With the Conbee II can I set it up to run arbitrary scripts from buttons?
What I really wanna do is have a way to start and stop my mpd music player from a button next to my stereo.
I searched for smart buttons and a lot of them need special hubs or apps. I do have an iPad currently and I don’t mind using it for setup, but once I’m set I want a system that doesn’t depend on having an iPad in case it breaks or I lose it.
I also have Debian computers, one AMD64 and one Raspberry, so the Conbee II seemed more appealling to me: a li’l USB stick that doesn’t need its own power supply.
A store in my neighbourhood sells Conbee II and Philips Hue Dim Switch v2 929002398602. It’s specifically meant for lamps like “big sun” → brighter, “small sun” → dimmer, “hue” → change colors etc.
But I don’t have any lamps and I don’t want any. Instead I wanna write li’l scripts so that the “big sun” means “next track” and that the “hue” button plays a different album depending on what day of the week it is or how many times it’s already been pressed recently etc etc. (I mean, as long I can get the buttons to run arbitrary shell scripts or HTTPS requests I’d be set, because I know how to make those; for example I have a script “if this script is run and it’s morning and I’m already playing The Cranberries, put Cornershop on, but if music is paused, instead play some Wishbone Ash” or whatever.)
Is this possible? I saw that there’s a rest API and that maybe I could make my scripts poll the state of the button (although this particular device isn’t listed in the API docs) and push comes to shove, that’ll be OK, but that does sound a li’l backwards since that’d make it hard to make “cycling” buttons that I can rapidly press a couple of times in a row to cycle to a particular state.
So the question is: should I stroll down to my neighborhood store and buy these two li’l gadgets (and no other “hubs” or whatever because the Conbee II will be the hub) and this’ll be possible, and/or am I overlooking an easier and better solution?
I forgot to say that none of the computers are particularly close to my stereo nor is there a power supply near it, so the Hue Dim Switch looked like good with CR batteries and that it can stick to a bookshelf most of the time or I can detach it when I need to use it more as a “remote”.
Thanks to all who took the time to read
PS: If, down the line, I get lamps or window blinds or whatever and I could make some of the buttons do that also, that’d be great but step one I basically just want a super dwimmy music remote.