Conbee 3 stick unusable (not flashable, signals as "Serial FTDI"

My Conbee 3 stick is not flashable anymore. Also it is not signaled via the pwa app.
In GCFFlasher it responds with

PS C:\stick> .\GCFFlasher.exe -l
Path              | Serial      | Type
COM6              | 6           | Serial FTDI

It seems it now behaves like a Conbee 1 stick, i.e. GCFFlasher wants to connect via 38400 Baud instead of 115200 Baud.

PS C:\stick>  .\GCFFlasher.exe -d COM6 -r
connect \\.\COM6, baudrate 38400
command reset timeout

This is identical on a Windows as well as on a Linux machine.
The stick “crashed” maybe when the last phoscon update (via apt update) was executed, although the update ran through without any troubles.

Is there a way to revive the stick? Maybe by a special GCFFlasher version which connects to this stick with the according baudrate (this could be a hidden option in GCFFlasher to set the connect baudrate to a desired value or to force to a desired stick type).
Is my stick in a kind of a bootloader status?

(Remark: My additional Conbee 2 stick works like wanted.)

We are currently monitoring an issue regarding the FTDI. Your ConBee is probably affected. For further investigation it would be helpful if our developers have your stick on the table. At the same time, you will receive a replacement in the form of a brand new ConBee III. Can you please provide us with your stick and send it to us? We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

It’s on the way like mentioned in my PM.
Hopefully it can help for your investigation.