Unable to pair Aqara FP1E properly

I can’t seem to pair this properly. It shows up in deCONZ like below, but nothing in Phoscon.

Do I just need to keep trying?


Ok for some reason the DDF file was not there. I downloaded it and now it paired fine it looks like.

@ebaauw In the linked issue above you mention firmware 0.0.0_0028. How did you get that installed? And does it bring any change?
And it also looks like it has a temperature sensor. Is it exposed in your system? (not that it’s important to have in this device, just curious.)

Additionally: I have two FP1s (lumi.motion.ac01) which expose 4 config entities in home assistant.
So I was wondering if the FP1E has something similar. How can I investigate this?


As i mentioned in the issue, I was sniffing how the Aqara gateway communicated with the FP1E. The firmware was updated by the Aqara gateway. I don’t know what changed with the new firmware, but I would expect improvements in the AI, given the recent introduction of the sensor.

The device does not have an ambient temperature sensor. Like most Xiaomi devices, it reports a very coarse-grained device temperature. The deCONZ API used to expose this through config.temperature, but, luckily, this has been removed.

I don’t use Home Assistant, and have no clue what a config item is. This would be up to the HA integration of deCONZ.