Ikea Fyrtur Blinds

This too is not normal, a device can disconnect from the zigbee network, but if it was correclty paired before, it stay visible on deconz (but grayed)

I’ll try the DDF provided here as well, since I’m facing some issues with mine as well (see Ikea Blinds (FYRTUR and TREDANSEN) issues · Issue #6000 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub) Is there also a DFF available for the new TREDANSEN?

Just to make sure I get this right: I need to save this as a .json in my “/home/deconzuser/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices” folder? (Guess it will be a different folder since I’m using a docker container?) Does the names matter? And do I need to restart deconz or select anything there?

The names don’t matter.
Deconz use 2 folders, one of them contain official DDF (that will be replaced at every deconz update), 1 “private” only for your use and this one is probably empty.
Just check if the “devices” folder already exists, don’t create it yourself.

For HA How to add/edit a DDF on Home assistant using text editor? - #2 by Smanar

And do I need to restart deconz or select anything there?

If you are using the GUI, just use “hot reload” in the menu else yep, can restart deconz.

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I’ve found the empty devices folder. Now I need to create a json with any name in it, paste the content. Then in deConz right clock on the device - Edit DFF. Then click open, open the saved json and the select hot reload.

Is that correct? Anything else I need to do? And is there a similar thing for Tredansen (there I don’t event get battary reported it seems, but the cover percentage which is missing for fyrtur…)?

Can be enought, just need to be sure the status in the DDF is set to “Gold” (to not have to set more stuff) and restart deconz, the DDF will be used at next start.

hen in deConz right clock on the device - Edit DFF.

Can be done to check if it’s working, on the editor title you will see the path and file used (to compare)

And is there a similar thing for Tredansen

I don’t see what is this device …

Tredansen seems to be the successor of fyrtur TREDANSEN Faltjalousie, verdunkelnd, kabellos/batteriebetrieben weiß, 120x195 cm - IKEA Deutschland

So it should work almost the same. Can I use the same dff for it somehow?

There is 1 DDF by device, but if the device is the same, you probably just need to change the model ID in the previous DDF

Please keep this on topic.

Ok so for information to follow this issue Ikea blinds Fyrtur and Kadrilj cannot be added · Issue #6486 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

The DDF for KADRILJ have the status Bronze, so need to set it to “Gold”
And the DDF for Fyrtur is here Add DDF for Ikea Fyrtur roller blind by SwoopX · Pull Request #6110 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

And yes, no need the GUI to install them, can just use test editor DDF cheat sheet · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin Wiki · GitHub

Hi @Smanar thanks for your feedback.

But I have no gui runable at my deconz installation I’m headless.
Can I add a new .json file to /usr/share/deconz/devices/ikea or change the existing one called “kadrilj_blind.json” with your code from the github issue and restart deconz to add it?

Great thanks.

Ofc, you just need a text editor to use DDF.
The difficulty depend of the OS.
There is 2 folders to put DDF

All DDF provided directly with deCONZ typically reside in /usr/share/deCONZ/devices/ on a Linux system and are loaded first. However, files residing in the home directory of the user running deCONZ (e.g. /home/<DECONZUSER>/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices) will override the pre-packaged files to allow users to amend and keep their own files if desired.

On HA it’s harder because the first folder is not persistent and the second folder is hidden How to add/edit a DDF on Home assistant using text editor?
So for you no choice, you need to install DDF on the folder in “data” to overwrite the official deconz one.

After depend of your issue.
If you just miss the Fyrtur, install this DDF DDF for Ikea Fyrtur roller blind by SwoopX · Pull Request #6110 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub
If you miss both, you need too edit the existing “kadrilj_blind.json” and change the status from “Bronze” to “Gold” (Or remake one with the good status if you have HA).

After that just restart deconz, and re-nclude the device.

If you have the GUI can take the “Hot Reload” on the editor menu.

My OS is Debian Bullseye.
I’m using DeConz headless as service with phoscon website for configuration and IOBroker as SmartHome.

Who is the DECONZUSER? is it the root for the service or my normal user? How I can check this?

Great thanks.

Generaly it’s “pi” (by defaut on deconz image too)
It’s the normal user, can use too


Thanks for your help.

I changed only the Bronze status from the existing DDF and after restart the blind is back.
I had to reinclude the devices that iobroker can change values to deconz.
The bri value and lift value is not updated with newly added blinds.

As far as I saw, deconz lost the connection to the blinds after restart deconz service.
Is that known?

You mean you need to re-include the device after a deconz restart ?

The bri value and lift value is not updated with newly added blinds.

You mean you have old blinds working and new one without lift ? Even after some time ?

The reporting seem good in the DDF.

Yes, re-include after restart or after battery removal for charging.

Yes, in my old configuration from 2019 around, these data points where added.
All of my blinds are the old one from release date in 2019/2020.

Now, I added the ddf from SwoopX to for my Fyrtur blind.
I have one Fyrtur and two Kadrilj Blinds.

And third haven’t lift working ?

Yes, re-include after restart or after battery removal for charging.

After battery removal, it’s possible but not after a deconz restart, and same, third disconnect ?

yes, lift did not work yet. In older devices it worked before.

Yes, after restart i have to re connect.

@Smanar can I use a separate DDF for Kadrilj Blinds and a separate DDF for Fyrtur blinds?