RaspBee II compatibility with stock fan and heatsink of Pi 5

Hi everyone !

I plan to buy a Raspberry 5 along with a RaspBee II. I was wondering if the RaspBee II could fit on the board with the stock fan and heatsink ?

Thanks in advance !

it didn’t for me, I had to adapt the fan from the outside

Thanks ! Were you just missing few millimeters ? I’m thinking of using a GPIO spacer and adapting a 3D printed case.

with my case it couldn’t fit at all… no space. I am now wondering if this case is the one you have though :smiley:

Did you ever go along with your plan on buying both? Because i have set it up with extension cables but i cant get the software to work.

We Tested this internally and it doesn’t fit. But you can just but female jumper Sockets to extend the GPIO height: Amazon.de