Sensor status stops working after a short time

Since the latest update, all of my sensors stop working after a while. After a restart everything is still reported correctly (example: door open/closed), but after about 30 minutes it no longer works. The status of all sensors essentially freezes and is no longer updated. Everyone is online. When you manually click buttons on the sensors, they also show a transmission, but the status no longer changes. After restarting deconz it works again for about 30 minutes.
ConBee 3, latest firmware, deConz is now beta channel, but the bug was also present in the last stable version.
Sensors are predominantly Aqara window sensors, but also temperature sensors, motion detectors, water sensors and vibration sensors.
Lights continue to work without any problems.

Host system: Raspberry Pi
Running method: Raspbian
Firmware version: 26530900
deCONZ version (not Home assistant Addon version!): 2.28.0
Device: ConBee III
Do you use an USB extension cable: no
Is there any other USB or serial devices connected to the host system? no

Hi, can you provide the screenshot ive asked for?

This is the overview of the sensors, all marked as online. I picked one, opened the door, but the sensor still says closed and last activity about half an hour ago.

For information, the sensor can’t know if the gateway is restarted or not, it send report or not.
So if it work better after a restart, it’s from the gateway.

Can come from the OS too, can you make a try on another machine ? On a PC for exemple, just for somes hours to test. You can backup/restore the zigbee network using phoscon from a host to another.

Yes, very strange. It definitly started with an Update, three days ago everything worked fine with the exact same Hardware.
I will try it with my Laptop tomorrow.

No deconz is what I need, not phoscon.

How many routers do you have?

It’s a headless Installation, so I have no GUI.

What Do you mean with Router? If you mean devices, that have a Power supply and are Routing the Signal, there are 11.

This might help

My suspicion is you need more routers because there’s not enough strong connections.

I think that makes no sense. No Sensor is working after a while, even those just 20cm from the conbee Stick.
Until yesterday the whole setup worked perfectly for nearly one year with the same Hardware as today. And every plug or light is still working when the issue appears, even those that are 3 rooms away. In every Room with a Sensor, there is also a Router. Just the Sensors don’t work. All Sensors stop working at the exact same time.

Might also help to share some logs

Please use pastebin for sharing.

Good morning everyone,

I can hardly believe it myself, but today the problem no longer exists, I can no longer reproduce it.
That’s great for now, but somehow it bothers me not to know what was going on. Anyway, I’ll keep watching, but at best you won’t hear from me again :smile:
Thank you very much!

1 Like

Okay, Problem is still there.
I wanted to create the debug-log, but in the moment everything stops working, the log file also stopped. I ran the process until 12:30, but the log file has the last debug message at 11:30, where everything stopped.
I really don’t know what’s going on and why my system just stops working for no reason…

11:30:25:670 [INFO] - No button map for: TS011F, unicast to: 0x0000, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: 0x0B04, command: 0x0A, payload: 0805210000, zclSeq: 206
11:30:25:670 ZCL attribute report 0xA4C13844B9375189 for cluster: 0x0B04, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000 
11:30:25:670 	payload: 0805210000
11:30:25:670 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:25.669","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:25:670 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:25.669","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:27:328 APS-DATA.request id: 120, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x7CB03EAA0A014313, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x04
11:30:27:328 	asdu (length: 2): 1F06
11:30:27:412 APS-DATA.confirm id: 120, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
11:30:27:454 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0xA9C7, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 185, rssi: -71
11:30:27:454 	asdu: 1f00080602c7b60dffff2e2100c7b60dffff2e210000002401012cc7b60dffff2e2100056af10401881700b7aa4201013a
11:30:27:454 APS-DATA.indication request id: 120 -> finished
11:30:27:454 APS-DATA.request id: 120 erase from queue
11:30:27:455 Websocket send message: {"attr":{"id":"1","lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2024-08-23T10:30Z","manufacturername":"OSRAM","modelid":"Plug 01","name":"Verstärker","swversion":"V1.04.12","type":"On/Off plug-in unit","uniqueid":"7c:b0:3e:aa:0a:01:43:13-03"},"e":"changed","id":"1","r":"lights","t":"event","uniqueid":"7c:b0:3e:aa:0a:01:43:13-03"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:27:455 Websocket send message: {"attr":{"id":"1","lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2024-08-23T10:30Z","manufacturername":"OSRAM","modelid":"Plug 01","name":"Verstärker","swversion":"V1.04.12","type":"On/Off plug-in unit","uniqueid":"7c:b0:3e:aa:0a:01:43:13-03"},"e":"changed","id":"1","r":"lights","t":"event","uniqueid":"7c:b0:3e:aa:0a:01:43:13-03"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:638 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0xC392, srcEp: 0x01 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0702, lqi: 183, rssi: -73
11:30:28:638 	asdu: 18cd0a000025705b00000000
11:30:28:640 [INFO] - No button map for: TS011F, unicast to: 0x0000, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: 0x0702, command: 0x0A, payload: 000025705B00000000, zclSeq: 205
11:30:28:640 ZCL attribute report 0xA4C13844B9375189 for cluster: 0x0702, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000 
11:30:28:640 	payload: 000025705b00000000
11:30:28:641 Websocket send message: {"attr":{"id":"3","lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2024-08-23T10:30Z","manufacturername":"_TZ3000_j1v25l17","modelid":"TS011F","name":"Smart plug 3","swversion":"1.0.4","type":"Smart plug","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01"},"e":"changed","id":"3","r":"lights","t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:641 Websocket send message: {"attr":{"id":"3","lastannounced":null,"lastseen":"2024-08-23T10:30Z","manufacturername":"_TZ3000_j1v25l17","modelid":"TS011F","name":"Smart plug 3","swversion":"1.0.4","type":"Smart plug","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01"},"e":"changed","id":"3","r":"lights","t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:642 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"7","r":"sensors","state":{"consumption":234080,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:28.639"},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0702"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:642 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"7","r":"sensors","state":{"consumption":234080,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:28.639"},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0702"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:670 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0xC392, srcEp: 0x01 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0B04, lqi: 183, rssi: -73
11:30:28:670 	asdu: 18cf0a0b05290000
11:30:28:672 [INFO] - No button map for: TS011F, unicast to: 0x0000, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: 0x0B04, command: 0x0A, payload: 0B05290000, zclSeq: 207
11:30:28:672 ZCL attribute report 0xA4C13844B9375189 for cluster: 0x0B04, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000 
11:30:28:672 	payload: 0b05290000
11:30:28:673 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:28.671","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:673 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:28.671","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:686 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0xC392, srcEp: 0x01 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0B04, lqi: 184, rssi: -72
11:30:28:686 	asdu: 18ce0a0805210000
11:30:28:688 [INFO] - No button map for: TS011F, unicast to: 0x0000, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: 0x0B04, command: 0x0A, payload: 0805210000, zclSeq: 206
11:30:28:688 ZCL attribute report 0xA4C13844B9375189 for cluster: 0x0B04, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000 
11:30:28:688 	payload: 0805210000
11:30:28:688 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:28.686","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:28:688 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:28.686","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:31:341 [Master] read param with arg 0x19
11:30:31:629 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0xC392, srcEp: 0x01 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0702, lqi: 185, rssi: -71
11:30:31:629 	asdu: 18cd0a000025705b00000000
11:30:31:631 [INFO] - No button map for: TS011F, unicast to: 0x0000, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: 0x0702, command: 0x0A, payload: 000025705B00000000, zclSeq: 205
11:30:31:631 ZCL attribute report 0xA4C13844B9375189 for cluster: 0x0702, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000 
11:30:31:631 	payload: 000025705b00000000
11:30:31:631 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"7","r":"sensors","state":{"consumption":234080,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:31.629"},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0702"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:31:632 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"7","r":"sensors","state":{"consumption":234080,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:31.629"},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0702"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:31:645 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0xC392, srcEp: 0x01 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0B04, lqi: 183, rssi: -73
11:30:31:645 	asdu: 18cf0a0b05290000
11:30:31:647 [INFO] - No button map for: TS011F, unicast to: 0x0000, endpoint: 0x01, cluster: 0x0B04, command: 0x0A, payload: 0B05290000, zclSeq: 207
11:30:31:647 ZCL attribute report 0xA4C13844B9375189 for cluster: 0x0B04, ep: 0x01, frame control: 0x18, mfcode: 0x0000 
11:30:31:647 	payload: 0b05290000
11:30:31:647 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:31.645","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:31:647 Websocket send message: {"e":"changed","id":"6","r":"sensors","state":{"current":0,"lastupdated":"2024-08-23T10:30:31.645","power":0,"voltage":230},"t":"event","uniqueid":"a4:c1:38:44:b9:37:51:89-01-0b04"} (ret = 93919232)
11:30:31:677 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0xC392, srcEp: 0x01 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0B04, lqi: 184, rssi: -72
11:30:31:677 	asdu:

Hello, after upgrading the deconz home assistant addon to version 7.0.0 today my aqara open close sensors dont work anymore. They either stay open or closed. I have about 15 sensors, none works anymore. Can somebody help?
Motion sensors still work as of now…

Raspberry pi 4 and conbee III

Ok I just reverted back to the deconz add-on version 6.23.0 and all sensors work like they should, open close update within 1second… so there is something with the upgrade?