Sonoff Thermostatic Radiator Valves TRVZB

I have just obtained one of the above valves which is claimed to be compatible with Zigbee v3 but I have failed to be able to connect it to my Windows / Conbee II (v2.2.5.01) system despite it being within 1 m of a node.
Has anyone been able to connect this device?

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Hello, can you give the device model ID/ Manufacture name ?

Hi Smanar,
Device is Sonoff TRVZB as per TRVZB - SONOFF Official

Hope this helps.

Oh, this would be great. I‘ll stay and read the answers.

Someone have started a PR DDF for SONOFF TRVZB Thermostat by fox34 · Pull Request #7357 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub
But now news since long time, if you want to test the DDF ?

Thanks for finding this out. Am not sure i have the technical knowledge to progress this so will wait until there is a DDF sorted out.

Hi, is it possible to get a DDF file for testing.
Greetings Roman

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Yep you have it here DDF for SONOFF TRVZB Thermostat by fox34 · Pull Request #7357 · dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin · GitHub

Thanks a lot. I’ve copied the file into my device folder. I hav to restart cdCONZ, right?
Greetings Roman

Yep, deconz scan all DDF at start.
You can use the editor, but you will have less isssue with restarting deconz.
You are not on Docker or HA ? if yes you need to use a persistent folder.

Hi, it is working. But is the heatsetpoint all what I can set?
I use FHEM.

Hi I’m using deconz in HA. What does this persistent folder mean to my setup. I‘m not that deep in HA, yet.

The DDF permit an acess on “mode” but only one is working ATM, battery level, offset, Heatpoint and local temperature

The persistent folder for HA is /data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/ but the procedure is not easy How to add/edit a DDF on Home assistant using text editor?

Is this Thermostatic Radiator working or not? What do I have to do to get it working?

The DDF is merged, so it need to work, no ?