Osram Motion Sensors (only one entity)

Hi There,

was switching from ZHA to Deconz in Home Assistant on my PI (Hass OS) and i´m having some trouble with two osram motion sensors. After i was binding them to deconz, they only show a temprature entity in the HA enties. The occupancy entity is missing.
Was reading the half of the day and was following some advices regarding the cluster info (adding ConBee Stick Mac to IAS_CIE_Address, reading values etc.) but nothing really worked. The only thing i was able to gain is, that i now have the battery status enties for the motion sensors.

Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?


Maybe it’s the same thing like here?: Presence sensor not recognized in CentraLite Sensor

Does your sensors also provide the “modelid”: “Motion Sensor-A” ?

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There will be a new DDF for the “Motion Sensor-A” in the next release, to fix the issue. Unfortunately didn’t made it in v2.15.1-beta.

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