RaspBee2 not pairing any devices

I’m trying to setup a new RaspBee II device on a Raspberry PI 4 B with Openhabian (Raspbian-based, headless) OS. But it does not pair with any (mostly Xiaomi Mi) sensor. Log file attached.

How can I further debug ?

  • Followed the installation instructions from de phoscon website
  • Output of ps aux | grep "deCONZ\|deconz" command
root       351  0.1  0.0   8144  2844 ?        Ss   18:29   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/deCONZ-update2.sh
root       422  0.4  0.0   8540  3168 ?        Ss   18:29   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/bin/deCONZ-WIFI2.sh
openhab+   441  3.6  1.0 128376 40668 ?        Ssl  18:29   0:01 /usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --http-port=80
openhab+  2291  0.0  0.0   7684   552 pts/0    S+   18:29   0:00 grep --color=auto deCONZ\|deconz
  • Reported gateway details
  • Attempted to connect these sensors
    • Xiaomi Mi GZCGQ01LM Light sensor
    • 2 different Xiaomi Mi MCCGQ01LM door/window sensors
    • Xiaomi MI RTCG01LMQ presence detection sensor
    • Xiaomi MI RTCG11LMQ presence detection sensor
  • Attempted to connect these switches
    • Xiaomi MI WXKG01LMO
  • Other things tried
    • Changed the batteries on all sensors
    • Attempted the same with a ConbeeII stick instead of the Raspbee device
  • Log (including pairing attempts)
18:33:53:146 HTTP Server listen on address, port: 80, root: /usr/share/deCONZ/webapp/
18:33:53:283 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 : RFXtrx433 (0x0403/0x6001)
18:33:53:283 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 :  (0x0000/0x0000)
18:33:53:283 dev /dev/ttyAMA0 (/dev/ttyAMA0)
18:33:53:283 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  (0x0000/0x0000)
18:33:53:283 ZCLDB init file /home/openhabian/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/zcldb.txt
18:33:53:457 DDF: bindings: 
18:33:53:457 DDF: manufacturername: innr
18:33:53:457 DDF: modelid: SP 120
18:33:53:457 DDF: path: /devices/innr/sp_120.json
18:33:53:457 DDF: product: SP 120
18:33:53:457 DDF: schema: devcap1.schema.json
18:33:53:457 DDF: sleeper: 
18:33:53:457 DDF: status: Silver
18:33:53:457 DDF: subdevices: 
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/id
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/lastannounced
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/lastseen
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/manufacturername
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/modelid
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/name
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/swversion
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/type
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/uniqueid
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/alert
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/on
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/reachable
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/id
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/lastannounced
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/lastseen
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/manufacturername
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/modelid
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/name
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/swversion
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/type
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/uniqueid
18:33:53:457 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: config/on
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: config/reachable
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/consumption
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/lastupdated
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/id
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/lastannounced
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/lastseen
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/manufacturername
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/modelid
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/name
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/swversion
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/type
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: attr/uniqueid
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: config/on
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: config/reachable
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/current
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/lastupdated
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/power
18:33:53:458 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/voltage
18:33:53:458 DDF: manufacturername: 
18:33:53:458 DDF: modelid: 
18:33:53:458 DDF: product: FLS-PP lp
18:33:53:458 DDF: schema: devcap1.schema.json
18:33:53:458 DDF: sleeper: 
18:33:53:459 DDF: status: Silver
18:33:53:459 DDF: subdevices: 
18:33:53:459 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor 

**removed for brevity**

18:33:53:500 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: config/battery
18:33:53:500 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: config/on
18:33:53:500 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: config/reachable
18:33:53:500 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/lastupdated
18:33:53:500 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/buttonevent
18:33:53:500 DDF: loaded resource item descriptor: state/eventduration
18:33:53:520 parent process -bash
18:33:53:520 gw run mode: normal
18:33:53:520 GW sd-card image version file does not exist: /home/openhabian/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/gw-version
18:33:53:520 sd-card cid: 035344535530384780ffffffff00e600
18:33:53:521 DB sqlite version 3.27.2
18:33:53:523 DB PRAGMA page_count: 46
18:33:53:523 DB PRAGMA page_size: 4096
18:33:53:523 DB PRAGMA freelist_count: 0
18:33:53:523 DB file size 188416 bytes, free pages 0
18:33:53:523 DB PRAGMA user_version: 9
18:33:53:523 DB cleanup
18:33:53:523 DB create temporary views
18:33:53:524 DB view [0] created
18:33:53:524 DB view [1] created
18:33:53:524 DB view [2] created
18:33:53:524 DB view [3] created
18:33:53:525 sql exec SELECT apikey,devicetype,createdate,lastusedate,useragent FROM auth
18:33:53:526 sql exec SELECT key FROM config2
18:33:53:527 sql exec SELECT key,value FROM config2
18:33:53:527 Load config UTC: 2021-12-26T17:29:19 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config announceinterval: 45 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config announceurl: https://phoscon.de/discover from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config apiversion: 2.13.04 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config bridgeid: 00212EFFFF08B871 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config datastoreversion: 93 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config dhcp: true from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config disablePermitJoinAutoOff: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config discovery: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config factorynew: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config fwneedupdate: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config fwupdatestate: idle from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config fwversion: 0x26690700 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config gateway: from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config group0: 65520 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config groupdelay: 50 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config gwpassword: $1$8282jdkm$mk8ipTFEkrhungZTTClLh0 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config gwusername: delight from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config homebridge: not-managed from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config homebridge-pin:  from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config homebridgepin:  from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config homebridgeupdate: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config homebridgeupdateversion:  from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config homebridgeversion:  from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config ipaddress: from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config lightlastseeninterval: 60 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config linkbutton: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config localtime: 2021-12-26T18:29:19 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config mac: 38:60:77:7c:53:18 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config modelid: deCONZ from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config name: Phoscon-GW from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config netmask: from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config networkopenduration: 180 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config otauactive: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config otaustate: off from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config panid: 0 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config permitjoin: 0 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config permitjoinfull: 0 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config port: 80 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config portalservices: false from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config proxyaddress: none from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config proxyport: 0 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config rfconnect: 1 from db.
18:33:53:527 Load config rfconnected: false from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config rgbwdisplay: 1 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config runmode: systemd/headless from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config starterkitid:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config swcommit: 8204f08632d42e22905a77e111acc552b7770f25 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config swupdatestate: noupdates from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config swversion: 2.13.04 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config system: linux-gw from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config timeformat: 12h from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config timezone: Etc/GMT from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config updatechannel: stable from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config uuid: b82e422b-ecae-4d99-b0be-841458a3b18a from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config websocketnotifyall: true from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config websocketport: 8088 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifi: not-available from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifibackupname:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifibackuppw:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifibackuppwenc:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifichannel: 1 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wificlientname:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wificlientpw:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifiip: from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifilastupdated: 0 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifimgmt: 0 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifiname:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifipageactive: false from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifipw:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifipwenc:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config wifitype: accesspoint from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config workingname:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config workingpw:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config workingpwenc:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config workingtype:  from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config zclvaluemaxage: 0 from db.
18:33:53:528 Load config zigbeechannel: 15 from db.
18:33:53:528 sql exec SELECT key,value FROM userparameter
18:33:53:528 sql exec SELECT * FROM groups
18:33:53:529 Sqlite group: gid = 0xFFF0
18:33:53:529 Sqlite group: name = All
18:33:53:529 Sqlite group: state = normal
18:33:53:529 Sqlite group: hidden = false
18:33:53:529 Sqlite group: type = LightGroup
18:33:53:529 Sqlite group: class = Other
18:33:53:529 DB found group All 0xFFF0
18:33:53:529 sql exec SELECT * FROM resourcelinks
18:33:53:529 sql exec SELECT * FROM scenes
18:33:53:529 sql exec SELECT * FROM rules
18:33:53:529 sql exec SELECT * FROM schedules
18:33:53:529 sql exec SELECT * FROM sensors
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: sid = 1
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: name = Daylight
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: type = Daylight
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: modelid = PHDL00
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: manufacturername = Philips
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: uniqueid = 00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: swversion = 1.0
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: state = {"dark":true,"daylight":false,"lastupdated":"2021-12-26T17:33:04.656","status":220,"sunrise":"2021-12-26T07:50:04","sunset":"2021-12-26T15:47:23"}
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: config = {"configured":true,"lat":"50.828","long":"3.2649","on":true,"sunriseoffset":30,"sunsetoffset":-30}
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: deletedState = normal
18:33:53:530 Sqlite sensors: mode = 1
18:33:53:530 DB found sensor Daylight 1
18:33:53:531 sql exec SELECT * FROM gateways
17:33:53:533 Daylight now: nauticalDusk, status: 220, daylight: 0, dark: 1
17:33:53:533 Started websocket server on, port: 8088
17:33:53:534 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
17:33:53:534 <root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
17:33:53:534   <specVersion>
17:33:53:534     <major>1</major>
17:33:53:534     <minor>0</minor>
17:33:53:534   </specVersion>
17:33:53:534   <URLBase></URLBase>
17:33:53:534   <device>
17:33:53:534     <deviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1</deviceType>
17:33:53:534     <friendlyName>Phoscon-GW (</friendlyName>
17:33:53:534     <manufacturer>Royal Philips Electronics</manufacturer>
17:33:53:534     <manufacturerURL>http://www.dresden-elektronik.de</manufacturerURL>
17:33:53:534     <modelDescription>Philips hue compatible Personal Wireless Lighting</modelDescription>
17:33:53:534     <modelName>Philips hue bridge 2015</modelName>
17:33:53:534     <modelNumber>BSB002</modelNumber>
17:33:53:534     <modelURL>http://www.dresden-elektronik.de</modelURL>
17:33:53:534     <serialNumber>00212E08B871</serialNumber>
17:33:53:534     <UDN>uuid:b82e422b-ecae-4d99-b0be-841458a3b18a</UDN>
17:33:53:534     <presentationURL>index.html</presentationURL>
17:33:53:534     <iconList>
17:33:53:534       <icon>
17:33:53:534         <mimetype>image/png</mimetype>
17:33:53:534         <height>48</height>
17:33:53:534         <width>48</width>
17:33:53:534         <depth>24</depth>
17:33:53:534         <url>hue_logo_0.png</url>
17:33:53:534       </icon>
17:33:53:534     </iconList>
17:33:53:534   </device>
17:33:53:534 </root>
17:33:53:534 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
17:33:53:534 <root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
17:33:53:534   <specVersion>
17:33:53:534     <major>1</major>
17:33:53:534     <minor>0</minor>
17:33:53:534   </specVersion>
17:33:53:534   <URLBase></URLBase>
17:33:53:534   <device>
17:33:53:534     <deviceType>urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1</deviceType>
17:33:53:534     <friendlyName>Phoscon-GW (</friendlyName>
17:33:53:534     <manufacturer>Royal Philips Electronics</manufacturer>
17:33:53:534     <manufacturerURL>http://www.dresden-elektronik.de</manufacturerURL>
17:33:53:534     <modelDescription>Philips hue compatible Personal Wireless Lighting</modelDescription>
17:33:53:534     <modelName>Philips hue bridge 2015</modelName>
17:33:53:535     <modelNumber>BSB002</modelNumber>
17:33:53:535     <modelURL>http://www.dresden-elektronik.de</modelURL>
17:33:53:535     <serialNumber>00212E08B871</serialNumber>
17:33:53:535     <UDN>uuid:b82e422b-ecae-4d99-b0be-841458a3b18a</UDN>
17:33:53:535     <presentationURL>index.html</presentationURL>
17:33:53:535     <iconList>
17:33:53:535       <icon>
17:33:53:535         <mimetype>image/png</mimetype>
17:33:53:535         <height>48</height>
17:33:53:535         <width>48</width>
17:33:53:535         <depth>24</depth>
17:33:53:535         <url>hue_logo_0.png</url>
17:33:53:535       </icon>
17:33:53:535     </iconList>
17:33:53:535   </device>
17:33:53:535 </root>
17:33:53:536 [INFO] - Found file containing button maps. Parsing data...
17:33:53:548 [INFO] - Button maps loaded.
17:33:53:549 found node plugin: libde_rest_plugin.so - REST API Plugin
17:33:53:550 found node plugin: libde_signal_plugin.so - Signal Monitor Plugin
17:33:53:551 Otau image path does not exist: /home/openhabian/otau
17:33:53:561 found node plugin: libstd_otau_plugin.so - STD OTAU Plugin
17:33:53:563 Node: id: 1, 00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71 (0x00212EFFFF08B871) scene: 0.000000, 0.000000
17:33:53:566 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 3, node: 0x0000
17:33:53:570 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 7, node: 0x0000
17:33:53:570 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 5, node: 0x0000
17:33:53:571 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:53:571 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='0x00212effff08b871' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:53:572 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:53:572 DB save zll database items 0x00000880
17:33:53:572 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO sensors (sid, name, type, modelid, manufacturername, uniqueid, swversion, state, config, fingerprint, deletedState, mode, lastseen, lastannounced) VALUES ('1', 'Daylight', 'Daylight', 'PHDL00', 'Philips', '00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01', '1.0', '{"dark":true,"daylight":false,"lastupdated":"2021-12-26T17:33:53.533","status":220,"sunrise":"2021-12-26T07:50:04","sunset":"2021-12-26T15:47:23"}', '{"configured":true,"lat":"50.828","long":"3.2649","on":true,"sunriseoffset":30,"sunsetoffset":-30}', '', 'normal', '1', '', '')
17:33:53:573 DB sql exec UPDATE devices SET nwk = 0 WHERE mac = '00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71';INSERT INTO devices (mac,nwk,timestamp) SELECT '00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71', 0, strftime('%s','now') WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
17:33:53:577 DB saved in 5 ms
17:33:53:577 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:53:577 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='0x00212effff08b871' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:53:578 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:53:578 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:53:578 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='0x00212effff08b871' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:53:578 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:53:624 dlg action: Read binding table
17:33:54:485 UPNP socket not bound, state: 0
17:33:54:498 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 949 msec
17:33:54:670 COM: /dev/ttyUSB0 : RFXtrx433 (0x0403/0x6001)
17:33:54:670 COM: /dev/ttyAMA0 :  (0x0000/0x0000)
17:33:54:671 dev /dev/ttyAMA0 (/dev/ttyAMA0)
17:33:54:671 COM: /dev/ttyS0 :  (0x0000/0x0000)
17:33:54:675 auto connect com /dev/ttyAMA0
17:33:56:250 Serial com connected
17:33:56:263 Master: read param with arg 0x18
17:33:56:263 Master: read param with arg 0x13
17:33:56:263 Master: read param with arg 0x13
17:33:56:263 Master: read param with arg 0x18
17:33:56:263 Master: read param with arg 0x13
17:33:56:263 Master: read param with arg 0x13
17:33:56:327 Device firmware version 0x26690700 RaspBee II
17:33:56:337 unlocked max nodes: 512
17:33:56:337 has feature: max nodes (0x11), status: 0x00
17:33:56:344 has feature: std security (0x01), status: 0x04
17:33:56:352 has feature: link security (0x02), status: 0x00
17:33:56:360 has feature: high security (0x03), status: 0x04
17:33:56:368 has feature: ethernet (0x04), status: 0x04
17:33:56:375 has feature: mass storage device (MSD) (0x05), status: 0x04
17:33:56:383 has feature: device firmware upgrade (DFU) (0x06), status: 0x04
17:33:56:391 has feature: ZigBee Light Link (ZLL) (0x07), status: 0x04
17:33:56:398 has feature: interpan (0x08), status: 0x04
17:33:56:398 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 949 msec
17:33:56:406 has feature: button 1 (0x09), status: 0x04
17:33:56:414 has feature: button 1 (0x0A), status: 0x04
17:33:56:421 has feature: LED 1 (0x0B), status: 0x00
17:33:56:429 has feature: LED 2 (0x0C), status: 0x00
17:33:56:436 has feature: LED 3 (0x0D), status: 0x04
17:33:56:444 has feature: LED 4 (0x0E), status: 0x04
17:33:56:452 has feature: LED 5 (0x0F), status: 0x04
17:33:56:460 has feature: LED RGB (0x10), status: 0x04
17:33:56:467 has feature: max nodes (0x11), status: 0x04
17:33:56:475 Device protocol version: 0x010E
17:33:56:494 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 2, node: 0x0000
17:33:56:539 Master: read param with arg 0x19
17:33:56:579 Current channel 15
17:33:56:610 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
17:33:56:618 CTRL read param resp id: 0x28, status: 0x04
17:33:56:647 APS-DATA.request id: 4, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:33:56:647 	asdu (length: 2): 0000
17:33:56:690 Device protocol version: 0x010E
17:33:56:698 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 1, node: 0x0000
17:33:56:707 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 2, node: 0x0000
17:33:56:752 Master: read param with arg 0x19
17:33:56:824 CTRL ANT_CTRL 0x03
17:33:56:831 CTRL read param resp id: 0x28, status: 0x04
17:33:56:958 APS-DATA.confirm id: 4, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:56:958 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 4 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:56:975 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:56:975 	asdu: 0000000000
17:33:56:975 APS-DATA.indication request id: 4 -> finished
17:33:56:975 APS-DATA.request id: 4 erase from queue
17:33:56:975 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:33:57:047 APS-DATA.request id: 7, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x0000, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0004, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 4 tx.options 0x00
17:33:57:047 	asdu (length: 4): 020000f2
17:33:57:047 Delay APS request id: 7 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:100 Delay APS request id: 7 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:152 Delay APS request id: 7 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:205 Delay APS request id: 7 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:257 Delay APS request id: 7 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:336 APS-DATA.confirm id: 7, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:57:336 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 7 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:57:356 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8004, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:57:356 	asdu: 020000000af2e0a164000100012100
17:33:57:356 APS-DATA.indication request id: 7 -> finished
17:33:57:356 APS-DATA.request id: 7 erase from queue
17:33:57:356 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:57:357 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='0x00212effff08b871' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:57:358 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:57:367 APS-DATA.request id: 9, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x0000, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0004, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 4 tx.options 0x00
17:33:57:367 	asdu (length: 4): 03000001
17:33:57:367 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:385 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:434 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:482 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:530 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:578 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:626 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:674 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:721 Delay APS request id: 9 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:796 APS-DATA.confirm id: 9, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:57:796 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 9 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:57:819 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8004, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:57:819 	asdu: 030000001a01040105000105000006000a0019000105040100200000050205
17:33:57:819 APS-DATA.indication request id: 9 -> finished
17:33:57:819 APS-DATA.request id: 9 erase from queue
17:33:57:820 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 5, node: 0x0000
17:33:57:820 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:57:820 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='0x00212effff08b871' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:57:821 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:57:927 APS-DATA.request id: 11, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x0000, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0002, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 3 tx.options 0x00
17:33:57:927 	asdu (length: 3): 040000
17:33:57:927 Delay APS request id: 11 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:57:974 Delay APS request id: 11 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:023 Delay APS request id: 11 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:071 Delay APS request id: 11 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:119 Delay APS request id: 11 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:167 Delay APS request id: 11 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:217 Delay APS request id: 11 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:293 APS-DATA.confirm id: 11, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:58:293 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 11 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:58:313 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8002, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:58:313 	asdu: 0400000010400f3511472b0040002b0000
17:33:58:313 APS-DATA.indication request id: 11 -> finished
17:33:58:313 APS-DATA.request id: 11 erase from queue
17:33:58:313 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 3, node: 0x0000
17:33:58:313 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:58:313 APS-DATA.request id: 13, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x0000, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0005, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 3 tx.options 0x00
17:33:58:313 	asdu (length: 3): e70000
17:33:58:340 APS-DATA.confirm id: 13, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:58:340 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 13 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:58:357 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8005, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:58:357 	asdu: e70000000201f2
17:33:58:358 APS-DATA.indication request id: 13 -> finished
17:33:58:358 APS-DATA.request id: 13 erase from queue
17:33:58:358 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 7, node: 0x0000
17:33:58:407 APS-DATA.request id: 15, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x0000, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0004, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 4 tx.options 0x00
17:33:58:407 	asdu (length: 4): 050000f2
17:33:58:407 Delay APS request id: 15 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:458 Delay APS request id: 15 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:511 Delay APS request id: 15 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:562 Delay APS request id: 15 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:623 New websocket (state: 3) 
17:33:58:624 Delay APS request id: 15 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:672 Delay APS request id: 15 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:720 Delay APS request id: 15 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:786 GW update firmware found: /usr/share/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_ConBeeII_0x26660700.bin.GCF
17:33:58:786 GW firmware version: 0x26690700
17:33:58:793 APS-DATA.confirm id: 15, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:58:793 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 15 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:58:813 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8004, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:58:813 	asdu: 050000000af2e0a164000100012100
17:33:58:813 APS-DATA.indication request id: 15 -> finished
17:33:58:813 APS-DATA.request id: 15 erase from queue
17:33:58:813 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:58:813 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='0x00212effff08b871' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:58:814 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:58:887 APS-DATA.request id: 17, addrmode: 0x02, addr: 0x0000, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0004, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 4 tx.options 0x00
17:33:58:887 	asdu (length: 4): 06000001
17:33:58:887 Delay APS request id: 17 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:934 Delay APS request id: 17 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:58:983 Delay APS request id: 17 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:59:031 Delay APS request id: 17 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:59:050 Announced to internet https://phoscon.de/discover
17:33:59:050 discovery server date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 17:33:59 GMT
17:33:59:050 	 local time seems to be ok
17:33:59:079 Delay APS request id: 17 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:59:127 Delay APS request id: 17 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:59:174 Delay APS request id: 17 delayed, 20 ms till send
17:33:59:254 APS-DATA.confirm id: 17, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:59:254 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 17 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:59:278 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8004, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:59:278 	asdu: 060000001a01040105000105000006000a0019000105040100200000050205
17:33:59:278 APS-DATA.indication request id: 17 -> finished
17:33:59:278 APS-DATA.request id: 17 erase from queue
17:33:59:279 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 5, node: 0x0000
17:33:59:279 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='00:21:2e:ff:ff:08:b8:71-01' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:59:280 sql exec SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE mac='0x00212effff08b871' COLLATE NOCASE AND state != 'deleted'
17:33:59:281 DB pushZdpDescriptorDb()
17:33:59:527 APS-DATA.request id: 19, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:33:59:527 	asdu (length: 2): 0700
17:33:59:552 APS-DATA.confirm id: 19, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:33:59:552 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 19 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:33:59:569 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:33:59:569 	asdu: 0700000000
17:33:59:569 APS-DATA.indication request id: 19 -> finished
17:33:59:569 APS-DATA.request id: 19 erase from queue
17:33:59:569 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:34:01:866 DEV Tick.Init: booted after 8000 seconds
17:34:01:927 APS-DATA.request id: 21, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:34:01:927 	asdu (length: 2): 0800
17:34:01:953 APS-DATA.confirm id: 21, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:34:01:953 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 21 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:34:01:969 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:34:01:969 	asdu: 0800000000
17:34:01:969 APS-DATA.indication request id: 21 -> finished
17:34:01:969 APS-DATA.request id: 21 erase from queue
17:34:01:969 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:34:02:670 API error 1, /, unauthorized user
17:34:03:867 Daylight now: nauticalDusk, status: 220, daylight: 0, dark: 1
17:34:04:327 APS-DATA.request id: 23, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:34:04:327 	asdu (length: 2): 0900
17:34:04:352 APS-DATA.confirm id: 23, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:34:04:352 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 23 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:34:04:369 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:34:04:369 	asdu: 0900000000
17:34:04:369 APS-DATA.indication request id: 23 -> finished
17:34:04:369 APS-DATA.request id: 23 erase from queue
17:34:04:369 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:34:06:727 APS-DATA.request id: 25, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:34:06:727 	asdu (length: 2): 0a00
17:34:06:752 APS-DATA.confirm id: 25, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:34:06:752 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 25 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:34:06:769 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:34:06:769 	asdu: 0a00000000
17:34:06:769 APS-DATA.indication request id: 25 -> finished
17:34:06:769 APS-DATA.request id: 25 erase from queue
17:34:06:769 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:34:08:867 GW firmware version: 0x26690700
17:34:09:127 APS-DATA.request id: 27, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:34:09:127 	asdu (length: 2): 0b00
17:34:09:153 APS-DATA.confirm id: 27, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:34:09:153 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 27 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:34:09:170 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:34:09:170 	asdu: 0b00000000
17:34:09:170 APS-DATA.indication request id: 27 -> finished
17:34:09:170 APS-DATA.request id: 27 erase from queue
17:34:09:170 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:34:11:528 APS-DATA.request id: 29, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:34:11:528 	asdu (length: 2): 0c00
17:34:11:554 APS-DATA.confirm id: 29, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:34:11:554 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 29 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:34:11:571 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:34:11:571 	asdu: 0c00000000
17:34:11:571 APS-DATA.indication request id: 29 -> finished
17:34:11:571 APS-DATA.request id: 29 erase from queue
17:34:11:571 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:34:12:674 API error 1, /, unauthorized user
17:34:13:867 Daylight now: nauticalDusk, status: 220, daylight: 0, dark: 1
17:34:13:927 APS-DATA.request id: 31, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:34:13:927 	asdu (length: 2): 0d00
17:34:13:952 APS-DATA.confirm id: 31, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:34:13:952 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 31 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:34:13:969 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30
17:34:13:969 	asdu: 0d00000000
17:34:13:969 APS-DATA.indication request id: 31 -> finished
17:34:13:969 APS-DATA.request id: 31 erase from queue
17:34:13:969 void deCONZ::zmNode::setFetched(deCONZ::RequestId, bool) fetched item: 8, node: 0x0000
17:34:15:368 sql exec SELECT conf FROM zbconf ORDER BY rowid desc limit 1
17:34:15:368 Idle timer triggered
17:34:16:327 APS-DATA.request id: 33, addrmode: 0x03, addr: 0x00212effff08b871, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x0031, ep: 0x00 -> 0x00 queue: 0 len: 2 tx.options 0x00
17:34:16:327 	asdu (length: 2): 0e00
17:34:16:353 APS-DATA.confirm id: 33, status: 0x00 SUCCESS
17:34:16:353 APS-DATA.confirm request id: 33 -> confirmed, timeout 0
17:34:16:370 APS-DATA.indication srcAddr: 0x0000, srcEp: 0x00 dstAddrMode: 2, profile: 0x0000, cluster: 0x8031, lqi: 221, rssi: 30

And no device have worked ?
You don’t have phoscon openened on 2 tabs ?

You have tried with BT and wifi disabled ?

You don’t have a log during the pairing procedure (all seem fine for me for the startup)

Are you using a metal case?

@Mimiix no metal case


  • I was able to connect one pushbutton in the very beginning
  • I don’t have a second Phoscon tab open
  • BT and Wifi are discabled on the rPi
  • I added as much log as was permitted by this site, it is rather limited. I’ll do a new trial this evening and post the logfile online

Meanwhile, in order to assure myself that the sensors are OK, I’ve installed Phoscon on my PC as well and did the same test there with the ConBeeII stick. There I see the same sensors appear in Phoscon, so the sensors are OK.
Since I have no luck with the ConBee stick on the rPi (same behaviour as with the RaspBee) I assume that there must be some problem with the setup on the rPi.

Some questions

  • Is some network information stored on the xxxBee devices themselve are is everything stored on the rPi/computer ?
  • Can I configure both xxxBee devices with the same network parameters and use the computer+ConBee to sniff on the rPi+RaspBee network ?

Is some network information stored on the xxxBee devices themselve are is everything stored on the rPi/computer ?

Network setting are stored on the gateway, device information are stored on the host, some data are on the device (like setting or the network key ofc)

Can I configure both xxxBee devices with the same network parameters and use the computer+ConBee to sniff on the rPi+RaspBee network ?

Not sure, what you want to do, but on sniffer I don’t need to set a network key for exemple, it sniff all it can, but I need to set it on the application to decode packets

Can you provide some logs with the Conbee on the rpi?

Make sure to use an extension cable.

@Mimiix thanks for the help. Log files are at

I tried pairing 5 different sensors during the time the log file was recorded.

I’m using the RaspBee2 on the rPi, I don’t have a 12p IDC male/female connector. If this is really necessary, your company might consider putting one in the box. 12p is not common, 10p is more common.

I can’t seem to download from the drive. Can you put them on pastebin? Also, I’d like logs while pairing with the Conbee 2 on a extension cable in the Raspberry Pi.

Be adviced: I’m not with dresden elektronik.

You have some error

18:46:01:034 API error 1, /, unauthorized user

But I don’t think it can block inclusions.
We can see the permit join enabled, but no devices trying to join.

@Mimiix it works better with the ConBee stick and the extension cable.
At first I had the same problem like before, but after a few trials, the sensors were added one by one.
Should I conclude that the RaspBee is broken ? Or should I try to find a 12p IDC extension cable ?

I had to trunckate the logs to be able to put then on pastebin. Here’s the link to the logs deconz log https://forum.phoscon.de/t/raspbee2-not-pairing-any-devices/1191/5 - Pastebin.com

With a tinkered 12p cable the RaspBee also manages to pair with devices.
I’m afraid the Rasbee is pretty useless if it doesn’t work close to the rPi main board.

Is there anything else in the USB ports of the Raspberry? Ssd/USB?

Yes, an SSD and an RFXcom brigde

That’s the reason.

The USB 3.0 causes interference.

Some users have solved that using the Extension USB cable, but for the SSD (but not working for all)

I’ve installed the deconz rapbian image on another rPi that I had laying around.
I have two other problems now, I’ll put these in different posts.