Sure, tell me if you need help for the production field, I know there is one somewhere, but not in official github.
Thanks for the offer.
"name": "state/production",
"refresh.interval": 360,
"read": {
"at": "0x0001",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0100",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"
But I m not sure you will have the same one.
Just check in the GUI when you will have it, this one check in cluster 0x0702, attribute 0x0100
Take care all DDF was updated less than 1 week ago (reporting too low)
Thanks again for this useful information. I am thinking to move away from the OpenHAB deconz binding and instead to use zigbee2mqtt. Maybe this will solve the missing channels when discovering the ZLinky thing with OpenHAB.
hello, I just move to EDF tempo contract, and I would like to know if someone succeed to recover bleu, white, red information and the color of the next day with zlinky?
I know itâs working with zigbee2mqtt but I donât know if we can make it with DDF.
with tempo we have 6 different comsuption white HP/HC, blue HP,HC and red HP/HC
do we have to create 3 different ZHAconsuption variable?
If someone has an idea?
Yep, you are in standard or historic mode ? Have you access to the GUI ?
For historique, It seem you have all consumptions in cluster 0x0702 :
- attribute 0x0100 and 0x0102 for one
- attribute 0x0104 and 0x0106 for the second one
- attribute 0x0108 and 0x010A for the last one.
But the GUI no support them yet, to check if values are here need to add
<cluster id="0x0702" name="Simple Metering">
<description>The Simple Metering Cluster provides a mechanism to retrieve usage information from Electric, Gas, Water, and potentially Thermal metering devices.
These devices can operate on either battery or mains power, and can have a wide variety of sophistication.</description>
<attribute-set id="0x0000" description="Reading Information Set">
<attribute id="0x0000" name="Current Summation Delivered" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x0001" name="Current Summation Received" type="u48" access="r" required="o"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x041b" name="Unknown" type="u64" access="rw" required="o" mfcode="0x1037"></attribute>
<!-- TODO -->
<attribute-set id="0x0100" description="TOU Information Set" mfcode="0x1037">
<attribute id="0x0020" name="PTEC" type="cstring" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x0100" name="Index HCHC/EJPHN/BBRHCJB, Current Summation Delivered (1)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x0102" name="Index HCHP/EJPHPM/BBRHPJB, Current Summation Delivered(2)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x0104" name="Index BBRHCJW, Current Summation Delivered (3)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x0106" name="Index BBRHPJW, Current Summation Delivered(4)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x0108" name="Index BBRHCJR, Current Summation Delivered (5)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x010a" name="Index BBRHPJR, Current Summation Delivered(6)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
<!-- TODO -->
If all is working need to create 3 entries, but problem, only consumption and consumption_2 are available (a PR to create illimited one is just created but not sure we can use it yet Add dynamic ResourceItemDescriptors and measured value items (#7098) · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin@c346ca6 · GitHub)
So better to create 3 ZHAConsumption with fake endpoint 0x01 0x02 and 0x03, and in both use âconsumptionâ and âconsumption_2â for HP and HC.
For the color in historic need to check the PTEC, attribute 0x0020
yes Iâm in historique mode and everything should be there.
I understand the second part of the explanation ( 3 ZHAConsuption) but I didnât get what you mean by âhe GUI no support them yet, to check if values are here need to addâ
which GUI are you talking about?
for the color, i shoudl recover it on a ZHAconsuption or something else, itâs a string of 4 characters
The GUI is the complete application in graphical mode LiXee ZLinky_TIC DDF File - #98 by gd35
And you can have thoses informations
But the actual version miss some of them for the tempo mode, need to edit the xml file.
In blind mode, without checking can try this DDF
"schema": "devcap1.schema.json",
"manufacturername": "LiXee",
"modelid": "ZLinky_TIC",
"vendor": "LiXee",
"product": "ZLinky_TIC historique+tempo+mono",
"sleeper": false,
"status": "Gold",
"subdevices": [
"restapi": "/sensors",
"uuid": [
"items": [
"name": "attr/id"
"name": "attr/lastannounced"
"name": "attr/lastseen"
"name": "attr/manufacturername"
"name": "attr/modelid"
"name": "attr/name"
"name": "attr/swversion"
"name": "attr/type"
"name": "attr/uniqueid"
"name": "config/on"
"name": "config/reachable"
"name": "state/current",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0508",
"cl": "0x0b04",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0508",
"cl": "0x0b04",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "if (Attr.val != 65535) { Item.val = Attr.val; }"
"default": 0
"name": "state/lastupdated"
"name": "state/power",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x050F",
"cl": "0x0b04",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x050F",
"cl": "0x0b04",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "if (Attr.val != -32768) { Item.val = Attr.val; }"
"default": 0
"name": "state/voltage",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0505",
"cl": "0x0b04",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0505",
"cl": "0x0b04",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "if (Attr.val != 65535) { Item.val = Attr.val; }"
"default": 0
"restapi": "/sensors",
"uuid": [
"items": [
"name": "attr/id"
"name": "attr/lastannounced"
"name": "attr/lastseen"
"name": "attr/manufacturername"
"name": "attr/modelid"
"name": "attr/name"
"name": "attr/swversion"
"name": "attr/type"
"name": "attr/uniqueid"
"name": "config/on"
"name": "config/reachable"
"name": "state/consumption",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0100",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0100",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"
"default": 0
"name": "state/consumption_2",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0102",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0102",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"
"name": "state/lastupdated"
"restapi": "/sensors",
"uuid": [
"items": [
"name": "attr/id"
"name": "attr/lastannounced"
"name": "attr/lastseen"
"name": "attr/manufacturername"
"name": "attr/modelid"
"name": "attr/name"
"name": "attr/swversion"
"name": "attr/type"
"name": "attr/uniqueid"
"name": "config/on"
"name": "config/reachable"
"name": "state/consumption",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0104",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0104",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"
"default": 0
"name": "state/consumption_2",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0106",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0106",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"
"name": "state/lastupdated"
"restapi": "/sensors",
"uuid": [
"items": [
"name": "attr/id"
"name": "attr/lastannounced"
"name": "attr/lastseen"
"name": "attr/manufacturername"
"name": "attr/modelid"
"name": "attr/name"
"name": "attr/swversion"
"name": "attr/type"
"name": "attr/uniqueid"
"name": "config/on"
"name": "config/reachable"
"name": "state/consumption",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0108",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0108",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"
"default": 0
"name": "state/consumption_2",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x010A",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x010A",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"
"name": "state/lastupdated"
"type": "ZHAAlarm",
"restapi": "/sensors",
"uuid": [
"items": [
"name": "attr/id"
"name": "attr/lastannounced"
"name": "attr/lastseen"
"name": "attr/manufacturername"
"name": "attr/modelid"
"name": "attr/name"
"name": "attr/swversion"
"name": "attr/type"
"name": "attr/uniqueid"
"name": "config/on"
"name": "config/reachable"
"name": "state/alert",
"refresh.interval": 86400,
"read": {
"at": "0x0020",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0020",
"cl": "0x0702",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val",
"fn": "zcl"
"default": false
"name": "state/alarm",
"refresh.interval": 365,
"read": {
"at": "0x0005",
"cl": "0xff66",
"ep": 1,
"fn": "zcl"
"parse": {
"at": "0x0005",
"cl": "0xff66",
"ep": 1,
"eval": "Item.val = Attr.val > 0 ? true : false",
"fn": "zcl"
"default": false
"name": "state/lastupdated"
"bindings": [
"bind": "unicast",
"src.ep": 1,
"cl": "0x0702",
"report": [
"at": "0x0100",
"dt": "0x25",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"at": "0x0102",
"dt": "0x25",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"at": "0x0104",
"dt": "0x25",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"at": "0x0106",
"dt": "0x25",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"at": "0x0108",
"dt": "0x25",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"at": "0x010A",
"dt": "0x25",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"bind": "unicast",
"src.ep": 1,
"cl": "0x0B04",
"report": [
"at": "0x0505",
"dt": "0x21",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"at": "0x0508",
"dt": "0x21",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"at": "0x050F",
"dt": "0x21",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
"bind": "unicast",
"src.ep": 1,
"cl": "0xFF66",
"report": [
"at": "0x0005",
"dt": "0x21",
"min": 60,
"max": 300,
"change": "0x00000001"
I m trying to get the color in the ZHAalarm on state/alert (poll every 24h)
Have you made some tries ?
thanks for the DDF and the explanation, I was out last week, I will check now
sorry I was overloaded and affected by collapse of my domotique computer. So I test the DDF today,. the new sensor are well defined, but it appear these parameters are at 0.
I donât know if there is an intermediate layer between Zlikee and the DDF?
best regards
hello again, maybe my previous email was not true, all value for white and red index were at 0, but actually this is the true value of these index!
then I need to wait a bit more and wait to have real value on red or white before to conclude. The only current drawback is this DDF is build for âmonophasĂ©â and Iâm in âtriphasĂ©â so I need to update it to recover my 2 additional phases
Ha yes for triphasé you have 2 methods.
- Make 1 monophase sensor with tension+current+power by phase.
- Make only 1 sensor but with current_P1, current_P2, current_P3 and perhaps a cumuled power but not sure.
Samples here
With only current you can have power, because tension is not moving a lot in France.
Depend if you need the maximum sensor, but remember the linky is a âlightâ device, it can have problem if you ask too much report, or increase the report time.
I update the DDF for triphasĂ© , itâs look OK now, but I have 8 sensors at the end!
anyway, the main issue is to not see attributes 0X0104, 0X0106 0X0108 0X010A on the GUI
Without these attribut visible I donât see how it should work.
In which files is it manage? itâs not the DDF?
Nope, you need to edit the general.xml file present in /usr/share/deCONZ/zcl/
You have the edition here LiXee ZLinky_TIC DDF File - #228 by Smanar
After need to restart deconz, if there is a typo all your node will return to 0xXXXX name, donât worry, just need to rollback the file, it will not impact your network.
I can share the complete file if needed ?
thanks I made the change and restart deconz but I donât know why it doesn"t change. maybe restart the computer. I will do it tomorrow
You mean on the xml file ?
It can break all the GUI ^^
It can donât work
But changes need to be visible, even if the device donât have thoses attributes.
There is a âcheckâ, the manufacture number need to be 0x1037 (visible on the node information panel).
And a deconz restart is enought (if you donât have docker)
hi, itâs good, it was just a matter of wrong folder. So no itâs work perfectly on jeedom.
if I want to recover the color of the day (on FF66 0X0200) which kind of attribute I need to use as itâs a string I"m looking for?
Hu, good question !
You are in historic mode, I can make mistake with the standard, but you are sure for attribute ?
<!-- LiXee -->
<cluster id="0xff66" name="LiXee specific cluster" mfcode="0x1037">
<description>LiXee specific cluster.</description>
<attribute id="0x0000" type="cstring" name="Option tarifaire" access="r" required="m"/>
<attribute id="0x0001" type="cstring" name="Couleur du lendemain" access="r" required="m"/>
You donât need the 0x0001 ?
From my memory, you need to find it in the STGE so attribute for the standard mode (parhaps historic too)
<attribute id="0x0217" type="cstring" name="STGE" access="r" required="m"/>
But with some gymnastic.
The 0x0200 is âLibellĂ© tarif fournisseur en coursâ for me.
No Iâm in standard mode
I already add 0x0001 on general.xml, however, on the GUI I didnât recover any value
0x0200 is the attribute where I should have âHC BLEUâ ( 12 characters string), itâs this attribut I put on ZHAlarm state/alert, but I just recover 0 and not a string
On 0x0217 nothing visible