Sensor is Added, but not Visible

Hey guys.

I have the latest stable Phoscon with ConBee II and HomeBridge on RPI3.

What happens is when I add Lidl HG06335 smart motion sensor, the list of sensors is reloaded, and it’s not showing up. It’s added correctly and works in HomeBridge and I can see it in “API Information” sensors.

The problem is just with showing up in Phoscon Web App - Sensors List. It works in other SW like HomeBridge and HomeKit, and it’s also visible everywhere else in Phoscon Web App.

This is what console returns when adding, no errors:

    "type": "sensor-added",
    "detail": {
        "sensor": {
            "config": {
                "battery": 100,
                "duration": 60,
                "enrolled": 0,
                "on": true,
                "pending": [],
                "reachable": true
            "ep": 1,
            "etag": "c2ab5ba46d3df63eac4cdafd0ff12a33",
            "lastseen": "2021-09-26T17:57Z",
            "manufacturername": "LIDL Silvercrest",
            "modelid": "HG06335",
            "name": "Presence 16",
            "state": {
                "lastupdated": "2021-09-26T15:49:22.992",
                "lowbattery": false,
                "presence": false,
                "tampered": true
            "type": "ZHAPresence",
            "uniqueid": "bc:33:ac:ff:fe:10:8d:f4-01-0500",
            "id": "16",
            "mac": "bc:33:ac:ff:fe:10:8d:f4",
            "endpoint": "01",
            "lastannounced": "2021-09-26T17:57:27Z",
            "ec": 5
reload sensor list
devices-sensors.html?_v=31e61bb47af6840b284b99615a0d9eff80716958,8,0,19&gwid=00212EFFFF05B50C:1736 disable sensor search
devices-sensors.html?_v=31e61bb47af6840b284b99615a0d9eff80716958,8,0,19&gwid=00212EFFFF05B50C:1747 unregister wiz event handler ƒ otherEventHandler(e) {

		//var product = $('.wiz-page > .svg-0 > g').attr('data-product-name');

		if (e.type === 'load-page') {…

And this is that sensor in API Information Sensors file:

"17": {
        "config": {
            "battery": null,
            "duration": 60,
            "enrolled": 0,
            "on": true,
            "pending": [],
            "reachable": false
        "ep": 1,
        "etag": "10c54f8be3c863df2571f97da2d336e6",
        "lastannounced": null,
        "lastseen": null,
        "manufacturername": "LIDL Silvercrest",
        "modelid": "HG06335",
        "name": "Presence 17",
        "state": {
            "lastupdated": "none",
            "lowbattery": null,
            "presence": null,
            "tampered": null
        "type": "ZHAPresence",
        "uniqueid": "bc:33:ac:ff:fe:13:27:b4-01-0500"

From the discord
If you see devices within deCONZ but not in Phoscon, that is most of the time perfectly normal. Phoscon is closed source and needs devices to be added manually by their developer. However, the device will still be usable with the API/Home-Assistant/OpenHAB etc. You may want to go ahead and request support for your device at the Forums

And also there’s been report of this on the forum before.

Thanks for the reply. One thing I forgot to mention is that it was working before. So I still think its a Bug, not a missing piece.

Quiet a bit of important information :slight_smile: Then indeed it is a bug.

@Gautama Can you put it on your list?

@philipshueman i´m on it. We will investigate and try to fix this asap.

I ran into the same bug. I already have one of the same motion sensors successfully connected. However, if I try to add a new one I had in store, the sensor is discovered but not shown in the sensor list.

Is there any news on this?

I also ran into the same bug. I already have one of the same motion sensors successfully connected. However, if I try to add a new one I had in store, the sensor is discovered but not shown in the sensor list.

Is there any news on this?

No need to copy paste…

@Gautama any news?

I will take it to our programmers again. Sorry for the late response.

Same problem here with Heiman smoke detectors. Were visible before (in Phoscon under HA) and now in new Phoscon Docker set up not visible anymore (of course after re-pairing). Like another person mentioned at the same time it is visible in NR (docker container). In addition: I have also two Heiman Sirene’s and they are visible in Phoscon (of course after re-pairing) and in NR.

After my change from HA with build-in NR and Phoscon to naked NR docker container and Phoscon docker container I have reset my Phoscon/Deconz II just be be sure nothing was left.