Bosch Room Thermostat II issues


I’m struggling to connect my Bosch Room Thermostat II to my network.

I have a Conbee 3 running firmware 26530900. My Phoscon running via docker version is 2.29.1.

I’ve used Postman to add the install code and got a successful response

I have reset the thermostat and it pairs as “0xDEDF” but I cannot get any further, the device is not recognised as a thermostat.

Help would be appreciated, thanks.

Hooking in here as I have the same issue. With both of my Bosch Thermostat II.

Sending api call via Postman to provide installcode was returned with success for both.
I can see the devices even in deCONZ overview but they are not recognized - there is no ddf or + shown in the gui overview.
Both devices’ MAC addresses are shown in sqlite devices table.
Tried removing them in deCONZ and re-pairing already multiple times. No success.

I’d like to avoid the solution which worked at Recently unable to pair Bosch Thermostat 2 as it seems rather “luck” driven :wink: and also I don’t want to fully reset the installation.

It seems to me something went wrong with pairing - device is somehow “partially” paired?

Any idea appreciated.

Device: Bosch Thermostat II
Running “latest” image of docker container on an rpi
Product: Conbee III (3)
Gateway Version 2.29.2
Firmware 26530900

Hello, if you can see it in deconz, can you check the model id and the manufacture name ?

Have just see that Fix vendor and state for Bosch Thermostat II 230V by aSauerwein · Pull Request #8084 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

Hi Smanar!
Thanks for responding.
I realized that this thread was regarding the “room thermostat II”. My issue is actually with my two “radiator thermostat II”. I wasn’t aware that bosch also released that room thing with almost the same name - my fault. :see_no_evil:
Anyway I think the problem is the same as ads1230 has - so I’ll continue in this thread.
Providing some screenshots with information. Unfortunately deconz is not showing the model/manufacturer id.
Is there any other way to detect this? To me it seems that the device is somehow already “wrongly” connected and it doesn’t even try to use the installcode. Because I tested and it doesn’t make a difference if I provide the installcode or not before/while (tried both) trying to pair.
My approach:

  1. Remove battery from thermostat.
  2. Remove device from deconz by “delete node”
  3. Restart deconz docker container
  4. Start “add sensor”/permit join in phoscon/deconz (tried both although I think it doesn’t make any difference anyway)
  5. Add battery and keep thermostat button pressed to directly trigger factory reset thermostat
  6. Exec http PUT call in postman
    Result is always that the device shows up but is not usable. See screenshots.

Any further idea is appreciated.

Have you tried to force an attribute read ?

Model id and manufacture name are in cluster 0x0000

But perhaps you miss all clusters too ?

You need to do the postman put before pairing