Sonoff ZBMINIR2 compatible with Conbee 2?


I am currently running a Conbee II dongle on my Raspberry 3B+, and wonder if I can connect a Sonoff ZBMINIR2 (which is quite a new device compared to the ZBMINIL2 which does not support a neutral wire) out of the box, or if I need a beta firmware or something else. So will it work? I currently have the following versions installed:

Gateway 2.28.1
Firmware 26780700

Thank you!


Thank you, do In understand that right that all features are not yet implemented in the latest stable version 2.28.1 and that I have to add the ddf manually? Is there an easier way, i.e. installing a beta version, or when will this be merged into stable?

Using a DDF will be not enought, you need c++ edition too.
No other solution than waiting the PR be merged.

Thanks, but how long can this take? The PR is open since October or so, is the process of merging to main really that slow?

User can download the ddb generated in the pr and load that :slight_smile:

Is there any documentation how to do that? And is loading the ddb sufficient, what about all the C++ stuff also related?