Plugs miss `power` and `consumption` entities in Home Assistant after switching from RaspBee II to ConBee III


I use the deCONZ addon and the deCONZ integration in Home Assistant, i.e. the VM that runs HA also has the ConBee III stick. I switched from RaspBee II to ConBee III.

Now my plugs miss entities (power and consumption) in Home Assistant, i.e. I can see the plugs only with their main entity, i.e. as a plug. The other 2 entities that I had before (power and consumption) are now missing in HA.

However, I can still see them in deCONZ under the “Electrical Measurement” cluster.

Does anybody who uses ConBee III attached to a device with HA observe the same problem and/or has maybe some ideas how to resolve this?

Thanks for your help! :+1:

What version of deconz were you running on the previous setup?

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Hello, for me too I think the problem is from deconz version, you are not using custom DDF ? (that can be missing ATM)
Else take a look in the API to be sure the problem is not from a HA synchronisation (phoscon/help/API Information/sensors)

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Thank you both - I will check.

I think that the versions were not the same. And no, I do not use custom DDFs.