Now I left it for a while running the image from phoscon and the gateway was found 2.19.01 / 19/09/2022 Firmware 26780700 then I tried to reset the gateway and the message was failed.
if I starte deCONZ from command line and look into the help INFO_L2 I et:
4:40:25:571 DB save zll database items 0x00000080
14:40:25:573 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO sensors (sid, name, type, modelid, manufacturername, uniqueid, swversion, state, config, fingerprint, deletedState, mode, lastseen, lastannounced) VALUES (‘1’, ‘Daylight’, ‘Daylight’, ‘PHDL00’, ‘Philips’, ‘00:21:2e:ff:ff:06:e6:f5-01’, ‘1.0’, ‘{“dark”:false,“daylight”:true,“lastupdated”:“2023-08-06T13:39:25.607”,“status”:170,“sunrise”:“2023-08-06T04:04:09”,“sunset”:“2023-08-06T19:15:02”}’, ‘{“configured”:true,“lat”:“51.526200”,“long”:“6.907800”,“on”:true,“sunriseoffset”:30,“sunsetoffset”:-30}’, ‘’, ‘normal’, ‘1’, ‘’, ‘’)
14:40:25:589 DB saved in 18 ms
14:40:25:592 Daylight now: solarNoon, status: 170, daylight: 1, dark: 0
14:40:26:671 [Master] kill cmd 0x08 (TIMEOUT)
14:40:26:971 [Master] kill cmd 0x08 (TIMEOUT)
14:40:30:571 GW update firmware not found:
14:40:35:571 Daylight now: solarNoon, status: 170, daylight: 1, dark: 0