does not work anymore

I found out that not working login is based on a missing variable in brwosers session storage.
A gw scan did it for me. Perhaps you also have to clear the browser cache and delete the local storage.

When the Login page does not show any gateways and then the gw scan finds a gateway the login should defenitely work. There was no change in the app that affects the login procedure.

Iā€™ve always been able to see the gateway on the first page but it never worked (login error). A new scan didnā€™t help (always the same gateway showing up, that does not work). I tried to clear all browser caches and storages with no help, even tried on an incognito window.

Is it maybe because the plugin starts phoscon from the (now) wrong login page?

Look here:

It does not really matter if you use the old login.html or the newer login2.html to login. Both redirect to the index.html which is the main page of the app after loging in.

You could also try to login from it does not matter where deCONZ is running.

You can test if there is a app.gateways variable which is not empty in your local storage because that caused the problem in my test.

Forget that, from index.html I can see that I am redirected to the right /pwa/login2.html. Then in the dev console I see:

jquery-min.js?946589:2     GET http://my-hostname-hidden:8123/api/hidden?_=1695822728138 404 (Not Found)
jquery-min.js?946589:2     POST http://my-hostname-hidden:8123/api/hassio_ingress/paACb-hidden/api/ 403 (Forbidden)
49c0ab42-288a-4cee-afaa-783bb867e1ba:235 found gw: my-hostname-hidden 8123
login2.js?946589:3 WebApp Send Message: GATEWAYS_DATA - [{"apiversion":"1.16.0","bridgeid":"hidden","datastoreversion":"93","devicename":"RaspBee","factorynew":false,"mac":"hidden","modelid":"deCONZ","name":"villalta","replacesbridgeid":null,"starterkitid":"","swversion":"2.23.1","id":"hidden","ip":"my-hostname-hidden","port":"8123","reachable":true,"lastseen":1695822733324,"apikey":"hidden"}]
scanner.js?946589:3 Parameter missing, gw

Yes I can see the app.gateways key, if I delete it gets recreated straightaway. Tried to add an like you have in your screenshot but it does not help.

Sorry for my misunderstanding. I was not really aware of that problem in HA. And I thought it had something to do with this thread.

I just had a talk with @manup And the HA login problem is already known and he thinks he can fix it with an update in deCONZ.

So if I understood him right, it is a problem with a missing port in the URL. The HA port is 40850, isnā€™t it?

So if youput it after the IP like <your_ip>:40850/pwa/login2.html the login should work?

To be honest I donā€™t know what the problem is, but I (and others) couldnā€™t get into phoscon anymore as it says wrong credential (different message but I donā€™t recall it exactly anymore). What I saw in the developer console you can see in my message above. I cannot replicate anymore because I reverted to the previous deconz HA plugin version as everyone was having this problem (see here the discussion on the plugin revert: Revert deCONZ to 2.22.2 due to a Phoscon bug by francescopeloi Ā· Pull Request #3233 Ā· home-assistant/addons Ā· GitHub)

Why did we have changes like this in a stable release?

Thatā€™s the weird part, we didnā€™t. Between v2.22.2 stable and v2.23.1 stable there is no change to the Phoscon App or the HTTP handling of it, Iā€™ve just checked in GIT repository.

When did this got changed?

Could it be the way HA does ingress in this case?

I am not sure if this is the right thread anymore, but thereā€™s another problem in HA+deconz plugin.

The HA deconz plugin has been reverted to the previous version of working deconz (2.2.22). So the HA deconz plugin went form 2.22.2, to 2.23.1 and now rolled back to 2.22.2 due to the issue described above.

Now, with the rolled back 2.22.2, the gateway page does not load anymore. This was working before with the original 2.22.2.

Details reported here: Revert deCONZ to 2.22.2 due to a Phoscon bug by francescopeloi Ā· Pull Request #3233 Ā· home-assistant/addons Ā· GitHub

Delete your browser cache and storage. Perhaps open a seperate topic.

Tried that already unfortunately, doesnā€™t fix it.

In that case , open a second topic in Bug reports with the details :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve got exactly same problem. When can we expect fix for this bug?

I did a small test with HA installed via VM image. Here the login from within HA works normally.

However, how did you install v2.23.1? The add-on seems still to be on version v2.22.2.

They reverted addon to previous version.

And this is my Gateway empty screen:

Ahh I see yes, ok thanks weā€™ll check the JS error reported in the Github Issue to provide a hot fix.
Iā€™m still not sure why it didnā€™t trigger in the v2.22.2 version as they should be identical.

Thanks :+1: