I have been using Conbee II and Deconz running in Docker for several years now. (I use watchtower to automatically update whenever new image comes out, the image I use is marthoc/deconz)
About 1-2 months ago, my password stopped working and I cannot log into Phoscon at Phoscon App - Login The gateway showed up, but neither my password or ‘delight’ worked.
When I try to reset the password, I got ‘Make sure the gateway was powercycled recently.’
I have tried re-starting deconz container and reboot the docker host, but I still got the above error message.
While I had tried to log-in twice (with 2 different passwords) and try to reset password, those doesn’t seem to show up in the log. If there is other logs I can provide, please point me to the location.
I actually just noticed the same problem yesterday and continuing today. I’m able to log in successfully at http://my.internal.raspberry.pi.ip/pwa but the same password fails at http://phoscon.de/pwa. Wondering if this is a known issue or something went haywire in my setup?
Not sure for how long it will persist as it has to do with some changes in the browsers.
Either way, here’s a work around
With chrome, you can go to chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests then disable “Block insecure private network requests” to use pwabeta. Don’t forget to enable it again when finished.
If someone still experience problems with this a tip could be to switch browser. I tried with edge and didn’t work.
Switched to Safari and worked like a charm.
iPhone user