On/Off Cluster:
Time Cluster:
This is else empty - no fields, no buttons. Is it supposed to be like this? I don’t know if the device has an RTC.
Not the same hardware, on your link you have
Zigbee ID: TS0302
And your device is a TS130F, but the support seem native for this device.
For me the cluster on/off can be totaly ignored.
Phoscon don’t support covering, you need to use better third app for that.
There is a request in the API for the stop too (but not possible with phoscon)
Thanks for pointing out the difference in IDs. The link I posted before was the only one I could find for a switch that at least from the outward looks almost the same as the one I bought.
About Phoscon: Do I have to remove the switch from Phoscon again? But then it would also vanish from deCONZ, or not?
To control the roller shutter switch, can I use e.g. Philips Hue app or via Home Assistant, or are you aware of another Android app or way?
(I don’t like Google Assistant, Alexa, and other such devices, though.)
If this is turning in an device request, I recommend opening an GitHub issue.
@Mimiix Well, it is already working - at least partially somehow, so I’m note sure what/how to open an issue on GitHub.
Here you can find the page. Please make sure to add all screenshots and information. All is in the template.
No, phoscon is already a third app, like Home assistant or the philips hue application. The device is on the deconz API and all third app can use it simultaneously.
To control the roller shutter switch, can I use e.g. Philips Hue app or via Home Assistant, or are you aware of another Android app or way?
I think they are fine, on android market you have too " Hue Essentials", tested with deconz.
You have some third app that support deconz here ConBee II Overview
Sorry for my late reply. I returned the device, because I had difficulties in mounting it, as the existing switches are mounted inside frames. I should have recognised this problem earlier, d’oh.