Issues after migration to Conbee III

There is no official version for the batterie issue yet.

I stand corrected, the TRADFRI does work with 2.24.3 / 264F0900.
It just so happened that it somehow got disconnected from the network and I needed to powercycle the stick and deCONZ.

Hi, small update here: The next firmware version addresses these issues with various bug fixes and is currently under test. It should arrive in a few days.


For everybody experiencing issues, you might want to try out the latest firmware release and share your experiences: Firmware Changelog Ā· dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki Ā· GitHub


Not looking good with this one Iā€™m afraid (26500900)

I have a large amount of Ikea Shortcut Buttons and they consistently drop on and off. Eventually they donā€™t come back online at all and you have to re-pair them.

Also, Hue motion sensors are dropping on and off constantly. They show incorrect states and for all intents and purposes, no longer work. The red lights constantly blink which show theyā€™ve lost their connections.

Lights (mostly Ikea) seem to largely work, although there are some instances of slow-downs.

Canā€™t speak for battery drain because after a few hours of allowing the network to stabilise and still fighting with these issues I reverted back to the Conbee II. The Conbee II - which is running the most current firmware - 26780700 solved all of these issues immediately and is incredibly stable as of 2.25.3 running within the new Home Assistant add-on. I have a large network of some 140 devices - about 50/50 router and end point. So thatā€™s good enough for me.

Was intrigued at the prospect of a better radio with more direct connections to improve stability, but in fact the deCONZ version proved to be the cause of the main issue I was having before. When multiple devices were operated at once (in one room there are over 30 CWS lights in a zigbee group for example) and you then operate another device - i.e. light in another room, there was a significant delay before it responded - fixed in 2.25.3. And other issues - like slow non-zigbee scene recall have proven to be related either to Home Assistant itself or the Pi 3 b+ Iā€™m running it on. So the Conbee III experiment was worth doing to discover all of this, but unfortunately itā€™s not ready for use just yet.

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So am I correct this is now implemented in 0x26500900 ?

We have the first reports that Ikea devices work better with the new firmware.
Before Update please check the Wiki and Firmware-Changelog (now updated for backup and trouble shooting).

Thank you for addressing the issue! I will test the new firmware somewhere in the next couple of days.

I replaced most of the older ā€œmission criticalā€ switches with Styrbars and Rodrets, powered by rechargeable AAAā€™s. But I still have a few shortcut and dimmer buttons in use that drain quickly, so I can report on those.

I fully agree with this assessment. I am in a similar situation and will not switch to ConBee III before these issues are fixed. That said I also agree that 2.25 3 on ConBee II is the best DeCONZ we ever had. I experience virtually no delays, drops anymore. Even the notorious USB disconnects are significantly reduced although not yet completely eliminated.

One curious effect I noticed when testing ConBee III: pairing of devices works better through a relay (a spare Blitzwolf plug in this case) then directly. In fact, I could pair Aqara multisensor only through the plug, if it is removed from the network pairing of the multisensor fails ( I tried many times).

Update: after upgrading ConBee III firmware to 26500900, pairing worked without issues, yay!


Glad you could pair OK. Are you experiencing the issues I was with that firmware version? All of my comments above were based on that firmware. Was very problematic for me vs the Conbee II

I didnā€™t dare to do the full switch and only tested with very few devices with ConBee III until now (Lumi Smart Switch, Multisensor and Blitzwolf plug). Maybe in one of the coming weeks I will feel adventurous enough :slight_smile: . I dont have Ikea devices, but a few Hue motion sensors. Ok, maybe I have one spare then I could test this one already now.

Hue motion sensor came up immediately. Note that the distance to the ConBee III is virtually only 10cm, and the network is very small. I will monitor a bit whether anything strange happens (drops, etc.).

I agree 2.25.3 with conbee II is the best Deconz I ever had.

I have aqara sensors got unavailable(with new batteries) something wrong with Conbee 3 firmware 26500900 / 2.25.3 - switch back to conbee 2 no problem

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has anyone with a large network and lots of aqara sensors (door sensors, motion sensors first generation, temperature sensor) migrated successfully from Conbee II to Conbee III and if so can you share your experience here (unavailable sensors, network performance etc).
Many thanks!

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You still have issue on your side ?
Even with the last firmware ? (20 days old)

Exactly the same, after a migration, all works about 24 hours.
After this, i lost aqara sensors (movement, temperature, etcā€¦). I use zigbee2mqtt as home assistant addon

Bumping this thread. Iā€™m on 2.26.3-beta with Conbee III and I have the same type of issues; struggling to pair Aqara sensors. Iā€™ve managed to pair some sensors after spamming reset button on the sensor, but most of the sensors wonā€™t connect. Any ideas on how to debug this? @manup I take it this change should be in the latest beta release?

I went to 0x264f0900 about 14 days ago. Unfortunately, the TrĆ„dfri shortcut buttons only last about 6 hours with fresh new Varta CR2302ā€™s. The cheap Lidl CR2302ā€™s lasted about 3 hours until drained. Tested 3 buttons and a total of 7 cells.

I also wrote several scripts that checks all WiFi channels and sniffs for other Zigbee networks to check for any overlaps and possible interferencs, as well as reporting LQIā€™s and RSSIā€™s of all devices in the network every few seconds to check if there is improvement in changing the Conbeeā€™s physical location. There was none.

I also tried adding a USB isolator module between the host PC and the 2m extension cable leading to the Conbee III, which resulted in a consistant 2.2% LQI improvement, going from ~220 to ~225 on average. Other than that, it didnā€™t do anything regarding resolving the issues at hand

Itā€™s just getting annoying now. So far it costed me a bunch of cash for replacing the batteries, and loads of time trying to work around it. I feel as if Phoscon hasnā€™t been really forthcoming, nor seem to be particularly thankful for me spending time trying to give as detailed descriptions of the issues and actions as I can. As if the Conbee is just a sidegig to Phoscon with low priority to fix. Iā€™m seriously considering going for a warranty/refund and looking for another coordinator/brand, since my priority is shifting from ā€œletā€™s fix thisā€ to ā€œI just want a stable networkā€.

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Hello, can you try the last firmware pls ?

0x26500900 Stable 2024-02-07

Fixed multiple issues related to joining via a non Coordinator Parent
Implemented Security Device Address Cache for correct Link-Key distribution
Fixed configurable ZDP response handling by Host-App being active all the time
Fixed a issue where sometimes the APS-Ack Flag was not handled correctly
Added safeguards to ensure Joining and Rejoining with the default Trust-Center Link-Key is allowed
Devices that announce themself now allways get send the current Trust-Center Link-Key
Fixed the corrupt add_neighbour response in the deCONZ Protocol Handler

Whoops excuse me, I meant to say that I updated to 0x26500900 about two weeks ago. Pasted the wrong version number.
