does not work anymore

ChrisHae is a deconz dev. Frenck did not reply to his questions.

Frenck also came in the discord earlier to ask where he should post. We politely answered, but he never followed up.

Sorry, not a lot we can do.

Have there been any movements lately? Or it’s stuck? (it seems so)

Indeed it seems like there’s currently no progress. Next to Frenck it seems like no one was/is testing in the referenced PR.

Generally: I don’t know why Dresden Elektronik does not activley support or even completely maintain the official deCONZ addon in world’s most popular Home Automation system (Home Assistant). Why don’t you want to have control over that important distribution channel? Pushing new releases in your own deCONZ/Phoscon GitHub means nothing for maaaaaaaaaany users - until it arrives in exactly that Home Assistant addon.

Luckily I neither face a major issue running latest deCONZ 2.22.2 nor urgently need anything provided in 2.24.2 (e. g. new device support), otherwise it would really freak me out - and likely force me to finally kick deCONZ and switch to ZHA (which would with my many devices and the need for re-pairing probably cost me a whole weekend).

Without having control over that deCONZ addon, from time to time thousands of people are stuck at older versions [*], like in this current case (which according to this topic started 4 months ago!).

[*] (and still impossible to run beta versions, but that’s an old and another issue with the HA deCONZ addon)


That’s one for @de_employees to answer :slight_smile:

I can say something stupid but the HA deconz plugin is managed by HA dev, no (I don’t speak about the python code part but the system one) ?

Instead of using the HA plugin, if you like docker, you can use the official deconz docker, I have just looked they are at 2.25.1 version.

Without having control over that deCONZ addon, from time to time thousands of people are stuck at older versions [*], like in this current case (which according to this topic started 4 months ago!).

It’s not deconz fault if you don’t have control on official HA stuff, or if you are not able to edit a simple text file on their OS and forced to wait for an official HA release to be able to use a simple DDF.

I m agree, HA is an important application, so better to make some efforts, but for me (and it’s personnal) many users are thinking HA is a standard and all need to work natively on it, and it only happen on HA, I can’t see this reaction on OpenHab jeedom and ect … Can you explain me why it’s on the OS the more “exotic” we can found the more users thinking they are on a standard OS and all need to be adapted for them, just because they are numerous ?

It’s not deconz fault if you don’t have control on official HA stuff, or if you are not able to edit a simple text file on their OS and forced to wait for an official HA release to be able to use a simple DDF.

If you are aware of how “to edit a simple text file on their OS” to upgrade deconz on the HA addon, please share. In my understanding this is not possible as the version configuration is in their build tool configuration files, so you need to use their build processes to get a different HA deconz addon with a different deconz version.

Can you explain me why it’s on the OS the more “exotic” we can found the more users thinking they are on a standard OS and all need to be adapted for them, just because they are numerous ?

I think the answer is inside your question :smile:

Yeah it’s the problem, editing a text file is something basic, but soo hard on dockers. Dockers is not something easy and worse on the HA one. The first time (somes yers ago) I have tried to make support for HA, the OS (if we can call that an “OS”) was natively without SSH, WTF …

It’s “possible” to edit DDF How to add/edit a DDF on Home assistant using text editor? but like you said, not easy at all, and definitely not for someone just able to load an official docker image using an assistant. And it’s the only thing you can do, you can not edit the buttonmap file or the xml one for exemple.

Sorry for the rant, but making support for HA makes me desperate, easy thing that take 5mn on OpenHAB can take 2 h on HA, and generaly users give up without success (because my procedure is too complex, “MY” procedure …). And ofc it’s normal.

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I’ve read that it might be here:

Ahm, did we get one meanwhile? Maybe I missed it.
But we’re heading towards February now, which makes this update reach the “took 5 months” milestone. :-1:

Check home assistant. There’s a hotfix for ha brought out. No clue on the status.

I recommend reading up yourself.

Which hotfix? The only thing is still:

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Shipped and fixed now.

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Great :grinning: :+1: