Paring Aqara P1


i have two Aqara P1 and want to pair these with my Phoscon System.
The first one paired after a view trys. But its impossible to pair the second one.
I press in the Phoscon App pair a new Sensor, press and hold the button on the Sensor while the LED flashes, but without success.

Have anybody an idea?

System info:
Raspberry Pi 3 with Phoscon SD Image 2.24.2
ConBee III

Thanks and regards

I have the same problem. Can’t even pair the first one. Did you find a solution?

I have two PIs and 5 older Aqara motions paired…

  • first PI has been running for 2 days now without disconnecting and its at a decent distance from any router device or coordinator. Even thought the LQI link is green is shows zero (0). ?
  • second PI I connected this morning while reading this thread.

… The first P1 I did while standing a few feet from the coordinator, the second one I did through a few walls around 20ft away. The close one took 1 try… the farther took 2 ‘pairing sequences’. With both… the initial pairing only seems to read some of device and inserts a partly installed device into the Deconz UI. So… enter pairing mode again and set the device to pairing mode again (hold button 3 seconds, 3 light flashes)… then Deconz reads enough to get a working config – but not everything… so while its the device is awake (should still be awake, mine were) go into Deconz UI, open device to each cluster and click ‘Read’ button. It will populate some other items and get a working device.

I have huge issues with the pre-P1 motion sensor… they pair very quickly and work immediately but only stay connected for an hour or two… even if they show a solid-green LQI link. That link goes away after a few hours and they no longer communicate.

I switched from Conbee 1 to 3 a week ago, but unfortunately it seems no better, and maybe worse for the Aqara devices specifically as the older Aqara motions would stay connected at least for a few week before disconnecting.

Hello, try to update the conbee 3 firmware.

I installed a week or so ago, using latest FW as of that date. Used GWflasher manually per the instructions. Deconz 26.0.3

I get a lot of LQI’s with green lines but 0 readings… not just the Lumi devices