Silvercrest (Lidl) Motion sensor - battery status


The Lidl Silvercrest Motion detector can apparently be detected, and presents motion detect and tamper indictator towards Home Assistant, which I am using.

What puzzles me, is that the battery status isn’t included on the sensor?
The data seems to be available:


But I am not sure how much this number actually changes (I will test with other batteries to see if the number will change).,

Also, the device indicator on deCONZ does not show the battery icon.

Is this something, that is in the pipeline of implementation ?



Battery voltage now reads 31 after changing to brand new Duracell batteries - so my assumption is:

Acttual battery voltage = 0x0020 (Battery Voltage)/10 = 3.1 V
Actual battery percentage remaining = 0x0021 (Battery Percentage Remaining)/2 = 100%

It would be nice if this information could be transferred to HomeAssistant with the deCONZ/Phoscon integration.


Mine does that. Often it takes a while for battery to expose.

Tried to do a “read” and activate the motion sensor directly after - which gave me:


Unfortunately still no battery indicator/symbol.
I am running on the latest firmware, and the latest release of deConz/Phoscon made for HomeAssistant