Hi all,
i just received my second siren “SMaBiT AV2010/29A ” (manual/image here )
The “old” model (without “A”) is on the “supported device list”, but I was still able to connect the device:
"etag": "ea945cc395bfb7d7c27814e6aa01ebb2",
"hascolor": false,
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": "2022-01-26T22:20Z",
"manufacturername": "SMaBiT",
"modelid": "AV2010/29A",
"name": "Warning device 5",
"state": {
"alert": "none",
"reachable": true
"swversion": null,
"type": "Warning device",
"uniqueid": "00:12:4b:00:1f:f5:7e:53-01"
My indoor siren (HEIMAN) is shown in the same way an the alarm starts with the command “lselect OR select”
Sending the same command to the “AV2010/29A” I just hear one beep. Is there another command to turn on the alarm and light?
How can I find out what I should send? I am using Openhab to control my items.
January 27, 2022, 1:46pm
It looks like the developers still need to make an adjustment to the integration here. Can you please follow the steps from here and provide the informations like screenshots from deCONZ:
Hey there!
In order to make a proper Device request to make your device supported with deCONZ, please follow the following the steps carefully:
Create a device request on Github and follow the template. Make sure to provide all information requested.
Create a topic in this category with the device name as title and put the link to the github issue in the post. This makes it easier for others to find it and make sure a device doesn’t get requested multiple times(win!).
By doing it this way, …
January 27, 2022, 1:57pm
Device isn’t supported yet.
is it enough here, or should I open a request?
I guess there is not much different to the old(er) supported device
sorry, did just read “provide information”
opened 02:33PM - 27 Jan 22 UTC
Device Request
!!!!! READ THIS FIRST: https://forum.phoscon.de/t/read-me-device-request… -read-me/23/2 !!!!!!
- Before requesting a device, please make sure to search the open and closed issues for any requests in the past.
- Make sure not to remove any headers and fill the template completely. If you remove the headers, the issue will be auto-closed.
- Sometimes devices have been requested before but are not implemented yet due to various reasons.
- If there are no hits for your device, please proceed.
- If you're unsure whether device support was already requested, please ask for advise in our Discord chat: https://discord.gg/QFhTxqN
## Device
- Product name: SMaBiT AV2010/29A
- Manufacturer: SMaBiT
- Model identifier: AV2010/29A
- Device type :
- Other: Waning Device (siren)
Please refer to https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/wiki/Request-Device-Support
on how the Basic Cluster attributes are obtained.
## Screenshots

Screenshots help to identify the device and its capabilities. Please refer to:
for examples of the required screenshots.
Required screenshots:
- Endpoints and clusters of the node
- Node Info panel
In the Cluster Info panel press "read" button to retreive the values. Please note that at least "Manufacturer Name" and "Model Identifier" must be populated with data (therefore, must not be empty), otherwise that information will not be usable. For battery powered devices, after pressing read it is required to wake-up the device by pressing a button or any other means of interaction.
If available add screenshots of other clusters. Please Remove sections that are not available on your device.
Relevant clusters are: Simple Metering, Electrical Measurement, Power Configuration, Thermostat, etc. You can typically spare Identify, Alarms, Device Temperature, On/Off. Please ensure data has been read prior to taking any screenshots.
### Basic

### Identify

### IAS Zone

### IAS WD


Hope that its going to be supported soon
January 27, 2022, 5:44pm
Don’t get your hopes up. There’s a lot of devices waiting and not all of them can be done in ddf.
I just checked the coding in rest_lights.cpp .
Seems that just the “new” device name is missing: The old siren is covered by the code (902010/29)
The name now changed. I compared the “Basic Information” for the new/old siren, so extending the “if” statement with the new device name should fix the problem.
If someone could compile me a new libde_rest_plugin.so file I would test it again.
January 28, 2022, 8:49am
Have checked the code, I don’t think it’s possible to add this device using DDF because of the specific code part
else if (alert == "select")
task.options = 0x17; // Warning mode 1 (burglar), Strobe, Very high sound
if (taskRef.lightNode->modelId().startsWith(QLatin1String("902010/24")) ||
taskRef.lightNode->modelId() == QLatin1String("902010/29"))
task.options = 0x12; // Warning mode 1 (burglar), no Strobe, high sound
else if (taskRef.lightNode->modelId() == QLatin1String("SIRZB-110")) // Doesn't support strobe
task.options = 0xC1; // Warning mode 1 (burglar), no Strobe, Very high sound, Develco uses inversed bit order
task.duration = 1;
It’s possible to add the device, but if it work like the old one, we can’t have same result.
I do not understand your answer.
The new modelID is missing, that task.options = 0x12 is set for this device. At the moment 0x17 is executed which doesn’t work.
Today I found out that the “blink” command turns on siren an light!
For the other commands it’s probably just a problem with duration.
January 28, 2022, 8:56pm
Can we please keep the chatter to one channel, preferable github?
I’ll move this to device issues.