About 2 days ago I noticed some of the Jasco zigbee switches would not go on when commanded via HomeSeer. Looking at deCONZ, I noticed if I click on the switch and open Cluser Info, Manufacturer Name and Model Identifier were blank. After trying to execute a read, this information would still remain empty. Only after resetting the switch and discovering it again would that information now populate and the switch functioned again.
Does anyone know what caused this and how to correct it without having to delete and rediscover over 100 switches?
Here is my system info:
ConBee III running firmware 26510900
deCONZ 2.29.1
Are these switches mains powered? If they are battery powered in order to read attributes the device usually needs to be awake, by pressing a button on the switch after clicking the “read” button.
Can you share a screenshot of deCONZ, are there still green lines between devices?
Can you please also share the zll.db file, or an backup created in the Phoscon App and send it to support@dresden-elektronik.de I’d like to check which are running on DDFs and which are handled by old code.
Hi thanks for the backup, I’d suggest to test with the upcoming version if it works better due the refactored scheduling. I’m currently merging the last code snippets and release should be ready tomorrow.
I updated to v2.29.2 and let it run for a few days. Lights seamed to work correctly and after a few days, lights started to not respond. I did a debug, and spotted lots of Delays again.
Thanks for testing the new version and the log. Does a restart of deCONZ help temporarily with the delays?
I’m trying to figure out the affected devices in the log and match them with the database in the backup.
I just did a restart and captured a new debug, still lots of Delays. Not sure if random or not, but a light that worked in the beginning failed after a few days.
Prior versions seemed to get worse over time to the point lights would take a while to operate (few seconds) or not work at all. This version seemed to be on the right track where lights did not delay up to the point I noticed a light not responding.
Thanks, from checking your backup database against the codebase and existing DDFs it can be seen that most of your devices (94) are from “Jasco Products” brand. And here only dimmable and on/off types, so should be rather simple to add as DDF.
I’ll prepare DDFs for the model IDs “43076” and “43080”, hopefully this should tame the scheduler and doesn’t need the legacy code anymore. Another “Jasco Products” DDF shows that they seem to support reporting, which is good to get rid of polling the device state which also amplifies the delayed APS queue messages.