Blinking red LED on Hue switch

After rushing out to buy these two gadgets and then struggling a li’l bit to compile I let the whole project lie fallow for weeks :woman_facepalming:t2: but today I picked up where I last left off. To my own surprise I saw that my past self had managed to install deconz just fine :+1:t2: and I managed to set a password and add the switch:

Although the LED on the switch is blinking red.

And the switch editor is greyed out (maybe because I don’t have any lights…?)

I’m now gonna go explore the rest API and websocket API since that was the plan all along. I just opened this web app for testing (and that turned out to be a good thing since showed a GUI way to connect the remote to the Conbee II). I hope the red light will stop blinking eventually :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes you need first to add some lights before you can do other things in the app. For example set up the hue switch to control your lights via the “Switch editor”. You can also do it all manually using the Rest API.

When the led on the switch blinks red it could mean the switch is not fully paired with deCONZ or the battery is low. You can check the “devices - switches” section or the “API information” on the Help page of the App for further information.

I don’t have any lights.
Right, might be the battery, that’d make sense. I’ll see what I can find as I explore the API.

Lights are essential for a smart lighting app :wink:
Ok you can also use a smart plug. You can also control thermostats and blinds via the App or API.
Or sensors.

But it is good to have a light to see the result of your actions.

Yes, I’ll use it over the websockets API to drive events (controlling a music player).

When I’m using a needle to press the button inside the battery compartment, the led briefly turns green:

And the websocket listening loop also seems to find it:

  attr: {
    id: '2',
    lastannounced: '2024-05-14T13:43:03Z',
    lastseen: '2024-05-14T13:43Z',
    manufacturername: 'Signify Netherlands B.V.',
    mode: 1,
    modelid: 'RWL022',
    name: 'RWL022',
    productname: 'Hue dimmer switch',
    swversion: '2.44.0_hBB3C188',
    type: 'ZHASwitch',
    uniqueid: '██████████'
  e: 'changed',
  id: '2',
  r: 'sensors',
  t: 'event',
  uniqueid: '██████████'
  config: { battery: 0, group: '20000', on: true, reachable: true },
  e: 'changed',
  id: '2',
  r: 'sensors',
  t: 'event',
  uniqueid: '██████████'
  e: 'added',
  id: '2',
  r: 'sensors',
  sensor: {
    config: { battery: 0, group: '20000', on: true, reachable: true },
    ep: 1,
    etag: '4f5d62be7e685ac53f584eb5f26cc084',
    id: '2',
    lastannounced: '2024-05-14T13:43:03Z',
    lastseen: '2024-05-14T13:43Z',
    manufacturername: 'Signify Netherlands B.V.',
    mode: 1,
    modelid: 'RWL022',
    name: 'RWL022',
    productname: 'Hue dimmer switch',
    state: { buttonevent: null, eventduration: null, lastupdated: 'none' },
    swversion: '2.44.0_hBB3C188',
    type: 'ZHASwitch',
    uniqueid: '██████████'
  t: 'event',
  uniqueid: '██████████'
  attr: {
    id: '2',
    lastannounced: '2024-05-14T13:43:03Z',
    lastseen: '2024-05-14T13:43Z',
    manufacturername: 'Signify Netherlands B.V.',
    mode: 1,
    modelid: 'RWL022',
    name: 'RWL022',
    productname: 'Hue dimmer switch',
    swversion: '2.44.0_hBB3C188',
    type: 'ZHASwitch',
    uniqueid: '██████████'
  e: 'changed',
  id: '2',
  r: 'sensors',
  t: 'event',
  uniqueid: '██████████'
  config: { battery: 0, group: '20000', on: true, reachable: true },
  e: 'changed',
  id: '2',
  r: 'sensors',
  t: 'event',
  uniqueid: '██████████'

But now I have a bigger problem. I checked and the Conbee device is world-accessible. I could connect to the same websocket port from a machine halfway across the world. :cold_sweat: I get a li’l paranoid so I shut down the deconz service until know how to lock that down.

(With a new router that can close ports, I revived this project and now I’m all set and everything works and the remote is controlling my songs just fine. The blinking red light was more orange than red apparently and means a pairing light, I needed to re-add it in then deconz app. Thank you everyone for all your help.)