Yes, I’ll use it over the websockets API to drive events (controlling a music player).
When I’m using a needle to press the button inside the battery compartment, the led briefly turns green:
And the websocket listening loop also seems to find it:
attr: {
id: '2',
lastannounced: '2024-05-14T13:43:03Z',
lastseen: '2024-05-14T13:43Z',
manufacturername: 'Signify Netherlands B.V.',
mode: 1,
modelid: 'RWL022',
name: 'RWL022',
productname: 'Hue dimmer switch',
swversion: '2.44.0_hBB3C188',
type: 'ZHASwitch',
uniqueid: '██████████'
e: 'changed',
id: '2',
r: 'sensors',
t: 'event',
uniqueid: '██████████'
config: { battery: 0, group: '20000', on: true, reachable: true },
e: 'changed',
id: '2',
r: 'sensors',
t: 'event',
uniqueid: '██████████'
e: 'added',
id: '2',
r: 'sensors',
sensor: {
config: { battery: 0, group: '20000', on: true, reachable: true },
ep: 1,
etag: '4f5d62be7e685ac53f584eb5f26cc084',
id: '2',
lastannounced: '2024-05-14T13:43:03Z',
lastseen: '2024-05-14T13:43Z',
manufacturername: 'Signify Netherlands B.V.',
mode: 1,
modelid: 'RWL022',
name: 'RWL022',
productname: 'Hue dimmer switch',
state: { buttonevent: null, eventduration: null, lastupdated: 'none' },
swversion: '2.44.0_hBB3C188',
type: 'ZHASwitch',
uniqueid: '██████████'
t: 'event',
uniqueid: '██████████'
attr: {
id: '2',
lastannounced: '2024-05-14T13:43:03Z',
lastseen: '2024-05-14T13:43Z',
manufacturername: 'Signify Netherlands B.V.',
mode: 1,
modelid: 'RWL022',
name: 'RWL022',
productname: 'Hue dimmer switch',
swversion: '2.44.0_hBB3C188',
type: 'ZHASwitch',
uniqueid: '██████████'
e: 'changed',
id: '2',
r: 'sensors',
t: 'event',
uniqueid: '██████████'
config: { battery: 0, group: '20000', on: true, reachable: true },
e: 'changed',
id: '2',
r: 'sensors',
t: 'event',
uniqueid: '██████████'
But now I have a bigger problem. I checked and the Conbee device is world-accessible. I could connect to the same websocket port from a machine halfway across the world.
I get a li’l paranoid so I shut down the deconz service until know how to lock that down.