Partial lose of connections

im using a raspbee II with deconz 2.9.13Beta and the firmware 26780700.
My network has several Hue lamps and a lot of Paulmann lamps. They are arranged in some mixed Groups.
Especially the Paulmann lamps lose somehow their connection to the coordinator and are not indivual controlable anymore by phsocon or other apps.
A power cycle brings only a few of the lamps back in control.
For my level of knowledge is strange, because switching the whole group on and off works for also for the “lost” lamps. So there is some communication between the coordinator and the lamp still possible.

Is there a way to force some kind of reset to the connection, without doing a factory reset of each device?

any help apprecated!

Exactly the same here. (2.17.01/26720700) I am also using several Paulmann lamps (3 LED Panels and another lamp) - it could really be device (Paulmann) related. Which Paulmann products do you have? Mine are shown as:
I do have two each.

Maybe changing the controller device to another manufacturer would help as a last resort?


@rega I recommend updating to the newest version (beta). Additionally, Share some logs (in #deconz you can find out how).

@Elronzo as you are on a complete different version, i recommend opening a own topic.

I already was at the latest beta. Made things even worse. (HUE Buttons and Ikea Switches stopped working too)

Please assist me in debugging in order to find the cause and hopefully also a solution. I do not mind digging deep…


In the meantime I updatetd to deconz 2.20.1-beta and rebooted the whole raspi.
Then I started in the deconz gui in the logs for Inif & error incl. _l2 to catch the following log.
While logging I did

  • switch on the lamp named “Kugel 1” with id =10 in the hue app. (line 16 shows the error)
  • switch on the group, with contains also the lamp Kugel 1 (I think thats line 44)
  • switch off the same group (line 185)

Is this of any help to analyze?

any help appreciated!

16:00:32:685 0x00158D0006B3F261 error APSDE-DATA.confirm: 0xD0 on task
16:00:42:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:41.235 -> 16:00:42.236 (1001ms)
16:00:43:236 Close socket port: 53808
16:00:43:247 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:42.236 -> 16:00:43.237 (1001ms)
16:00:43:535 Poll APS confirm 80 status: 0xD0
16:00:43:536 	 drop item attr/modelid
16:00:43:536 	 drop item attr/swversion
16:00:43:537 	 drop item state/bri
16:00:43:537 0x00158D000759AA71 error APSDE-DATA.confirm: 0xD0 on task
16:00:43:537 Erase task req-id: 80, type: 19 zcl seqno: 138 send time 10, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:43:675 node 000158D0006B37193 leave wait state
16:00:44:198 poll node 84:71:27:ff:fe:99:f0:cf-01
16:00:44:199 Poll light node Flur Kinder Schaltsteckdose
16:00:44:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:43.237 -> 16:00:44.235 (998ms)
16:00:44:281 Poll APS request to 0x847127FFFE99F0CF cluster: 0x0006 dropped, values are fresh enough
16:00:44:564 API error 202, /lights/10/state, resource, /lights/10/state, is not modifiable. Device is not reachable.
16:00:44:876 skip create link for 0xD195 (lqi: 50) - 0xEA92 (lqi: 0)
16:00:45:235 poll node 00:15:8d:00:06:b3:6f:a6-01
16:00:45:236 Poll light node Strahler 11
16:00:45:249 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:44.235 -> 16:00:45.235 (1000ms)
16:00:45:286 read attributes of 0x00158D0006B36FA6 cluster: 0x0006: [ 
16:00:45:287 0x0000 
16:00:45:288 ]
16:00:45:288 add task 1585 type 19 to 0x00158D0006B36FA6 cluster 0x0006 129
16:00:45:289 Poll APS request 129 to 0x00158D0006B36FA6 cluster: 0x0006
16:00:45:445 Poll APS confirm 129 status: 0x00
16:00:45:446 Erase task req-id: 129, type: 19 zcl seqno: 143 send time 0, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:45:495 Node data 0x00158d0006b36fa6 profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:45:496 0x00158D0006B36FA6: update ZCL value 0x01/0x0006/0x0000 after 0 s
16:00:46:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:45.235 -> 16:00:46.235 (1000ms)
16:00:46:432 poll node 00:17:88:01:0c:45:24:39-0b
16:00:46:432 Poll light node Deckenlampe Spot Mitte
16:00:46:484 read attributes of 0x001788010C452439 cluster: 0x0006: [ 
16:00:46:486 0x0000 
16:00:46:486 ]
16:00:46:487 add task 1588 type 19 to 0x001788010C452439 cluster 0x0006 134
16:00:46:487 Poll APS request 134 to 0x001788010C452439 cluster: 0x0006
16:00:46:635 Poll APS confirm 134 status: 0x00
16:00:46:635 Erase task req-id: 134, type: 19 zcl seqno: 144 send time 0, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:46:695 Node data 0x001788010c452439 profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:46:696 0x001788010C452439: update ZCL value 0x0B/0x0006/0x0000 after 0 s
16:00:46:736 Daylight now: solarNoon, status: 170, daylight: 1, dark: 0
16:00:47:235 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:46.235 -> 16:00:47.235 (1000ms)
16:00:47:502 add task 1594 type 14 to group 0x000A cluster 0x0006 141
16:00:47:645 Erase task req-id: 141, type: 14 zcl seqno: 145 send time 0, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:47:661 poll node 84:71:27:ff:fe:99:f1:1a-01
16:00:47:662 Poll light node Büro Schaltsteckdose
16:00:47:745 Poll APS request to 0x847127FFFE99F11A cluster: 0x0006 dropped, values are fresh enough
16:00:48:235 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:47.235 -> 16:00:48.235 (1000ms)
16:00:48:735 poll node 84:71:27:ff:fe:8c:cf:c3-01
16:00:48:736 Poll light node Schaltsteckdose 3
16:00:48:786 read attributes of 0x847127FFFE8CCFC3 cluster: 0x0006: [ 
16:00:48:787 0x0000 
16:00:48:787 ]
16:00:48:787 add task 1598 type 19 to 0x847127FFFE8CCFC3 cluster 0x0006 148
16:00:48:788 Poll APS request 148 to 0x847127FFFE8CCFC3 cluster: 0x0006
16:00:48:935 Poll APS confirm 148 status: 0x00
16:00:48:936 Erase task req-id: 148, type: 19 zcl seqno: 146 send time 0, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:49:025 Node data 0x847127fffe8ccfc3 profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:49:026 0x847127FFFE8CCFC3: update ZCL value 0x01/0x0006/0x0000 after 0 s
16:00:49:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:48.235 -> 16:00:49.235 (1000ms)
16:00:49:811 poll node 84:71:27:ff:fe:8c:b5:d1-01
16:00:49:812 Poll light node Schaltsteckdose 4
16:00:49:863 read attributes of 0x847127FFFE8CB5D1 cluster: 0x0006: [ 
16:00:49:864 0x0000 
16:00:49:865 ]
16:00:49:865 add task 1602 type 19 to 0x847127FFFE8CB5D1 cluster 0x0006 153
16:00:49:866 Poll APS request 153 to 0x847127FFFE8CB5D1 cluster: 0x0006
16:00:50:005 Poll APS confirm 153 status: 0x00
16:00:50:005 Erase task req-id: 153, type: 19 zcl seqno: 147 send time 0, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:50:215 Node data 0x847127fffe8cb5d1 profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:50:216 0x847127FFFE8CB5D1: update ZCL value 0x01/0x0006/0x0000 after 0 s
16:00:50:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:49.235 -> 16:00:50.235 (1000ms)
16:00:50:735 DB save zll database items 0x0000100B
16:00:50:737 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '2023-01-20T14:51:16' WHERE key = 'UTC';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'UTC', '2023-01-20T14:51:16' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:738 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '45' WHERE key = 'announceinterval';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'announceinterval', '45' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:740 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'announceurl';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'announceurl', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:741 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '2.20.01' WHERE key = 'apiversion';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'apiversion', '2.20.01' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:742 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '00212EFFFF0621B7' WHERE key = 'bridgeid';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'bridgeid', '00212EFFFF0621B7' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:744 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '93' WHERE key = 'datastoreversion';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'datastoreversion', '93' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:745 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'true' WHERE key = 'dhcp';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'dhcp', 'true' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:747 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'disablePermitJoinAutoOff';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'disablePermitJoinAutoOff', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:748 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'discovery';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'discovery', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:749 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'factorynew';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'factorynew', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:750 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'fwneedupdate';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'fwneedupdate', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:752 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'idle' WHERE key = 'fwupdatestate';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'fwupdatestate', 'idle' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:753 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0x26780700' WHERE key = 'fwversion';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'fwversion', '0x26780700' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:754 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'gateway';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'gateway', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:756 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '65520' WHERE key = 'group0';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'group0', '65520' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:757 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '50' WHERE key = 'groupdelay';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'groupdelay', '50' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:758 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '$1$8282jdkm$LmpG.lcwIxfbmhT.DGBFH0' WHERE key = 'gwpassword';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'gwpassword', '$1$8282jdkm$LmpG.lcwIxfbmhT.DGBFH0' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:760 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'delight' WHERE key = 'gwusername';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'gwusername', 'delight' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:761 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'updated' WHERE key = 'homebridge';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'homebridge', 'updated' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:763 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '--' WHERE key = 'homebridge-pin';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'homebridge-pin', '--' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:764 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '--' WHERE key = 'homebridgepin';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'homebridgepin', '--' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:766 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'homebridgeupdate';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'homebridgeupdate', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:767 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'homebridgeupdateversion';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'homebridgeupdateversion', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:768 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0.13.48' WHERE key = 'homebridgeversion';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'homebridgeversion', '0.13.48' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:769 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'ipaddress';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'ipaddress', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:771 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '60' WHERE key = 'lightlastseeninterval';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'lightlastseeninterval', '60' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:772 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'linkbutton';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'linkbutton', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:773 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '2023-01-20T15:51:16' WHERE key = 'localtime';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'localtime', '2023-01-20T15:51:16' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:775 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '38:60:77:7c:53:18' WHERE key = 'mac';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'mac', '38:60:77:7c:53:18' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:776 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'deCONZ' WHERE key = 'modelid';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'modelid', 'deCONZ' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:777 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'Phoscon-EG' WHERE key = 'name';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'name', 'Phoscon-EG' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:779 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'netmask';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'netmask', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:780 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '600' WHERE key = 'networkopenduration';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'networkopenduration', '600' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:781 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'synced' WHERE key = 'ntp';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'ntp', 'synced' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:783 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'true' WHERE key = 'otauactive';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'otauactive', 'true' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:784 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'off' WHERE key = 'otaustate';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'otaustate', 'off' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:786 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0' WHERE key = 'panid';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'panid', '0' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:787 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0' WHERE key = 'permitjoin';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'permitjoin', '0' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:788 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0' WHERE key = 'permitjoinfull';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'permitjoinfull', '0' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:789 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '80' WHERE key = 'port';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'port', '80' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:791 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'portalservices';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'portalservices', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:793 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'none' WHERE key = 'proxyaddress';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'proxyaddress', 'none' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:794 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0' WHERE key = 'proxyport';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'proxyport', '0' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:796 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '1' WHERE key = 'rfconnect';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'rfconnect', '1' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:796 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'rfconnected';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'rfconnected', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:797 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '1' WHERE key = 'rgbwdisplay';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'rgbwdisplay', '1' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:797 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'systemd/gui' WHERE key = 'runmode';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'runmode', 'systemd/gui' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:798 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'starterkitid';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'starterkitid', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:798 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '8ca8338d820aaabd1bf4a9eb4c193861f957a582' WHERE key = 'swcommit';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'swcommit', '8ca8338d820aaabd1bf4a9eb4c193861f957a582' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:799 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'noupdates' WHERE key = 'swupdatestate';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'swupdatestate', 'noupdates' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:800 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '2.20.01' WHERE key = 'swversion';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'swversion', '2.20.01' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:800 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'linux-gw' WHERE key = 'system';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'system', 'linux-gw' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:801 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '24h' WHERE key = 'timeformat';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'timeformat', '24h' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:801 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'Europe/Berlin' WHERE key = 'timezone';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'timezone', 'Europe/Berlin' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:802 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'stable' WHERE key = 'updatechannel';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'updatechannel', 'stable' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:802 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '5e6d363f-34fc-4d10-b22b-249a8741ec1c' WHERE key = 'uuid';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'uuid', '5e6d363f-34fc-4d10-b22b-249a8741ec1c' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:803 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'true' WHERE key = 'websocketnotifyall';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'websocketnotifyall', 'true' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:804 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '443' WHERE key = 'websocketport';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'websocketport', '443' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:804 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'deactivated' WHERE key = 'wifi';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifi', 'deactivated' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:805 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'Phoscon-Gateway-21B7' WHERE key = 'wifibackupname';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifibackupname', 'Phoscon-Gateway-21B7' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:805 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'wifibackuppw';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifibackuppw', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:806 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '789bd2b7479fd2cf2ba65ad75e6bbeb2a02f58dc137737e5e7bd5ea991bba0d1' WHERE key = 'wifibackuppwenc';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifibackuppwenc', '789bd2b7479fd2cf2ba65ad75e6bbeb2a02f58dc137737e5e7bd5ea991bba0d1' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:807 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '1' WHERE key = 'wifichannel';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifichannel', '1' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:807 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'wificlientname';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wificlientname', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:808 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'wificlientpw';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wificlientpw', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:808 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'wifiip';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifiip', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:809 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '1606399813' WHERE key = 'wifilastupdated';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifilastupdated', '1606399813' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:810 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0' WHERE key = 'wifimgmt';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifimgmt', '0' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:810 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'Phoscon-Gateway-21B7' WHERE key = 'wifiname';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifiname', 'Phoscon-Gateway-21B7' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:811 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'false' WHERE key = 'wifipageactive';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifipageactive', 'false' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:811 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'invalid' WHERE key = 'wifipw';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifipw', 'invalid' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:812 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '789bd2b7479fd2cf2ba65ad75e6bbeb2a02f58dc137737e5e7bd5ea991bba0d1' WHERE key = 'wifipwenc';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifipwenc', '789bd2b7479fd2cf2ba65ad75e6bbeb2a02f58dc137737e5e7bd5ea991bba0d1' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:813 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = 'accesspoint' WHERE key = 'wifitype';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'wifitype', 'accesspoint' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:813 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'workingname';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'workingname', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:814 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'workingpw';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'workingpw', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:814 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'workingpwenc';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'workingpwenc', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:815 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '' WHERE key = 'workingtype';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'workingtype', '' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:815 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '0' WHERE key = 'zclvaluemaxage';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'zclvaluemaxage', '0' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:816 DB sql exec UPDATE config2 SET value = '11' WHERE key = 'zigbeechannel';INSERT INTO config2 (key, value) SELECT 'zigbeechannel', '11' WHERE (SELECT changes() = 0);
16:00:50:817 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0xFFF0', 'All', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:817 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0001', 'Rémi', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:818 DB sql exec DELETE FROM scenes WHERE gid='0x0002'
16:00:50:818 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0002', 'Kimi', 'deleted', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:819 DB sql exec DELETE FROM scenes WHERE gid='0x0003'
16:00:50:819 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0003', 'Kimi', 'deleted', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:820 DB sql exec DELETE FROM scenes WHERE gid='0x0004'
16:00:50:820 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0004', 'Kimi', 'deleted', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:821 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0005', 'Kimi', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:821 DB sql exec DELETE FROM scenes WHERE gid='0x0006'
16:00:50:822 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0006', 'TRADFRI remote control', 'deleted', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', 'bc:33:ac:ff:fe:e6:18:33')
16:00:50:822 DB sql exec DELETE FROM scenes WHERE gid='0x0007'
16:00:50:823 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0007', 'TRADFRI remote control', 'deleted', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '60:a4:23:ff:fe:ee:a8:a5')
16:00:50:823 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0008', 'TRADFRI remote control', 'normal', '', '4', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', 'bc:33:ac:ff:fe:e6:18:33')
16:00:50:824 DB sql exec DELETE FROM scenes WHERE gid='0x0009'
16:00:50:824 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0009', 'TRADFRI remote control', 'deleted', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '60:a4:23:ff:fe:ee:a8:a5')
16:00:50:825 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x000A', 'Garten Pool', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:826 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO scenes (gsid, gid, sid, name, transitiontime, lights) VALUES ('0x000A01', '0x000A', '0x01', 'Pool1', '1200', '[]')
16:00:50:826 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x000B', 'Flur EG', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:827 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x000C', 'Spielzimmer', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:827 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x000D', 'Büro', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:828 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x000E', 'Schlafzimmer', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:829 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x000F', 'TRADFRI motion sensor', 'normal', '', '6', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '60:a4:23:ff:fe:f1:6b:2e')
16:00:50:829 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0010', 'Vorgarten', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:830 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0011', 'Sauna', 'normal', '', '', '33,32,34,18,28,35', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:831 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO scenes (gsid, gid, sid, name, transitiontime, lights) VALUES ('0x001101', '0x0011', '0x01', 'Spa Licht', '10', '[{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"32","on":true,"tt":10,"x":41128,"y":23308},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"18","on":true,"tt":10,"x":27810,"y":30966},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"34","on":true,"tt":10,"x":44408,"y":20386},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"33","on":true,"tt":10,"x":33816,"y":26584},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"35","on":true,"tt":10,"x":42443,"y":22363}]')
16:00:50:832 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO scenes (gsid, gid, sid, name, transitiontime, lights) VALUES ('0x001102', '0x0011', '0x02', 'Spa Blue', '10', '[{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"32","on":true,"tt":10,"x":9055,"y":3893},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"18","on":true,"tt":10,"x":9633,"y":10313},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"34","on":true,"tt":10,"x":9230,"y":4320},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"33","on":true,"tt":10,"x":8978,"y":3766},{"bri":254,"cl":false,"clTime":0,"cm":"xy","lid":"35","on":true,"tt":10,"x":9254,"y":6411}]')
16:00:50:833 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0013', 'TRADFRI remote control 5', 'normal', '', '5', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '60:a4:23:ff:fe:ee:a8:a5')
16:00:50:834 DB sql exec REPLACE INTO groups (gid, name, state, mids, devicemembership, lightsequence, hidden, type, class, uniqueid) VALUES ('0x0012', 'Garten Strasse', 'normal', '', '', '', 'false', 'LightGroup', 'Other', '')
16:00:50:852 DB saved in 116 ms
16:00:50:872 sync() in 19 ms
16:00:51:386 add task 1607 type 14 to group 0x000A cluster 0x0006 159
16:00:51:388 poll node bc:33:ac:ff:fe:74:09:1f-01
16:00:51:389 Poll light node Licht Schrank Schlafzimmer
16:00:51:396 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:50.235 -> 16:00:51.389 (1154ms)
16:00:51:527 Poll APS request to 0xBC33ACFFFE74091F cluster: 0x0006 dropped, values are fresh enough
16:00:51:735 GW firmware version: 0x26780700
16:00:52:245 Skip idle timer callback, too early: elapsed 855 msec
16:00:52:305 Erase task req-id: 159, type: 14 zcl seqno: 148 send time 1, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:52:563 poll node 5c:02:72:ff:fe:5c:05:67-01
16:00:52:563 Poll light node Range extender 4
16:00:53:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:51.389 -> 16:00:53.236 (1847ms)
16:00:53:405 poll node 00:17:88:01:0c:45:25:6e-0b
16:00:53:406 Poll light node Deckenlampe Spot Sauna
16:00:53:482 read attributes of 0x001788010C45256E cluster: 0x0006: [ 
16:00:53:483 0x0000 
16:00:53:483 ]
16:00:53:483 add task 1613 type 19 to 0x001788010C45256E cluster 0x0006 168
16:00:53:484 Poll APS request 168 to 0x001788010C45256E cluster: 0x0006
16:00:53:605 Poll APS confirm 168 status: 0x00
16:00:53:606 Erase task req-id: 168, type: 19 zcl seqno: 149 send time 0, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:53:655 Node data 0x001788010c45256e profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:53:656 0x001788010C45256E: update ZCL value 0x0B/0x0006/0x0000 after 0 s
16:00:54:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:53.236 -> 16:00:54.236 (1000ms)
16:00:54:665 poll node 00:12:4b:00:21:3e:f0:18-0b
16:00:54:666 Poll light node Remi_Schrank
16:00:54:718 read attributes of 0x00124B00213EF018 cluster: 0x0006: [ 
16:00:54:719 0x0000 
16:00:54:720 ]
16:00:54:721 add task 1616 type 19 to 0x00124B00213EF018 cluster 0x0006 172
16:00:54:721 Poll APS request 172 to 0x00124B00213EF018 cluster: 0x0006
16:00:54:825 Poll APS confirm 172 status: 0x00
16:00:54:826 Erase task req-id: 172, type: 19 zcl seqno: 150 send time 0, profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:54:865 Node data 0x00124b00213ef018 profileId: 0x0104, clusterId: 0x0006
16:00:54:867 0x00124B00213EF018: update ZCL value 0x0B/0x0006/0x0000 after 0 s
16:00:55:236 rule event /config/localtime: 16:00:54.236 -> 16:00:55.236 (1000ms)

@de_employees Any idea here? I have no clue why this goes wrong

Can you please check the basics for an optimal system - maybe setup a temporary test system with a separate SD card on a Raspberry Pi using the Phoscon Desktop image:

  • Use a SD card or USB extension if using SSD / USB flash drive.
  • If using ConBee II use the recommended USB extension. If possible, test a different quality extension.
  • Bring the RaspBee II in distance to USB devices, SSD, metal, radio, routers or other electronics. The same applies for ConBee II at its extension cable. Connect the ConBee II at its extension cable if available to a USB 2.0 port (not blue). All this prevents interferences.
  • In case of interference you will probably see the respective errors in the logs.
  • If metal case is in use try without it or with plastic case.
  • Try without any other USB or serial deivces connected.
  • When using a Raspberry Pi, the original power supply is required to guarantee a stable gateway. This power supply delivers 5.1V and 2.5A (Raspberry Pi 3B+) respectively 3A (Raspberry Pi 4B).