All Ikea Tradfri control outlets are loosing connection

Hi all,

I have four Ikea Tradfri control outlets as repeaters. I use a Conbee III stick (newest firmware, 26530900 according to the deCONZ webpage) and the deCONZ docker container (the webpage shows 2.28.1). The Tradfri control outlets have firmware 2.3.089 (seems to be the latest, at least what I found) but the problems were also with a 2.0.x firmware, which two of the four devices had before I upgraded two days ago.

This is how it looks now:

So from time to time (after ~12 hours to 2 days) the Tradfri devices show grey on the website. If more than one is offline, my Xiaomi sensors start to go offline one by one (I have almost 50 devices in the network). When I unplug an plug the Tradfri device, it comes back online, sometimes I have to press the pair button and put deCONZ in pairing mode - but I do not need to delete and repair it from the scratch.

Anyway, the sensors go offline one by one, basically the network is not stable and not really usable.

Any idea about my problems here and what I could try?

Btw, I also have a Tradfri Signal Repeater, which never got offline:

The problem now is, I can’t get Tradfri Signal Repeaters anymore. Ikea stopped selling these and it is also hard to get them as used devices. Are there other repeaters which are working great with ConBee III and the Xiaomi sensor devices? I do not need a power plug function, my plan was only to use the Tradfri power outlets as repeaters.

Can you share some logs? Perhaps there’s something going on.

There’s a topic in deCONZ with how to make logs.

I did not find the topic but found the debug log window through VNC. For what am I looking for and which debug levels do I need to activate? At the moment only INFO is activated. Also can I log to disk to look further into the past?

It was in deconz, not general. My bad.

I got 9 of these with same FW and deconz 2.29.1 albeit using a Conbee I Classic on a dedicated PC.
I have seen this kind of trouble before though, and the reason in my case was that the Conbee needs to be on a powered USB HUB.
I manage 4 sites and they all use a powered USB HUB and have no dropouts.
Could that be your issue as well?

No worries and thank you! I was on the right way to the logs. Here what I found:

19:39:52:223 APS-DATA.request id: 11, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0xCCCCCCFFFEB300B1, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
19:39:52:223 	asdu (length: 2): 7D03
19:39:52:282 APS-DATA.confirm id: 11, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
19:39:52:356 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x33B6, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 181, rssi: -75
19:39:52:357 	asdu: 7d000a03039f140effff2e2100cb5f65feff504b80fa3625020f589f140effff2e2100ce6e8ffeff504b803edf25020f209f140effff2e2100742eab01008d150087ab12000200
19:39:52:358 APS-DATA.indication request id: 11 -> finished
19:39:52:358 APS-DATA.request id: 11 erase from queue
19:39:52:703 discovery for zombie 0x804B50FFFE655FCB dropped, last try was 1506 seconds ago
19:39:53:058 Daylight now: nightStart, status: 230, daylight: 0, dark: 1
19:39:54:662 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x33B6, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0006, lqi: 181, rssi: -75
19:39:54:663 	asdu: 01fdff040101190000
19:39:55:582 APS-DATA.request id: 20, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0xCCCCCCFFFEB300B1, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
19:39:55:583 	asdu (length: 2): 7E06
19:39:55:622 APS-DATA.confirm id: 20, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
19:39:55:696 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x33B6, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 181, rssi: -75
19:39:55:697 	asdu: 7e000a06039f140effff2e210017f71304008d1500c28d120002009f140effff2e21008d44c006008d15001c76120002009f140effff2e2100f623ab01008d1500525512000200
19:39:55:697 APS-DATA.indication request id: 20 -> finished
19:39:55:698 APS-DATA.request id: 20 erase from queue
19:39:56:785 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x33B6, srcEp: 0x01 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0019, lqi: 181, rssi: -75
19:39:56:785 	asdu: 010101017c110211316608233c00
19:39:56:786 APS-DATA.request id: 25, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0xCCCCCCFFFEB300B1, profile: 0x0104, cluster: 0x0019, ep: 0x01 -> 0x01 queue: 0 len: 4 tx.options 0x04
19:39:56:786 	asdu (length: 4): 19010298
19:39:56:881 APS-DATA.confirm id: 25, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
19:39:56:881 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 25 -> erase from queue
19:39:56:943 aps request id: 25 finished, erase from queue
19:39:57:490 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x33B6, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0002, lqi: 180, rssi: -76
19:39:57:490 	asdu: 020000
19:39:57:490 APS-DATA.request id: 28, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x33B6, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8002, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 17 tx.options 0x04
19:39:57:491 	asdu (length: 17): 0200000010400F3511472B0040002B0000
19:39:57:602 APS-DATA.confirm id: 28, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
19:39:57:662 aps request id: 28 finished, erase from queue
19:40:01:743 node 0xCCCCCCFFFEB300B1 leave wait state
19:40:03:059 Daylight now: nightStart, status: 230, daylight: 0, dark: 1
19:40:07:058 DB save zll database items 0x00000083
19:40:07:061 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO nodes (id, state, mac, name, groups, endpoint, modelid, manufacturername, swbuildid, ritems) VALUES ('4', 'normal', 'cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:b3:00:b1-01', 'IKEA TRADFRI Signalverstärker 1', '5', '1', 'TRADFRI Signal Repeater', 'IKEA of Sweden', '2.3.086', '{"attr/id":"4","attr/lastannounced":"2024-12-30T19:39:20Z","attr/lastseen":"2024-12-30T19:39Z","attr/manufacturername":"IKEA of Sweden","attr/modelid":"TRADFRI Signal Repeater","attr/name":"IKEA TRADFRI Signalverstärker 1","attr/productid":"E1746","attr/swversion":"2.3.086","attr/type":"Range extender","attr/uniqueid":"cc:cc:cc:ff:fe:b3:00:b1-01","cap/groups/not_supported":true,"state/alert":"none","state/reachable":true}')
19:40:07:062 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO nodes (id, state, mac, name, groups, endpoint, modelid, manufacturername, swbuildid, ritems) VALUES ('2', 'normal', '80:4b:50:ff:fe:8f:6e:ce-01', 'IKEA TRADFRI 1 (Flur OG)', '5', '1', 'TRADFRI control outlet', 'IKEA of Sweden', '2.3.089', '{"attr/id":"2","attr/lastannounced":"2024-12-30T15:23:57Z","attr/lastseen":"2024-12-30T19:38Z","attr/manufacturername":"IKEA of Sweden","attr/modelid":"TRADFRI control outlet","attr/name":"IKEA TRADFRI 1 (Flur OG)","attr/productid":"E1703","attr/swversion":"2.3.089","attr/type":"On/Off plug-in unit","attr/uniqueid":"80:4b:50:ff:fe:8f:6e:ce-01","state/alert":"none","state/on":true,"state/reachable":false}')

Is it what you were looking for? "state/reachable":false was the keyword for me, because it was true before like with the signal repeater the line before.

Anyway, I also noticed that the control outlets are not always gone for good. Sometimes they come back. But it looks to me like as soon as these devices start to flap, they are more gone than reachable.

I run deCONZ in a Docker container on one of my Unraid machines. The stick is connected through a ~2m long USB2 cable on an USB 2 (not 3) port. I could shorten the cable but it was suggested that way because of distance to wifi access points and also to USB 3.

As I do not know anything about the problem or what might cause it: Yeah sure, could be. What would drag me away from it is that the signal repeater does not have any problems at all. And it is the most far away component of all “active” (permanently powered) components.

Is this also available as Docker image and were there fixes which might be useful in my case. Gotta search for a changelog…

That was wasy. Changed from deconzcommunity/deconz:stable to deconzcommunity/deconz:latest and now also running deCONZ 2.29.1. :wink:

Doubt it. My sites have been stable for years after deploying the powered USB(2) HUBs.
One site had a simple 2m USB extension cable, but that was not good enough.

I recalled someone else having issues that a powered USB did not fix, but sadly appears unresolved. Try to reach out with a PM perhaps?

Could your WiFi be on a channel interfering with the zigbee channel?

Could you make a longer log and also use pastebin?

Okay, I will try. You are just talking about something like this?

I have something like this at home already and installed it a few minutes ago. It’s super old for sure and I do not know if it still works (especially the power adapter). The stick is there in deCONZ, so at least there is some functionality. Anyway, three out of four Tradfri control outlets and many sensors are grey at the moment. But that’s the case always when I restart the container. Hopefully there is a change now. We’ll see.

I will! Thank you for the link.

Should not. I changed the channels when installing the ConBee stick. So the two 2.4GHz Wifi APs are only 1-2 meters away, but run on channels 9 and 11.

:+1: I will if the active USB hub is not changing anything about the problem.

Btw, the stick directly into the hub or do you use a cable? Here I have a 1m cable from computer to the hub and then also 1m to the stick.


And those are just 30cm away from my WiFi6 AP.

As the situation did not get better here’s a longer pastebin:

The paste expires in one month.

The Tradfri control outlets flipped in and out several times during this log.

Thanks, that really looks nice. :slight_smile: I just put the stick directly into the hub. Let’s see if things get better. But I doubt it…

Well, if not it could be down to the Conbee III firmware. Guess logs will show… :smiling_face:

1 Like

Noticed some 0xA7 errors

Can you post a screenshot of your deconz screen with lqi?

Happy New Year! :slight_smile:

Sure. Do you mean that way?

I bought a second Tradfri Signal Repeater which I got yesterday and brought it into the network. And I just noticed that the white LED is somehow flashing in a slow speed (like breathing) and the device is shown grey on the deCONZ webpage. So it also lost connection… The other signal repeater is still online. Looks like the only device which never disconnects. And it is the most far away device.