Aqara FP1E - How to include it to my network?

Hi everyone,

I just bought one of Aqara’s “new” FP1E millimeter wave presence sensors. I’ve seen that the FP1 seems to be already included, but trying to pair the FP1E fails everytime.

I’m using the Conbee II with an Raspberry Pi 4. I have sucessfully included various Aqara temperature / humidity sensors, as well as other devices. Am I doing something wrong? Do we need a new json profile for the FP1E and if so, what are the steps to create such?

I’m very grateful for any help, hints and ideas.

Warm regards


You need to pair it and create a Device request.

Please provide all screenshots :slight_smile:

Thank you for the input. I created a device request as suggested. I hope I didn’t forget anything …