Sonoff ZBMini use as switch

Hi …

is there any way to capture the ON state of ths ZBMini to switch on another Smart plug ?

Maybe by scripting or modifying DDF ?

I want to switch one some smart plugs by switching on the main light which is controlled by a ZBMini.

Thanks for your Support,

Hello, with scripting yes, but scripting with your home automation application.
You can trigger an event is a device have a state change.

Otherwise a scipt with curl GET command to retrieve the state of the first plug and a curl PUT to send the same state to the second.

@Smanar So I need homething like homeassistant ?

@Cadkey Can you explain ? Make a script to retrieve data from one endpoint (how) and transport it to another entpoint ?

Thanks for your help !
Sorry I’m a newbie :slight_smile:

You can use the deCONZ API:

What is you application ?
If you use only phoscon it’s not possible.
You can make your own code using direclty the API, but if you don’t know code, easier to use home automation application.