Outdoor Hue Motion sensors stopped sending motion events


I’m using Phoscon/deConz with a ConbeeII and Home Assistant. I have 4 outdoor Phillips Hue Motion sensors (SML004) around my house. They have been working great for 1+ years.

Suddenly, about a week or so ago (maybe a little more, I don’t know exactly), 3 of them stopped sending motion events. They still report temperature and illuminance fine, but no motion. I have tried removing their batteries and replacing them but the issue remains. One single motion event is detected when I put the batteries back in, but that’s it.

The one remaining working one has the same HW revision and FW as the others, they were bought together. I have not tried re-pairing them as I wanted to understand what could cause this. There might have been an automatic update of the deConz integration in Home Assistant around the same time but I cannot pinpoint exactly what or when. I have tried restarting all the different components, to no avail. I’d like to avoid the hassle of re-pairing if at all possible.

My current versions:

  • Hue Motion sensor F/W: 2.53.6
  • deConz version: 2.22.2
  • ConbeeII F/W: 26720700

Thanks for your help!

Do the sensors that don’t work look in deCONZ like the one that does? In particular, do they all have 2 endpoints? See device in screenshot on page 17 in user manual. That only has one.

Possibly the DDF for the device is optimized to the latest firmware 26780700 and a responsive update would help.

Thanks for your answer!

Yes, I guess they all look the same. Here is what I can see:

(the one that still works as expected is #2)

Could you elaborate on what you mean by “responsive update”?

I managed to upgrade my Conbee II to 26780700, but alas, even after a full reboot, no changes.

How are the batteries? Did you change them lately?

The batteries appear good: these take two AA batteries and both measured at 1.48V. I replaced them with new ones for good measure, but that did not change the result unfortunately.

You have same result on phoscon ?
Can you show the json device entry in the API ? Can have it with phoscon>help>API Information>sensor>device_id

As far as I can tell from the Phoscon app, I don’t see motion either for the 3 sensors with issues. I can see the little person icon reacting for the one that does still work ok though.

Here is the output for one of the sensors not reporting motion anymore (I selected the ZHAPresence entry as I assume that’s what you’d want to see?):

    "config": {
        "alert": "none",
        "battery": 100,
        "delay": 0,
        "ledindication": false,
        "on": true,
        "reachable": true,
        "sensitivity": 0,
        "sensitivitymax": 4,
        "usertest": false
    "ep": 2,
    "etag": "d82ab933ff4ad43d37ddb811a80863ac",
    "lastannounced": null,
    "lastseen": "2023-08-05T08:42Z",
    "manufacturername": "Signify Netherlands B.V.",
    "modelid": "SML004",
    "name": "Capteur extérieur 1",
    "productname": "Hue outdoor motion sensor",
    "state": {
        "lastupdated": "2023-08-05T08:41:27.722",
        "presence": false
    "swversion": "2.53.6",
    "type": "ZHAPresence",
    "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:0b:d1:af:81-02-0406"

An the output for the one that still does:

    "config": {
        "alert": "none",
        "battery": 100,
        "delay": 0,
        "ledindication": false,
        "on": true,
        "reachable": true,
        "sensitivity": 0,
        "sensitivitymax": 4,
        "usertest": false
    "ep": 2,
    "etag": "10871b11ec0bfdc1a0d1711af2b51bb1",
    "lastannounced": "2023-08-04T21:23:56Z",
    "lastseen": "2023-08-05T08:44Z",
    "manufacturername": "Signify Netherlands B.V.",
    "modelid": "SML004",
    "name": "Capteur extérieur 2",
    "productname": "Hue outdoor motion sensor",
    "state": {
        "lastupdated": "2023-08-05T08:41:28.364",
        "presence": false
    "swversion": "2.53.6",
    "type": "ZHAPresence",
    "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:0b:d2:2e:c2-02-0406"

The state doesn’t move, but can you check if this field is updated ? For the not working one.

"lastupdated": "2023-08-05T08:41:27.722",

I can confirm that the lastupdated field gets regular updates, for all four sensors.

Ok so something happen.
Happy to see you have the GUI ^^. Can you check in deconz log (deconz / help / debug view) with flag “info” and “ddf” waht you can see when trigger a presence ?

(if you have too much devices, try at least with DDF)

Ok, it’s a bit hard to see anything with the lot of messages but here’s what I could find/test.

This is what happens when motion is detected on the one that is working:

I can see the attribute going from 0 to 1 and to 0 again, which is expected.

As far as I can tell, for the other three, I only get messages about temp, illuminance, battery, model info and occasionally the “presence” at “0”:

An other example (in red, the ones that don’t work, in blue, the one that does):

For reference:

  • working ID: 00:17:88:01:0b:d2:2e:c2
  • non working IDs:
    • 00:17:88:01:0b:d1:af:81
    • 00:17:88:01:0b:d2:33:42
    • 00:17:88:01:0b:d2:2d:19

Thanks for your assistance!

So it’s not a reporting/binding setting, because the device realy make a request (the attribute report) and on the good cluster (the 0x0406) and good endpoint (the 0x02)

I realy have no idea what happen …

Something to try, you can enable too flag “ZCL”, if I m right we will see the value in the request, so we can see if it’s a 0 or a 1. If not there is too flag “APS”, with this one we will have the raw request value.

It’s possible to check the value in the GUI, cluster 0x0406, attribute 0x0000, but as the device is a sleeper, it’s not easy to have it.

Can try to re-include on of them, I m seing some special stuff in “binding” on the DDF, but idk why 3/4 have lost their config.

@leobaillard Is there any specific reason why you haven’t configured all your motion sensors?

It’s going really fast with these filters on in the debug windows and I don’t really know what really to look for so this makes it a bit hard.

I could but is there a way to do that without losing everyhting in Home Assistant linked to the device?

I’m not sure I understand your question? All four sensors were configured and working in my setup and still are. It’s only that three of them recently stopped reporting motion events.

Just re-include it without deleting it, all will be invisible, it will re-use the same device ID.

Yeah, I know, I just need the 4 / 5 line around "ZCL attribute report … for cluster 0x0406
But I m mking tries on my side ATM, “zcl” don’t give the value. Only “APS”+“APS_L2” can give the value (in the asdu).

12:52:04:241 APS-DATA.request id: 110, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x40ff, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0xEF00, ep: 0x01 -> 0x01 queue: 1 len: 5 tx.options 0x04
12:52:04:243 	asdu (length: 5): 102e0b0200

How do I do that? Is it just pressing the paring button on the device and triggering a device search in Phoscon? Or is it something else?

I tried showing APS and APS_L2 messages but it scrolls passed even faster :scream: There is a context menu item that allows to copy all the output, but I think due to the fact that it’s in VNC + Home Assistant UI, I can’t paste the text afterwards.

Yes, but in reverse order ^^, first make a device search and after use the pairing procedure.

How many devices have you ?

I’m not sure what you understand with regard to configuring sensors, but up above here, values delay and sensitivity still have the initialization values. Especially not changing the delay can be problematic. Also, the sensitivity setting is set to “most insensitive”, not sure if that is intended.

I have around 50 devices I think.

Ok, but I never changed these since I installed the sensors and everything was working fine until now. I never had to ajust anything.