivity


I’m using the Aqara vibration sensor (DJT11LM) on my windows to detect possible glass breaking. The sensors will then trigger my alarmsystem. To connect my Zigbee devices, I use the Raspbee II with the newest firmware/version.

After I discovered that some of my sensors generate false/positives, I adjusted the sensitivity using the REST-API with following command:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"sensitivity": 1}' http://myIP/api/myAPIKey/sensors/3/config

When I check the sensitivity right after I’ve done the change using

curl -X GET http://myIP/api/myAPIKey/sensors/3

I get a sensitivity of 1 back. However, after a few days some of the sensors simply reset their sensitivity back to the default value (2 = very sensitiv). After a restart of my Raspbee II Gateway or my whole Raspberry Pi, every sensor gets resetted to the default value.

I read about the need to keep the Aqara vibration sensors awake by pressing the pair button before, while and after you change the sensitivity. I did that as well but it doesn’t seem to change anything.

I also noticed that whenever I use the deConz GUI via RealVNC Viewer, all my devices are missing in Home Assistant. They’re still available in Phoscon but they’re missing (greyed out) in Home Assistant.

Has anyone an idea on how to fix this problem?

Thanks for the help in advance!


Thee was a recent chnages on them Fix sensitivity for lumi_vibration_aq1 by ebaauw · Pull Request #7208 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub, what is your deconz version ?

I read about the need to keep the Aqara vibration sensors awake by pressing the pair button before, while and after you change the sensitivity. I did that as well but it doesn’t seem to change anything.

Yes if you use the GUI, as you are using the API, it’s no a problem, deconz just wait for the device be awake.

I also noticed that whenever I use the deConz GUI via RealVNC Viewer, all my devices are missing in Home Assistant. They’re still available in Phoscon but they’re missing (greyed out) in Home Assistant

This is not normal, phoscon and HA are using the same API, so if the device is working on one, it need to work on the second one ?
When you say all your devices, routers too ?

Exactly the same for me. I have one lumi.vibration.aq1 with many false positives.

On 2024-03-03 I set the sensitivity to 0 (which is the lowest according to lumi.vibration.aq1). Two days later on 2024-03-06 the false positives are back. Since than many many ANNOYINGLY MANY false positives.

Now I checked the settings using a RESTClient:

  "96": {
    "config": {
      "battery": 92,
      "duration": 65,
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true,
      "sensitivity": 2,
      "sensitivitymax": 2,
      "temperature": 1500
    "ep": 1,
    "lastannounced": "2024-02-23T17:38:36Z",
    "lastseen": "2024-03-09T18:46Z",
    "manufacturername": "LUMI",
    "modelid": "lumi.vibration.aq1",

What the… is going on here? This really bothers me on an every day basis - even multiple times a day. The vibration sensor triggers things which create real issues in case of false positives.

Vibration sensor 1:

  "61": {
    "config": {
      "battery": 98,
      "duration": 65,
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true,
      "sensitivity": -8,

Vibration sensor 2:

  "96": {
    "config": {
      "battery": 92,
      "duration": 65,
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true,
      "sensitivity": 2,

Vibration sensor 3:

  "97": {
    "config": {
      "battery": 95,
      "duration": 65,
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true,
      "sensitivity": 2,

I now did the same like I did on 2024-03-03: set sensitivity to 0 for all of them using below’s Home Assistant service [*1]. Let’s see how long this value will exist, currently according to the API all three are set to 0.


service: deconz.configure
  entity: binary_sensor.vibration_name
      sensitivity: 0

@Smanar: Shall we raise this as issue @ GitHub?

…aaaaand all of them have been reset. To their former values. Discovered using the API as one had a falsely trigger vibration just right now. It’s been only few hours! Less then 3 to be a bit more precisely.

What the hell…

There is a PR about negative value Fix negative value for sensitivity for Aqara/Xiaomi vibration sensor by Smanar · Pull Request #7618 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

And they are sleeper, so when you change a value in the API, can take long time for the device awake and deconz send the request.

You haven’t error message when (trying to) changing the value to 0 ?

If youi have the GUI you can too take a look direclty on the device

           "cluster": "0x0000",
           "attribute": "0xFF0D",

No error message. No idea if the issue is in deCONZ or the devices, but as this was working for years and I suspect recent update (deCONZ 2.25.3), I put my bets on deCONZ.

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also I was wondering, is it normal that these Aqara vibration sensors are seen as “locks”? I see locks related tabs in deconz, see image attached

This is an information from the device firmware, you can found tuya covering described as smart plug.

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