Scenes unreliable with Ikea Tradfri Bulbs

I have a heterogeneuous setup with Ikea Tradfri lights. In total there currently are 18 lights in 5 groups. Each group (except one) only contains lights of the same model.
16 of the lights are controlled by a Conbee II stick controlled by deconz running in headless mode on a Raspberry Pi 1B (my other system died and now I am waiting for the Home Assistant Yellow to be shipped). But the Pi seems to be sufficient - memory usage and load are very acceptable.
Those 16 lights are in 2 adjacent rooms with the Conbee Stick 5 m away (connected via a 3m USB Cable to the Pi) So the Zigbee Network should be very strong.

The lights are controlled by a Home Assistant Instace connected via VPN - not much traffic on the connection. Communication should be fine.

In Home Assistant I have problems with scenes. Sometimes random lights do not react accourding to the desired state - mostly all lights of a group but sometimes also single ones. There are times when a complete group refuses to change state when changing from one scene to another. On other occasions the lights don’t change to the desired colors or brightnesses …

I tried various attempts - all without luck. ZHA-Groups in Home Assistant, Groups in Phoscon, Scenes in the Phoscon Groups …

I observed one case where the group was reported as being off, but all the lights were on. This in Home Assistant but also in Phoscon. So Phoscon reported the wrong state to the Home Assistant Instance …

But this group was then totally controllable from Phoscon.

So for me it seems that the communication between Phoscon and the lights is unreliable.

How to debug this situation?
I added the debug-parameters to the service start of deconz, but the logs where overwhelming. I need some advice what to look for - and maybe some optimized log-parameters that reduce the unnecessary logdata …