Concept of day times ("Tageszeiten") to control lights?

Thank you so much! :two_hearts:

I have expirmented a little bit with the Daylight sensor and want to share some insights before releasing the update.

  • you can add the daylight sensor to an automation and use 2 states to trigger an automation: day and night
  • the automation only triggers when the state changes. So if you create an automation at day that should trigger at daytime it will not trigger immediatly but on the next change night → day
  • you can switch your lights off manually after the automation triggered (what is not possible when you use other sensors in automations because the lights will allways switch on again when the trigger conditions are met)
  • The automation that only contains the Daylight sensor will not trigger when an active time segment changes (the time segments only determine when an automation is active and when not.)
  • you could combine the automation with a schedule to e.g. put all lights off at a certain time
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This sounds very promising - thank you so much! :+1:

There is one thing that I have not fully understood: Here we are talking about the Phoscon app. Will this also be available in the browser-based GUI?

Anyway, I am looking forward to testing the daylight sensor with automations, e.g. switch lights on in the evening and off in the morning, both depending on changing daylight across the year. As it changes only by approx. 2 minutes per day, I will have a closer look.

The Phoscon App exists as a native app for iOS and Android and as a web app for browsers. It is basically the same although there can be slightly differences in which version is the current one.

I will make a new release for Android this week. iOS will follow. And the browser app which is shipped with deCONZ will have to wait for the next deCONZ beta release.

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