Ha yes it’s possible, restart domoticz can solve the issue, but I will check this code part this afternoon.
About battery leak, are you using the last firmware ? it solve some of then, but from my memory still issue on conbee 3 and ikea ConBee III Dead Network after firmware update - #5 by Haerteleric
In the Picture you can see that CV Ilse does not have a battery value anymore.
If this device is the tuya one, it can’t have one, this device use tuya cluster, for battery too, no standard requests and deconz (the application, not the API part) is not able to use them to display the battery icon.
Have checked the domoticz plugin code again, I don’t see the issue.
The red/yellow state on widget need to be removed on next device report without lowbattery=true.
so perhaps just need some time, idk how much talkative can be the device.