My Conbee 3 stick is not flashable anymore. Also it is not signaled via the pwa
In GCFFlasher it responds with
PS C:\stick> .\GCFFlasher.exe -l
Path | Serial | Type
COM6 | 6 | Serial FTDI
It seems it now behaves like a Conbee 1 stick, i.e. GCFFlasher wants to connect via 38400 Baud instead of 115200 Baud.
PS C:\stick> .\GCFFlasher.exe -d COM6 -r
connect \\.\COM6, baudrate 38400
command reset timeout
This is identical on a Windows as well as on a Linux machine.
The stick “crashed” maybe when the last phoscon update (via apt update
) was executed, although the update ran through without any troubles.
Is there a way to revive the stick? Maybe by a special GCFFlasher version which connects to this stick with the according baudrate (this could be a hidden option in GCFFlasher to set the connect baudrate to a desired value or to force to a desired stick type).
Is my stick in a kind of a bootloader status?
(Remark: My additional Conbee 2 stick works like wanted.)