Please help me to rescue my deconz network, I've tried everything

As being said already by TS: he already did that. The current setup is running a RPi 3b with SD.

@sk8er000 have you tried:

sudo rfkill block wifi && sudo rfkill block bluetooth

No but since the sdcard image is based on raspian I disabled wifi and Bluetooth from the user interface

What type raspberry case you have?

On the Pi4 I have a ICE tower and on the pi3 a regular plastic case like this one:

Can you try fully closed aluminium case?

Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have any alluminium case to try

Order one this may be the path to go. And make sure the PCB is screwed directly on aluminum pods, so the case has a connection to the PCB ground.

Where would this improve it?

I think the pi has some radiation (in combination with SSD?) which could influence the conbee.
I have an installation with a pi4/8GB aluminum case with an SSD on USB3 and conbee on an extension cable 1.5m on USB2. Works like a charm with 92 nodes. The conbee is as far as possible away from the pi.

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