Hi all,
until recently I used the deCONZ in version 2.13.01. I have integrated the environment in Openhab and control my devices that way. There is also an Aqara motion detector RTCGQ11LM, which gave me in the version daylight, temperature and the like, but no presence information, but that should be the main use for the device. After updating the environment to version 2.15.03, I removed the motion detector and added new. In Openhab it now also has a channel “presence” and “temperature”, but no daylight anymore.
So I would be interested to know where and how the channels are set? In the deCONZ app I see all the properties I’m interested in, but in Openhab are sometimes those and sometimes others (depending on the version). How does this happen? How do I get all the properties? Can anyone help me with this?
Best regards,