Hey guys.
I have the latest stable Phoscon with ConBee II and HomeBridge on RPI3.
What happens is when I add Lidl HG06335 smart motion sensor, the list of sensors is reloaded, and it’s not showing up. It’s added correctly and works in HomeBridge and I can see it in “API Information” sensors.
The problem is just with showing up in Phoscon Web App - Sensors List. It works in other SW like HomeBridge and HomeKit, and it’s also visible everywhere else in Phoscon Web App.
This is what console returns when adding, no errors:
"type": "sensor-added",
"detail": {
"sensor": {
"config": {
"battery": 100,
"duration": 60,
"enrolled": 0,
"on": true,
"pending": [],
"reachable": true
"ep": 1,
"etag": "c2ab5ba46d3df63eac4cdafd0ff12a33",
"lastseen": "2021-09-26T17:57Z",
"manufacturername": "LIDL Silvercrest",
"modelid": "HG06335",
"name": "Presence 16",
"state": {
"lastupdated": "2021-09-26T15:49:22.992",
"lowbattery": false,
"presence": false,
"tampered": true
"type": "ZHAPresence",
"uniqueid": "bc:33:ac:ff:fe:10:8d:f4-01-0500",
"id": "16",
"mac": "bc:33:ac:ff:fe:10:8d:f4",
"endpoint": "01",
"lastannounced": "2021-09-26T17:57:27Z",
"ec": 5
reload sensor list
devices-sensors.html?_v=31e61bb47af6840b284b99615a0d9eff80716958,8,0,19&gwid=00212EFFFF05B50C:1736 disable sensor search
devices-sensors.html?_v=31e61bb47af6840b284b99615a0d9eff80716958,8,0,19&gwid=00212EFFFF05B50C:1747 unregister wiz event handler ƒ otherEventHandler(e) {
//var product = $('.wiz-page > .svg-0 > g').attr('data-product-name');
if (e.type === 'load-page') {…
And this is that sensor in API Information Sensors file:
"17": {
"config": {
"battery": null,
"duration": 60,
"enrolled": 0,
"on": true,
"pending": [],
"reachable": false
"ep": 1,
"etag": "10c54f8be3c863df2571f97da2d336e6",
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": null,
"manufacturername": "LIDL Silvercrest",
"modelid": "HG06335",
"name": "Presence 17",
"state": {
"lastupdated": "none",
"lowbattery": null,
"presence": null,
"tampered": null
"type": "ZHAPresence",
"uniqueid": "bc:33:ac:ff:fe:13:27:b4-01-0500"