Replace Light Function

Hi there,

i’m using deCONZ with about 90 lights together with Home Assistant. It works very well, no problems so far.

In Home Assistant all Entitys have their own unique device id, witch can be used for Scripts or NodeRED for example.

When i replace a light bulb, you must first delete the old one, find the new one an change the name to the same name as the old light and all light groups must be selected again.

Nice would be a function: “Replace Light”.
→ select the old light,
→ press Button “replace light”
→ select the new light.
→ the new light gets the name from the old
→ all selected groups are set
→ all links with switches are updated
→ updating scenes
→ the old light get’s extention _OLD or is resetted

This would be a nice function for great light installation with lots of different groups and scenes.

Perhaps the time will come to implement this feature.

Best regards

Ha yes, I realy don’t have idea to do that, I don’t think it will be in deconz one day, but I like this feature too.