Disk write very hight

Ok the other user have the same issue.
Jeedom dev tell me maybe the websocket exchange too much and the database is use a lot.

When I see the websocket exchange I can see loop or something.

I already provided a url on how to figure out to read it.

Yes I look at but see nothing anormal.
Here is an exemple : https://www.transfernow.net/dl/202108297GezDVwt

From @Swoop this problem is from jeedom because deconz donā€™t use sql but it s own database.

Can be the ā€œattrā€ part, I m agree this part trigger so much useless data, but this part was already in code, was not something new on the last version.

BTW, this is normal ?

"17:36:33:979": {
"e": "changed",
"id": "124",
"r": "sensors",
"state": {
"lastupdated": "2021-08-29T15:36:35.270",
"presence": false
"t": "event",
"uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:00:0e:36:ee:3b-01-0500"

"17:37:29:326": {
"e": "changed",
"id": "124",
"r": "sensors",
"state": {
"lastupdated": "2021-08-29T15:37:30.381",
"presence": false
"t": "event",
"uniqueid": "00:0d:6f:00:0e:36:ee:3b-01-0500"

Why 2 notifications and no changes to notify ?

Sorry I donā€™t understand your two last question if there for me.

Nope, for others devs ^^

I m looking too the device id ā€œ124ā€, it s a ZHAPresence sensor, that rarely trigger on your logs but that have send more than 10 notifications in 45 mn.

Jeedom devs havenā€™t found something news on websocket notification on their side ?

Have you tried to change this setting " websocketnotifyall" for test ?

The jeedom dev tell me itā€™s on deconz side.

Iā€™m using the help section in phocon so I donā€™t know how to pass some settings.

Lol ok, will be hard.
There is an issue opened on a jeedom forum ?

But if it s from deconz, we should have more return than that, for me there is something new in the code that panic the jeedom plugin, but I realy donā€™t see what is new on the last version, too much changes, and I donā€™t see something in rapport with notifiations.

Can use direclty the API Introduction - deCONZ REST-API
or Curl with something like

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{"websocketnotifyall": false}' http://IP:PORT/api/KEY/config

IP and PƖRT are the same used for phoscon, and KEY can be the same API key used for jeedom.

Yes Iā€™ve open a issue on jeedom community.

I ll try to use the api but I m a little afraid because itā€™s my prod and I donā€™t what to broke something ^^

Donā€™t worry, this command impact only the notification working mode, so can have 3 results

  • Bad command, donā€™t work > no impact.
  • Good command, work > less notifications
  • Good command, donā€™t work > make the same command with ā€œtrueā€ instead of ā€œfalseā€, to roll back.

No impact on devices database.

I donā€™t use postman very well. Itā€™s a new world for me.

Iā€™m from the last stable so a long time ago.

As this really seems a jeedom thing, Iā€™ll move the topic to 3rd party integrations.

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Ok so if I understant I have to made that :

Because I think itā€™s OK :slight_smile:

But nothing change on the disk write

Yep it s exactly that.
This options decrease websocket notification, you will have one ONLY if there is a change.

But if nothing change, I m out of idea, can you show the same logs than before with this option enabled ?

Someone have an idea on github.
Can be a power measurement device that not working previously, that was enabled on the last version ? (or set with lower reporting values)

Can you disable some sensor in jeedom ? (and let them in the network ofc)

I was the someone on discord :thinking:

@Smanar Ok I ll ask the other user who have the issue and mix own item. With power mesurement I ve a Innr plug and five legrand netatmo.

@Mimiix thank you for this idea

I disable all my sensor, after all my light, after all my plug and at the end all my switch :

The same disk writeā€¦

If I stop the deamon, itā€™s stop to be so hight.

How do you disable the sensor ?
Are you sure jeedom donā€™t write some information on SQL database, when it receive notifications ?

All your plugs are used as routers ? You can unplug at least one of them ?

IDK how work the jeedom plugin, but from my memory it is python, you can ask to devs if you can edit a line for the plugin ignore some device (the ZHAPower and ZHAConsumption) to test ?

And for the moment, even with the GUI, it s hard to change the reporting values, so on jeedom without the GUI ā€¦

Sorry I m a little busied ATM, but I will install the last version this WE to compare too.