HEX-Sensor Names after Pi update in deconz

I do a regular update on my Pi, after the recent update of my pi all the Names of the Sensors and Switches were gone, Names of the Lights persist. Also not all of the devices reconnect.

I also notice, that deconz starts really slow.

In Phoscon app all names are correct!

What I did:

  1. Update Pi
  2. waiting very long for deconz starting automatically
  3. watching changing the Hex-name of the lights to given names slowly, one by one
  4. desperately waiting for Sensors and switches to change to ists given name → hex names persist in deconz
  5. only some Sensors and Switches reconnect


  • Host system: Raspberry Pi 5
  • Running method: Raspbian bookworm
  • Firmware version: 26500900
  • deCONZ version: (2.28.1)
  • Device: ConBee III
  • Do you use an USB extension cable: yes
  • Is there any other USB or serial devices connected to the host system?: No

I Hope someone had the same issue and can give any advice

thx a lot

any idea how to solve the problem?
Im a bit desperate :slight_smile:

Not that much, the hex names are there because the devices are not recognized. No clue why. @de_employees can check perhaps.

Can you share some logs?

Yes it mean they are not reconised, but why they have the good name in Phoscon ?
Database corruption ? And they have all the "DDF"on the corner, so they need to be in the API.

Pls provide some logs.

Here are some Logs, I hope I did them correctly since im not an expert

Hope the Debugvlog helps to find a solution


PS: By the way: if I rename a sensor in Phoscon App, the name appears in Deconz again, but only until I restart the pi … then everything is gone again :frowning:

Can you please use pastebin for sharing the logs?

I had a problem with file size, the total log file is over 100MB (just a view minutes were captured ) …

here are the first lines, if needed I provide more of course

thx for your help

Can you please just log the log the log levels from this post How to get logs?

je pense qu’il y a pas besoin d’aller plus loin.

13:38:23:295 SQL exec failed: DELETE FROM sensors WHERE uniqueid = '00:0d:6f:ff:fe:de:74:3c-01-1000' and sid != '96', error: database disk image is malformed (11)

Un backup recent pour tester ?

Actually i followed just these steps-> option 2

here is another log using option 1

I diconnected and reconnected in deconz to maybe get some more info

I hope I get you right, there is a database issue :frowning:

how can I send my recent backup to you for testing

thx a lot

Just use your backup to restore your zigbee network.

I tried that now, but unfortunately the error persist, probably the backup isn’t old enough.

As I understood there seems to be a problem in SQLlite Database ?

Is there a way of repairing the database ?
Since there are quite some Lights, sensors and so on it really would be a pain to restart from scratch.

any solution would be really appreciated :slight_smile:

(Im using Deconz together with the homebridge plugin from @ebaauw )

nice Sunday evening to everyone !

Depend of the database state, there is some tools/requests to “clean” SQL database, but not sure it can do something.

Normally the device names are stored in two tables. The legacy sensors table and also the newer resource_items.

error: database disk image is malformed (11)

Somehow the file on disc got (partly?) corrupted. According to the following it might be possible to recover the database https://support.storj.io/hc/en-us/articles/360029309111-How-to-fix-a-database-disk-image-is-malformed

Thx for the help!!

as soon as i find some time I will try it and onform you aboit the results!

Ok so I couldn’t go to bed before trying, but unfortunately it didn’t work

I did the steps described, the result was that my original db (159 MB!) got smaller → 360 kB
deconz could load it but the Naming in deconz Gui still was the Hex name …
… all lights and sensors appeared over each other in deconz gui … so I changed it back to the old one …

I guess somehow I destroyed the database :frowning: and probably my next weekend will be a kind of deconz-weekend if there’s no other way …

thx for your fast response and help!