sorry - I am confused: am I supposed to post here or on discord or is it up to me?
My problem:
I am trying to setup deCONZ with heating controllers sold by Pearl - brand name revolt. They identify themselves in Elesion app as ZX-5276 (here: revolt Heizkörperthermostate, Thermostat Heizung Digital) but my Conbee III does not find them. I know that I need to reset them to make them findable by another device and I did do that (bought them used so I had to learn that). Are those controllers supported and if yes: how?
My system in that case was a Win PC and it seamed like I could connect to the ConBee III itsself. I had a very short cable connected between the PC and the Conbee (10cm). I tried several controllers without any success.
First, you are searching the device in decvonz or the API (Phoscon or other third app) ?
You can include the device on deconz, but if the device is not supported in the API you will be not able to see it in third app.
And in this situation need to create a DDF.
To know if the model is supported can make a search but generaly need at least the model ID+ Manufacture name to be sure.
Thanks for the reply. I am pretty surprised that this very common heating controller (in Germany) seems to be unfindable within this forum or anywhere connected to Phoscon. Unfortunately I don’t have a glue how to find out the model ID and the manufacturer. I guess it is neither pearl nor revolt - the latter most likely just being a brand of Pearl
I assumed that. No - I nevee saw any other node …
What do you mean by “logs while pairing”? I could never pair any device with deCONZ because I never see any device in there - when should I log what? The only hope I still have is that the controllers are not really in pairing mode when I try. Thats why I wonder if there is another app for tuya devices
I did not say that they are working with another app. I asked if there might be another app they might be working with. They are definitely Bluetooth. Pearl also sells a gateway which connects to the controllers and enables the controllers to be accessible through wifi. Without that they do only work with Bluetooth (I assume BLE since they need GPS data to be found).
By “logs” you mean “Debug view”? If so - which switches?
OK - found an explanation how to get logs. Here is what I got after:
switching on “Debug View” and ticking: INFO, INFO_L2, ERROR, ERROR_L2, APS, APS_L2 and then searching for a “Thermostat” until both the controller and the app gave up:
Well - the controllers are advertised to be used with elesion app by pearl. That is an android app which connects to the devices via BT (LE as mentioned above). There is no other way to connect the devices. I really had hoped Phoscon could also do it …
Would that be a showstopper?
I know that the devices themselves are not visible - not even elsion unless they are reset. Therefore all my playing is pretty much effort because everytime I need to reset and wait until the adaption (to the heating) is done and I can switch the device to pairing mode. In that state they are also unknown to the elsion app. However searching for new devices in elesion makes them show up and regain their previously given name.
I would really very much appreciate if I could control those devices without an app that is most likely calling home all the time (elesion) … and I do not need to be able to control them from outside the house easily (while I guess I would find a nice way to do it anyways once the devices are connected.