Aqara vibration sensor resets sensitivity

You are using deconz ?
If you try to awake the device in same time, same result ?

The value needs to be written via REST-API (which also takes care to transmit as soon as the device is awake) otherwise it can be reverrted later on.

Hi @manup and @Smanar

I tried to awake the device by moving de sensor and or pressing its button and trying to write the new sensitivity value via deconz short after, but that didn’t do the job…
I even took out the battery and tried it after putting it in again…

I’m not really familiar with using the REST-API MANUally ( :slight_smile: ) is there another way or maybe will there be a bugfix?

thx for your help

I m trying to do both action in same time, but your procedure is fine for me, you are trying to set “0” instead of “1” ?

Yes I try to set sensitivity to low.
Right now the sensor reacts way to often what really is annoying.

Sorted out on your side @beatpaul ?

Mine are still driving me nuts so I had to basically disable them completely. Better to get no notification at all than multiple false alarms every day.