LiXee ZLinky_TIC DDF File

Yep, you are in standard or historic mode ? Have you access to the GUI ?

For historique, It seem you have all consumptions in cluster 0x0702 :

  • attribute 0x0100 and 0x0102 for one
  • attribute 0x0104 and 0x0106 for the second one
  • attribute 0x0108 and 0x010A for the last one.

But the GUI no support them yet, to check if values are here need to add

    <cluster id="0x0702" name="Simple Metering">
      <description>The Simple Metering Cluster provides a mechanism to retrieve usage information from Electric, Gas, Water, and potentially Thermal metering devices.
These devices can operate on either battery or mains power, and can have a wide variety of sophistication.</description>
        <attribute-set id="0x0000" description="Reading Information Set">
          <attribute id="0x0000" name="Current Summation Delivered" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x0001" name="Current Summation Received" type="u48" access="r" required="o"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x041b" name="Unknown" type="u64" access="rw" required="o" mfcode="0x1037"></attribute>
          <!-- TODO -->
        <attribute-set id="0x0100" description="TOU Information Set" mfcode="0x1037">
          <attribute id="0x0020" name="PTEC" type="cstring" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x0100" name="Index HCHC/EJPHN/BBRHCJB, Current Summation Delivered (1)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x0102" name="Index HCHP/EJPHPM/BBRHPJB, Current Summation Delivered(2)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x0104" name="Index BBRHCJW, Current Summation Delivered (3)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x0106" name="Index BBRHPJW, Current Summation Delivered(4)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x0108" name="Index BBRHCJR, Current Summation Delivered (5)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <attribute id="0x010a" name="Index BBRHPJR, Current Summation Delivered(6)" type="u48" access="r" required="m"></attribute>
          <!-- TODO -->

If all is working need to create 3 entries, but problem, only consumption and consumption_2 are available (a PR to create illimited one is just created but not sure we can use it yet Add dynamic ResourceItemDescriptors and measured value items (#7098) · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin@c346ca6 · GitHub)

So better to create 3 ZHAConsumption with fake endpoint 0x01 0x02 and 0x03, and in both use “consumption” and “consumption_2” for HP and HC.

For the color in historic need to check the PTEC, attribute 0x0020