Switch Module 2 Channel Tuya / Conbee III

Hello, I have a 2 channel Zigbee Tuya relay. After pairing, the Phoscon app shows two lights, only that when I turn on one channel, the other channel also turns on and vice versa. How to get the channels to turn on independently ? Once the device paired well for me it worked independently, but then I reset conbee 3 and now it keeps working for me so that both channels turn on at the same time.

The device that detects me is : “_TZ3000_bvrlqyj7”

I have this device exactly :

Please help.

Hello, your device probably need the tuya unlock sequence.
Recover the actual DDF (using the editor) or create a new one and add

          "name": "config/tuya_unlock"

Only on 1 “light” entry, then need to wait 24h or re-include the device.

Or you can too add your device to this one deconz-rest-plugin/devices/tuya/_TZ3000_jl7qyupf_2gangs_switch_locked.json at master · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

It’s a 2 “light entry” locked.

Hello Smanar.
Can you help me to clarify ? because I managed to achieve the goal. However, I have more such relays, and now twice I hit that the same relay despite the fact that it has a ddf inserted I still can not make it switch independently.

What should I do ?





Please help :frowning:

I have the deconz application in a docker on an Umbrel (Debian) system, connecting via VNC.

You have saved the DDF ? Can you share it ?
Else just use a text editor and add

          "name": "config/tuya_unlock"

Only on one entry.