Phoscon Backup failed

Hi everybody,

i read some posts, but i didn’t found a solution for my problem. I’ve got an Conbee II that run under ubuntu. When i try to backup phoscon i get error that the backup fails. My network settings seems to be correct and i can add new devices.

The software is updated:

I have no idea to fix it and hope somebody can help me.

Greetings Peter

Hello, can you share some logs ?
From deconz with “info” and “info_l2” or at least from your browser, but IDK if they are usefull.


My network settings look different, perhaps that might be the issue?

“Network update id” is the number of time you have updated your network config, IDK if the value can me modified.

BTW, the bad value for Security mode is worrying …

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Hi everybody, after i change my Security mode to “High”, the backup is now possible. Everthing works fine. Thank you very much.

Greetings Peter


Ha nice catch.
First time I see this issue (first time I see someone with not the defaut setting here too ^^) but realy good to know.