Philipps Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor SML004

I created a DDF for the new revision of this motion sensor. TBH, I simply took the SML003 version and replaced all instances of “SML003” with “SML004” - it seems to work though :slight_smile:

Light level (in lux) is calculated with a script which is in deCONZ v2.15.3 located in “/usr/share/deCONZ/devices/generic/illuminance_cluster/sml_light_level.js”. I copied this into “/data/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices” and removed the path in front of the script in “state/lightlevel” to ensure that the script is found as I am using the home assistant add-on. However, I am not sure whether illuminance is reported correctly (currently dark outside).

In any case, motion/presence detection is working and temperature reading as well.
EDIT: Illuminance measurement and reporting works as well.

    "schema": "devcap1.schema.json",
    "doc:path": "philips/",
    "doc:hdr": "Motion sensor 3. Gen (SML004)",
    "manufacturername": "$MF_PHILIPS",
    "modelid": "SML004",
    "product": "Motion Sensor 3. Gen (SML004)",
    "status": "Bronze",
    "sleeper": false,
    "md:known_issues": [ ],
    "subdevices": [
            "type": "$TYPE_PRESENCE_SENSOR",
            "restapi": "/sensors",
            "uuid": [ "$address.ext", "0x02", "0x0406"],
            "fingerprint": { "profile": "0x0104", "device": "0x0107", "endpoint": "0x02", "in": ["0x0000", "0x0001", "0x0406"] },
            "items": [
                    "name": "attr/lastseen"
                    "name": "attr/manufacturername"
                    "name": "attr/modelid"
                    "name": "attr/name"
                    "name": "attr/swversion"
                    "name": "attr/type"
                    "name": "attr/uniqueid"
                    "name": "config/alert",
                    "default": "none"
                    "name": "config/battery",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0001", "at": "0x0021", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val / 2"},
                    "read": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0001", "at": "0x0021"},
                    "refresh.interval": 7300,
                    "awake": true
                    "name": "config/delay",
                    "read": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0406", "at": "0x0010"},
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0406", "at": "0x0010", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"},
                    "refresh.interval": 84000
                    "name": "config/ledindication",
                    "read": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0033", "mf": "0x100b"},
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0033", "mf": "0x100b", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"},
                    "refresh.interval": 84000
                    "name": "config/on"
                    "name": "config/pending"
                    "name": "config/reachable"
                    "name": "config/sensitivity",
                    "values": [
                        [0, "verylow"],
                        [1, "low"],
                        [2, "medium"],
                                                [3, "high"],
                                                [4, "veryhigh"]
                    "read": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0406", "at": "0x0030", "mf": "0x100b"},
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0406", "at": "0x0030", "mf": "0x100b", "eval": "Item.val == 0 ? Item.val = Attr.val : Item.val"},
                    "refresh.interval": 84000
                    "name": "config/sensitivitymax",
                    "static": 4
                    "name": "config/usertest",
                    "read": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0032", "mf": "0x100b"},
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0032", "mf": "0x100b", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"},
                    "refresh.interval": 84000
                    "name": "state/lastupdated"
                    "name": "state/presence",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0406", "at": "0x0000", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"},
                    "awake": true
            "example": {
                "config": {
                    "alert": "none",
                    "battery": 0,
                    "delay": 0,
                    "ledindication": false,
                    "on": true,
                    "pending": [],
                    "reachable": true,
                    "sensitivity": 2,
                    "sensitivitymax": 4,
                    "usertest": false
                "ep": 2,
                "etag": "7f0d4873bf1bf93df92948fe160460e6",
                "lastseen": "2022-01-13T13:20Z",
                "manufacturername": "Philips",
                "modelid": "SML004",
                "name": "Motion Sensor (2)",
                "state": {
                    "lastupdated": "2022-01-13T13:20:06.879",
                    "presence": false
                "swversion": "2.53.6",
                "type": "ZHAPresence",
                "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:02:00:21:f4-02-0406"
            "type": "$TYPE_LIGHT_LEVEL_SENSOR",
            "restapi": "/sensors",
            "uuid": [ "$address.ext", "0x02", "0x0400"],
            "fingerprint": { "profile": "0x0104", "device": "0x0107", "endpoint": "0x02", "in": ["0x0000", "0x0001", "0x0400"] },
            "items": [
                    "name": "attr/lastseen"
                    "name": "attr/manufacturername"
                    "name": "attr/modelid"
                    "name": "attr/name"
                    "name": "attr/swversion"
                    "name": "attr/type"
                    "name": "attr/uniqueid"
                    "name": "config/alert",
                    "default": "none"
                    "name": "config/battery",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0001", "at": "0x0021", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val / 2"}
                    "name": "config/ledindication",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0033", "mf": "0x100b", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"}
                    "name": "config/on"
                    "name": "config/pending"
                    "name": "config/reachable"
                    "name": "config/tholddark"
                    "name": "config/tholdoffset"
                    "name": "config/usertest",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0032", "mf": "0x100b", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"}
                    "name": "state/dark"
                    "name": "state/daylight"
                    "name": "state/lastupdated"
                    "name": "state/lightlevel",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0400", "at": "0x0000", "script": "sml_light_level.js"},
                    "awake": true
                    "name": "state/lux"
            "example": {
                "config": {
                    "alert": "none",
                    "battery": 0,
                    "ledindication": false,
                    "on": true,
                    "pending": [],
                    "reachable": true,
                    "tholddark": 12000,
                    "tholdoffset": 7000,
                    "usertest": false
                "ep": 2,
                "etag": "58197854b7469e88cbb22afbe5ecf8d0",
                "lastseen": "2022-01-13T13:20Z",
                "manufacturername": "Philips",
                "modelid": "SML004",
                "name": "Motion Sensor (2)",
                "state": {
                    "dark": false,
                    "daylight": true,
                    "lastupdated": "2022-01-13T13:19:58.655",
                    "lightlevel": 30063,
                    "lux": 1014
                "swversion": "2.53.6",
                "type": "ZHALightLevel",
                "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:02:00:21:f4-02-0400"
            "type": "$TYPE_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR",
            "restapi": "/sensors",
            "uuid": [ "$address.ext", "0x02", "0x0402"],
            "fingerprint": { "profile": "0x0104", "device": "0x0107", "endpoint": "0x02", "in": ["0x0000", "0x0001", "0x0402"] },
            "items": [
                    "name": "attr/lastseen"
                    "name": "attr/manufacturername"
                    "name": "attr/modelid"
                    "name": "attr/name"
                    "name": "attr/swversion"
                    "name": "attr/type"
                    "name": "attr/uniqueid"
                    "name": "config/alert",
                    "default": "none"
                    "name": "config/battery",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0001", "at": "0x0021", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val / 2"}
                    "name": "config/ledindication",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0033", "mf": "0x100b", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"}
                    "name": "config/offset"
                    "name": "config/on"
                    "name": "config/pending"
                    "name": "config/reachable"
                    "name": "config/usertest",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x0032", "mf": "0x100b", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val"}
                    "name": "state/lastupdated"
                    "name": "state/temperature",
                    "parse": {"ep": 2, "cl": "0x0402", "at": "0x0000", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val + R.item('config/offset').val"},
                    "awake": true
            "example": {
                "config": {
                    "alert": "none",
                    "battery": 0,
                    "ledindication": false,
                    "offset": 0,
                    "on": true,
                    "pending": [],
                    "reachable": true,
                    "usertest": false
                "ep": 2,
                "etag": "0f14835ede4aac034a6022f956aea426",
                "lastseen": "2022-01-13T13:20Z",
                "manufacturername": "Philips",
                "modelid": "SML004",
                "name": "Motion Sensor (2)",
                "state": {
                    "lastupdated": "2022-01-13T13:17:44.861",
                    "temperature": 2142
                "swversion": "2.53.6",
                "type": "ZHATemperature",
                "uniqueid": "00:17:88:01:02:00:21:f4-02-0402"
    "bindings": [
            "bind": "unicast",
            "src.ep": 2,
            "cl": "0x0406",
            "report": [ {"at": "0x0000", "dt": "0x18", "min": 1, "max": 300 } ]
            "bind": "unicast",
            "src.ep": 2,
            "cl": "0x0400",
            "report": [ {"at": "0x0000", "dt": "0x21", "min": 5, "max": 300, "change": "0x07d0" } ]
            "bind": "unicast",
            "src.ep": 2,
            "cl": "0x0402",
            "report": [ {"at": "0x0000", "dt": "0x29", "min": 10, "max": 300, "change": "0x14" } ]
            "bind": "unicast",
            "src.ep": 2,
            "cl": "0x0001",
            "report": [ {"at": "0x0021", "dt": "0x20", "min": 7200, "max": 7200, "change": "0x00" } ]

Great! Feel free to open a PR on the git, might help others :slight_smile:

Thanks Mimiix, I am not very familiar with the work flow. Doesn’t that need first some testing or would that be done as part of the PR?

EDIT: Anyway, I created a PR now. Let’s see :slight_smile: