I still don’t get it. Here are 4 automations (to switch a scene each for morning, noon, evening, and to switch off lights at night). Sorry about the mixture of English and German in the screenshots.
In the morning (1st automation), I want to use the scene “EG_Gelb” (turn ground floor lights to yellow). The delay time on the action tab does not make sense here (at least to my understanding), because the next automation will take care for it, i.e. when the morning is over and noon starts, the 2nd automation should start; hence, no delay of the 1st (or any following automation) is needed. Therefore, I shortened the delay to the minimum of 10 seconds (could have left it unchanged, though) and set it to “Do nothing”.
At noon (2nd automation), I want to use the scene “EG_White” (turn ground floor lights to white), etc., followed by the 3rd (evening) automation to dim the lights, and the 4th automation (night) to switch the lights off (till next morning, when the 1st automation should start again). Should be simple, I thought. 
Now back to the 1st automation: Its trigger tab is still empty, and I have no idea what I should add there:

I could add a motion sensor, but noghting else:

However, I want to control the lights in relation to sunrise etc., not by motion. So what to do here?
I moved on to the action time tab. For the 1st automation (morning), I thought I need to just enable the “Morning” period (which I adjusted to 1h after sunrise till 3h after sunrise):
Since my 1st automation (morning) has nothing to do with the afternoon, evening or night, I disabled these other 3 periods on this action time tab for the morning automation.
However, now there is no trigger, because the trigger tab is empty, and I cannot add any sunrise-related trigger there, but just a motion trigger. The same applies for the other automations, too.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the whole concept of automations, but I thought it should work very intuitively, since there is a virtual daylight sensor - but it cannot be added here.
I’m really struggling to understand this and appreciate any further help the community/ experts can offer. Thank you so much!